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Last active December 22, 2015 22:18
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Elixir test suite on Erjang
Krestens-MacBook-Pro:elixir krab$ make test_kernel -f Makefile.e
==> elixir (compile)
==> kernel (exunit)
* decode (0.5ms)
* decode_query (8.1ms)
* decoder (0.5ms)
* default_port (0.7ms)
* downcase_scheme (0.8ms)
* encode_query (6.6ms)
* encode_query_mixed (0.3ms)
* encode_with_binary (0.3ms)
* ipv6_addresses (17.4ms)
1) test_ipv6_addresses (URITest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: nil
to be equal to (==): "::"
uri_test.exs:149: URITest."-test_ipv6_addresses/1-fun-0-"/1
enum.ex:351: Enum."-each/2-lists^foreach/1-0-"/2
enum.ex:351: Enum.each/2
uri_test.exs:147: URITest.test_ipv6_addresses/1
* parse_bad_uris (1.3ms)
* parse_file (0.3ms)
* parse_ftp (0.5ms)
* parse_http (50.8ms)
2) test_parse_http (URITest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: URI.Info[scheme: "http", path: "/path/to/something", query: "foo=bar&bar=foo", fragment: "fragment", authority: "", userinfo: nil, host: "", port: 80]
to be equal to (==): URI.Info[scheme: "http", path: "/path/to/something", query: "foo=bar&bar=foo", fragment: "fragment", authority: "", userinfo: nil, host: nil, port: 80]
at uri_test.exs:50
* parse_https (26.6ms)
3) test_parse_https (URITest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: URI.Info[scheme: "https", path: nil, query: nil, fragment: nil, authority: "", userinfo: nil, host: "", port: 443]
to be equal to (==): URI.Info[scheme: "https", path: nil, query: nil, fragment: nil, authority: "", userinfo: nil, host: nil, port: 443]
at uri_test.exs:57
* parse_ldap (24.5ms)
4) test_parse_ldap (URITest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: URI.Info[scheme: "ldap", path: "/cn=John%20Doe,dc=example,dc=com", query: nil, fragment: nil, authority: "", userinfo: nil, host: "", port: 389]
to be equal to (==): URI.Info[scheme: "ldap", path: "/cn=John%20Doe,dc=example,dc=com", query: nil, fragment: nil, authority: "", userinfo: nil, host: nil, port: 389]
at uri_test.exs:97
* parse_sftp (0.5ms)
* parse_splits_authority (23.4ms)
5) test_parse_splits_authority (URITest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: URI.Info[scheme: "http", path: nil, query: nil, fragment: nil, authority: "", userinfo: nil, host: "", port: 4444]
to be equal to (==): URI.Info[scheme: "http", path: nil, query: nil, fragment: nil, authority: ":4444@4444", userinfo: ":4444", host: "4444", port: 80]
at uri_test.exs:113
* parse_tftp (0.4ms)
* to_string (9.2ms)
6) test_to_string (URITest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: "http://"
to be equal to (==): ""
at uri_test.exs:171
* @callback(callback) (60.1ms)
* @opaque(type) (46.1ms)
* @spec + @callback (50.2ms)
* @spec(spec) (62.5ms)
* @spec(spec) with guards (37.4ms)
* @type + opaque (48.3ms)
* @type from defrecordp (59.5ms)
* @type from defrecordp with custom tag (71.3ms)
* @type with a binary (40.0ms)
* @type with a binary with a base size (34.7ms)
* @type with a binary with a unit size (35.8ms)
* @type with a fun (32.0ms)
* @type with a fun with any arity and return type (34.2ms)
* @type with a fun with multiple arguments and return type (32.8ms)
* @type with a fun with no arguments and return type (31.4ms)
* @type with a negative integer (28.2ms)
* @type with a range (39.4ms)
* @type with a range op (31.7ms)
* @type with a remote type (37.7ms)
* @type with a single type (28.5ms)
* @type with a tuple (37.2ms)
* @type with a union (30.2ms)
* @type with an access macro (31.0ms)
* @type with an atom (30.2ms)
* @type with an atom alias (35.4ms)
* @type with an empty binary (44.9ms)
* @type with an integer (28.8ms)
* @type with annotations (38.7ms)
* @type with keywords (30.8ms)
* @type with list shortcuts (42.4ms)
* @type with no body (defaults to 'term') (29.3ms)
* @type with parameters (52.0ms)
* block handling (42.7ms)
* defines_type? (56.3ms)
* invalid function specification (29.9ms)
* invalid type specification (70.3ms)
* spec_to_ast (52.7ms)
* specs retrieval (41.5ms)
* type_to_ast (80.0ms)
* type_to_ast for paren_type (0.09ms)
* type_to_ast for records (0.1ms)
