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Last active March 28, 2024 14:41
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Save kseo/9383472 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Hindley-Milner type inference implementation in OCaml
#! /usr/bin/env ocamlscript
Ocaml.ocamlflags := ["-thread"];
Ocaml.packs := [ "core" ]
open Core.Std
type term =
| Ident of string
| Lambda of string * term
| Apply of term * term
| Let of string * term * term
| LetRec of string * term * term
let rec term_to_string = function
| Ident(name) -> name
| Lambda(v, body) ->
Printf.sprintf "fn %s => %s" v (term_to_string body)
| Apply(fn, arg) ->
Printf.sprintf "%s %s" (term_to_string fn) (term_to_string arg)
| Let(v, defn, body) ->
Printf.sprintf "let %s = %s in %s" v (term_to_string defn) (term_to_string body)
| LetRec(v, defn, body) ->
Printf.sprintf "letrec %s = %s in %s" v (term_to_string defn) (term_to_string body)
exception TypeError of string
exception ParseError of string
type tyvar =
{ tyvar_id : int;
mutable tyvar_instance : ty option;
mutable tyvar_name: string option;
and tyop =
{ tyop_name : string;
tyop_types: ty list;
and ty =
| TypeVariable of tyvar
| TypeOperator of tyop
let next_variable_id = ref 0
let make_variable () =
let new_var = { tyvar_id = !next_variable_id; tyvar_instance = None; tyvar_name = None } in
next_variable_id := !next_variable_id + 1;
let next_unique_name = ref "a"
let variable_name v = match v with
| { tyvar_name = Some(name); _ } -> name
| { tyvar_name = None; _ } ->
let new_var_name = !next_unique_name in
v.tyvar_name <- Some(new_var_name);
next_unique_name := String.of_char @@ Option.value_exn (Char.of_int @@ (Char.to_int !next_unique_name.[0]) + 1);
let rec type_to_string = function
| TypeVariable({ tyvar_instance = Some(instance); _ }) -> type_to_string instance
| TypeVariable({ tyvar_instance = None; _ } as v) -> variable_name v
| TypeOperator({ tyop_name; tyop_types }) ->
let length = List.length tyop_types in
if length = 0
then tyop_name
else if length = 2
then Printf.sprintf "(%s %s %s)"
(type_to_string (List.nth_exn tyop_types 0))
(type_to_string (List.nth_exn tyop_types 1))
else Printf.sprintf "%s %s" tyop_name
(String.concat ~sep:" " ( ~f:type_to_string tyop_types))
type env = (string * ty) list
let make_fun_type from_type to_type = TypeOperator({ tyop_name = "->"; tyop_types = [from_type; to_type] })
let int_type = TypeOperator({ tyop_name = "int"; tyop_types = [] })
let bool_type = TypeOperator({ tyop_name = "bool"; tyop_types = [] })
let rec prune t = match t with
| TypeVariable({ tyvar_instance = Some(instance); _ } as v) ->
let new_instance = prune instance in
v.tyvar_instance <- Some(new_instance);
| _ -> t
let rec occurs_in_type v t2 = match prune t2 with
| pruned_t2 when pruned_t2 = v -> true
| TypeOperator({ tyop_types; _ }) -> occurs_in v tyop_types
| _ -> false
and occurs_in t types =
List.exists ~f:(fun t2 -> occurs_in_type t t2) types
let is_integer_literal name =
try Some(int_of_string name)
with Failure(_) -> None
| None -> false
| Some(_) -> true
let is_generic v non_generic = not @@ occurs_in v (Set.to_list non_generic)
let fresh t non_generic =
let table = Hashtbl.create ~hashable:Hashtbl.Poly.hashable () in
let rec freshrec tp =
match prune tp with
| TypeVariable(_) as p ->
if is_generic p non_generic then
match Hashtbl.find table p with
| None ->
let new_var = make_variable () in
ignore (Hashtbl.add table ~key:p ~data:new_var);
| Some(var) -> var
else p
| TypeOperator({ tyop_types; _ } as op) ->
TypeOperator({ op with tyop_types = ~f:freshrec tyop_types })
in freshrec t
let get_type name env non_generic =
match List.Assoc.find env name with
| Some(var) -> fresh var non_generic
| None ->
if is_integer_literal name
then int_type
