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Created November 10, 2022 16:49
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Huffman Encoding in Haskell (or the beginnings of it, at least)
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Lib
( toBasicTree,
Tree (..),
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.Map ()
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map.Lazy (Map)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.PQueue.Min (MinQueue)
import qualified Data.PQueue.Min as PQueue
data Tree a
= Leaf a Int
| Node (Tree a) (Tree a)
| Empty
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Eq a => Ord (Tree a) where
compare = compare `on` weight
weight :: Tree a -> Int
weight (Leaf _ n) = n
weight (Node x y) = weight x + weight y
weight Empty = 0
sortTreeList :: [Tree a] -> [Tree a]
sortTreeList = sortOn weight
toBasicTree :: (Foldable f) => f a -> MinQueue (Tree a)
toBasicTree = weightMapToLeaves . foldr sumWeights mempty
weightMapToLeaves :: Ord a => Map a Int -> MinQueue (Tree a)
weightMapToLeaves = PQueue.fromList . fmap (uncurry Leaf) . Map.toList
sumWeights :: Ord a => a -> Map a Int -> Map a Int
sumWeights = Map.alter (Just . (+ 1) . fromMaybe 0)
toTree :: (Ord a, Foldable f) => f a -> Tree a
toTree str = go $ toBasicTree str
go :: Eq a => MinQueue (Tree a) -> Tree a
go q = case PQueue.take 2 q of
[] -> Empty
[x] -> x
(x : y : _) -> go $ PQueue.insert (Node x y) (PQueue.drop 2 q)
module LibSpec (spec) where
import qualified Data.PQueue.Min as PQueue
import Lib (Tree (Leaf, Node), toBasicTree, toTree, weight)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldBe)
import Test.QuickCheck (Testable (property))
spec :: Spec
spec =
describe "Huffman" $ do
it "Can create a tree" $ do
toBasicTree "hello" `shouldBe` PQueue.fromList [Leaf 'e' 1, Leaf 'h' 1, Leaf 'l' 2, Leaf 'o' 1]
it "The weight of the whole tree is the length of the input string." $
property $
\str -> weight (toTree str) == length (str :: String)
it "Can reduce a tree" $ do
toTree "hello"
`shouldBe` Node
(Leaf 'l' 2)
( Node
(Leaf 'e' 1)
( Node
(Leaf 'o' 1)
(Leaf 'h' 1)
toTree "The quick and rather charming brown fox jumped over the lazy evaluation algorithm"
`shouldBe` Node
( Node
( Node
( Node
( Node
( Node (Leaf 'k' 1) (Leaf 'j' 1)
( Node (Leaf 'q' 1) (Leaf 'p' 1)
(Leaf 'i' 4)
( Node
( Node
( Node (Leaf 'z' 1) (Leaf 'y' 1)
(Leaf 'v' 2)
(Leaf 't' 4)
( Node
( Node
(Leaf 'n' 4)
( Node (Leaf 'd' 2) (Leaf 'c' 2)
( Node
( Node
(Leaf 'g' 2)
( Node (Leaf 'x' 1) (Leaf 'w' 1)
(Leaf 'h' 5)
( Node
( Node
( Node
(Leaf 'o' 5)
( Node
(Leaf 'l' 3)
( Node
(Leaf 'T' 1)
( Node (Leaf 'f' 1) (Leaf 'b' 1)
(Leaf ' ' 12)
( Node
( Node
(Leaf 'r' 6)
( Node (Leaf 'u' 3) (Leaf 'm' 3)
( Node (Leaf 'e' 6) (Leaf 'a' 7)
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