* types retrieval (77.8ms)
* delete_elem (0.1ms)
* elem (0.1ms)
* insert_elem (0.08ms)
* optional_comma (0.07ms)
* partial_application (0.2ms)
* setelem (0.06ms)
* at (0.5ms)
* capitalize (0.4ms)
* capitalize_utf8 (0.3ms)
* codepoints (0.5ms)
* contains? (0.6ms)
* downcase (0.3ms)
* downcase_utf8 (0.4ms)
* duplicate (0.1ms)
* ends_with? (0.6ms)
* first (0.2ms)
* from_char_list (11.6ms)
7) test_from_char_list (StringTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: {:ok, "?"}
to be equal to (==): {:error, "", [57343]}
at string_test.exs:446
* from_char_list! (10.4ms)
8) test_from_char_list! (StringTest)
** (ExUnit.AssertionError) Expected String.UnicodeConversionError exception but nothing was raised
at string_test.exs:453
* graphemes (0.1ms)
* integer_codepoints (0.07ms)
* last (0.8ms)
* length (0.6ms)
* ljust (0.6ms)
* lstrip (0.5ms)
* mixed_codepoints (0.4ms)
* next_codepoint (0.2ms)
* next_grapheme (0.1ms)
* replace (2.2ms)
* reverse (0.4ms)
* rjust (0.3ms)
* rstrip (0.6ms)
* slice (1.0ms)
* split (0.7ms)
* split_with_regex (0.7ms)
* starts_with? (0.4ms)
* strip (0.2ms)
* to_char_list (1.3ms)
9) test_to_char_list (StringTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: {:incomplete, 'jos', [<<195>>]}
to be equal to (==): {:incomplete, 'jos', <<195>>}
at string_test.exs:424
* to_char_list! (11.3ms)
10) test_to_char_list! (StringTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected error message: "incomplete encoding starting at <<195>>"
to match: <<105, 110, 99, 111, 109, 112, 108, 101, 116, 101, 32, 99, 111, 100, 101, 32, 112, 111, 105, 110, 116, 32, 195>>
at string_test.exs:436
* to_float (0.9ms)
* to_integer (0.2ms)
* upcase (1.0ms)
* upcase_utf8 (0.1ms)
* upcase_utf8_multibyte (0.1ms)
* valid? (0.1ms)
* valid_character? (0.1ms)
* valid_codepoint? (0.09ms)
* argv (378.5ms)
* at_exit (375.2ms)
* build_info (0.4ms)
* cmd (15.2ms)
* cwd (0.9ms)
* cwd_with_utf8 (8.6ms)
11) test_cwd_with_utf8 (SystemTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: <<104, 65, 3, 63, 108, 108, 65, 3, 63>>
to be equal to (==): "héllò"
system_test.exs:22: SystemTest.test_cwd_with_utf8/1
* env (0.6ms)
* find_executable_with_binary (3.4ms)
* find_executable_with_list (2.6ms)
* tmp_dir (2.6ms)
* user_home (0.3ms)
* start_link (5.5ms)
* supervise (0.2ms)
* supervisor (0.4ms)
* worker (0.08ms)
* __record_index__ (0.6ms)
* basic_functions (0.3ms)
* dynamic_record_name (0.1ms)
* dynamic_update (0.1ms)
* extract_with_nested_records (46.3ms)
* import (0.2ms)
* is_record (0.2ms)
* optimizable (0.4ms)
* record_update (0.3ms)
* record_with_functions_as_defaults (237.1ms)
* result (149.8ms)
* to_keywords (0.1ms)
* bitstring (11.8ms)
12) test_bitstring (String.Chars.ErrorsTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected error message: "protocol String.Chars not implemented for <<0, 1::size(4)>>, cannot convert a bitstring to a string"
to match: "protocol String.Chars not implemented for <<0, 0::size(4)>>, cannot convert a bitstring to a string"
at chars_test.exs:81
* function (7.5ms)
* pid (5.3ms)
* port (12.7ms)
13) test_port (String.Chars.ErrorsTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected error message: %r"^protocol String\\.Chars not implemented for #Port<.+?>$"
to match: "protocol String.Chars not implemented for <port:572>"
at chars_test.exs:124
* record (27.9ms)
* ref (6.7ms)
* tuple (0.8ms)
* basic (0.2ms)
* char_list (0.1ms)
* empty (0.3ms)
* printable (0.2ms)
* float (2.5ms)
* integer (0.08ms)
* binary (0.2ms)
* alias_atom (0.1ms)
* basic (0.08ms)
* empty (0.07ms)
* true_false_nil (0.1ms)
* with_uppercase (0.08ms)
* streams are composable (9.4ms)
* streams as enumerables (0.6ms)
* concat_1 (23.5ms)
* concat_2 (1.1ms)
* cycle (0.8ms)
* drop (0.6ms)
* drop_while (0.6ms)
* filter (0.3ms)
* flat_map (0.4ms)
* iterate (0.4ms)
* map (0.3ms)
* reject (0.4ms)
* repeatedly (0.6ms)
* take (0.6ms)
* take_while (0.7ms)
* with_index (0.3ms)
* a set removes duplicates (0.9ms)
* unsupported set (0.4ms)
* delete (0.2ms)
* difference (0.3ms)
* disjoint? (0.4ms)
* empty (0.1ms)
* equal? (0.1ms)
* intersection (0.2ms)
* member? (0.2ms)
* put (0.1ms)
* size (0.1ms)
* subset? (0.6ms)