else raise (ParseError ("Undefined symbol " ^ name))
let rec unify t1 t2 =
match prune t1, prune t2 with
| (TypeVariable(v) as a), b ->
if a <> b then
if occurs_in_type a b
then raise (TypeError "Recursive unification");
v.tyvar_instance <- Some(b)
| (TypeOperator(_) as a), (TypeVariable(_) as b) -> unify b a
| (TypeOperator({ tyop_name = name1; tyop_types = types1 }) as a), (TypeOperator({ tyop_name = name2; tyop_types = types2 }) as b) ->
if (name1 <> name2 || List.length types1 <> List.length types2)
then raise (TypeError (Printf.sprintf
"Type mismatch %s != %s" (type_to_string a) (type_to_string b)));
ignore (List.map2_exn ~f:unify types1 types2)
let analyse term' env' =
let rec analyserec term env non_generic = match term with
| Ident(name) -> get_type name env non_generic
| Apply(fn, arg) ->
let fun_ty = analyserec fn env non_generic in
let arg_ty = analyserec arg env non_generic in
let ret_ty = make_variable () in
unify (make_fun_type arg_ty ret_ty) fun_ty;
| Lambda(arg, body) ->
let arg_ty = make_variable () in
let ret_ty = analyserec body (List.Assoc.add env arg arg_ty) (Set.add non_generic arg_ty) in
make_fun_type arg_ty ret_ty
| Let(v, defn, body) ->
let defn_ty = analyserec defn env non_generic in
analyserec body (List.Assoc.add env v defn_ty) non_generic
| LetRec(v, defn, body) ->
let new_ty = make_variable () in
let new_env = (List.Assoc.add env v new_ty) in
let defn_ty = analyserec defn new_env (Set.add non_generic new_ty) in
unify new_ty defn_ty;
analyserec body new_env non_generic
analyserec term' env' (Set.empty ~comparator:Comparator.Poly.comparator)
let try_exp env term =
Printf.printf "%s : " (term_to_string term);
let result =
let t = analyse term env in
type_to_string t
| ParseError(msg) | TypeError(msg) -> msg in
Printf.printf "%s\n" result
let () =
let var1 = make_variable () in
let var2 = make_variable () in
let pair_ty = TypeOperator({ tyop_name = "*"; tyop_types = [var1; var2] }) in
let var3 = make_variable () in
let my_env =
[ ("pair", make_fun_type var1 (make_fun_type var2 pair_ty));
("true", bool_type);
("cond", make_fun_type bool_type (make_fun_type var3 (make_fun_type var3 var3)));
("zero", make_fun_type int_type bool_type);
("pred", make_fun_type int_type int_type);
("times", make_fun_type int_type (make_fun_type int_type int_type))
] in
let pair = Apply(Apply(Ident("pair"), Apply(Ident("f"), Ident("4"))), Apply(Ident("f"), Ident("true"))) in
let examples =
[ LetRec("factorial", (* letrec factorial = *)
Lambda("n", (* fn n => *)
Apply( (* cond (zero n) 1 *)
Apply(Ident("cond"), (* cond (zero n) *)
Apply(Ident("zero"), Ident("n"))),
Apply( (* times n *)
Apply(Ident("times"), Ident("n")),
Apply(Ident("pred"), Ident("n")))
), (* in *)
Apply(Ident("factorial"), Ident("5"))
(* Should fail: *)
(* fn x => (pair(x(3) (x(true))) *)
Apply(Ident("x"), Ident("3"))),
Apply(Ident("x"), Ident("true"))));
(* pair(f(3), f(true)) *)
Apply(Ident("pair"), Apply(Ident("f"), Ident("4"))),
Apply(Ident("f"), Ident("true")));
(* letrec f = (fn x => x) in ((pair (f 4)) (f true)) *)
Let("f", Lambda("x", Ident("x")), pair);
(* fn f => f f (fail) *)
Lambda("f", Apply(Ident("f"), Ident("f")));
(* let g = fn f => 5 in g g *)
Lambda("f", Ident("5")),
Apply(Ident("g"), Ident("g")));
(* example that demonstrates generic and non-generic variables: *)
(* fn g => let f = fn x => g in pair (f 3, f true) *)
Lambda("x", Ident("g")),
Apply(Ident("f"), Ident("3"))
Apply(Ident("f"), Ident("true")))));
(* Function composition *)
(* fn f (fn g (fn arg (f g arg))) *)
Lambda("f", Lambda("g", Lambda("arg", Apply(Ident("g"), Apply(Ident("f"), Ident("arg"))))))
] in
List.iter ~f:(try_exp my_env) examples
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ghost commented Mar 13, 2017

@kseo hello

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