* to_list (0.1ms)
* union (0.3ms)
* indexes (0.3ms)
* match? (0.5ms)
* replace (1.0ms)
* run (0.3ms)
* scan (1.0ms)
* split (0.5ms)
* backreference (0.2ms)
* captures (0.8ms)
14) test_captures (Regex.BinaryTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: Keyword.equal?(Regex.captures(sigil_r(<<"(?<foo>c)(?<bar>d)">>, [103]), [97, 98, 99, 100]), bar: [100], foo: [99])
to be: true
instead got: false
at regex_test.exs:72
* compile (0.5ms)
* compile! (12.0ms)
15) test_compile! (Regex.BinaryTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected error message: "nothing to repeat at position 0"
to match: "Dangling meta character '*' at position 0"
at regex_test.exs:23
* compile_with_erl_opts (0.2ms)
* escape (0.8ms)
named group <foo> => null
16) test_escape (Regex.BinaryTest)
** (CaseClauseError) no case clause matching: {'Unclosed character class', 18}
re.erl:-1: :re.do_replace/5
re.erl:-1: :re.replace/4
regex_test.exs:170: Regex.BinaryTest.matches_escaped?/2
regex_test.exs:142: Regex.BinaryTest.test_escape/1
* groups (0.4ms)
* match? (0.4ms)
* multiline (0.2ms)
* opts (0.2ms)
* precedence (0.1ms)
* replace (1.7ms)
* run (0.4ms)
* run_with_groups (0.7ms)
17) test_run_with_groups (Regex.BinaryTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: []
to be equal to (==): ['d']
at regex_test.exs:91
* run_with_indexes (0.1ms)
* scan (0.4ms)
* scan_with_groups (1.0ms)
18) test_scan_with_groups (Regex.BinaryTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: [[]]
to be equal to (==): [['d']]
at regex_test.exs:110
* sigil_R (0.1ms)
* source (0.2ms)
* split (0.6ms)
* unicode (0.6ms)
19) test_unicode (Regex.BinaryTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: "josé"
to match (=~): %r"\\p{Latin}$"u
at regex_test.exs:49
* defrecordp generates macros that generates tuples (0.4ms)
* defrecordp generates tuples with custom first element (0.2ms)
* implementation (272.5ms)
* multi_impl (297.9ms)
* protocol_avoids_false_negatives (12.6ms)
* protocol_callback (0.5ms)
* protocol_docs (0.2ms)
* protocol_for (14.1ms)
* protocol_with_all (171.4ms)
* protocol_with_except (47.6ms)
* protocol_with_multiple_arity (196.5ms)
* protocol_with_nil_record (10.6ms)
* protocol_with_only (11.1ms)
* protocol_with_only_with_undefined (0.5ms)
* protocol_with_record (0.4ms)
* access during record definition (0.3ms)
* access match on record name (0.1ms)
* access with field match (0.2ms)
* access with keywords (0.06ms)
* access with underscore (0.05ms)
* access with variable inside match (0.08ms)
* match (=) (0.07ms)
* enum (0.7ms)
* first (0.2ms)
* in (0.1ms)
* inspect (19.1ms)
* is_range (0.2ms)
* last (0.1ms)
* op (0.06ms)
* precedence (0.1ms)
* absname_with_binary (0.8ms)
* absname_with_list (0.7ms)
* basename_with_binary (0.3ms)
* basename_with_list (0.3ms)
* dirname_with_binary (0.2ms)
* dirname_with_list (0.1ms)
* expand_path_with_binary (2.5ms)
* expand_path_with_list (1.6ms)
* expand_path_with_user_home (3.0ms)
* extname_with_binary (0.2ms)
* extname_with_list (0.08ms)
* join_two_with_binary (0.2ms)
* join_two_with_list (0.2ms)
* join_with_binary (0.1ms)
* join_with_list (0.5ms)
* relative (0.2ms)
* relative_to_cwd (0.9ms)
* relative_to_with_binary (0.3ms)
* relative_to_with_list (0.3ms)
* rootname_with_binary (0.2ms)
* rootname_with_list (0.1ms)
* split_with_binary (0.1ms)
* split_with_list (0.1ms)
* type (0.1ms)
* wildcard (4.0ms)
20) test_wildcard (PathTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: []
to be equal to (==): ["/Users/krab/Projects/elixir/lib/elixir/tmp/héllò"]
at path_test.exs:10
* self (0.1ms)
* does not set unparsed booleans (0.6ms)
* goes beyond the first non option arguments (0.5ms)
* keeps options on configured keep (0.2ms)
* overrides options by default (0.2ms)
* parses alias boolean option (0.1ms)
* parses alias boolean option as the alias key (0.1ms)
* parses alias key/value option (0.1ms)
* parses alias key/value option as the alias (0.1ms)
* parses alias key=value option as the alias (0.1ms)
* parses boolean option (0.1ms)
* parses configured booleans (0.5ms)
* parses configured floats (0.3ms)
* parses configured integers (0.2ms)
* parses configured integers with keep (0.2ms)
* parses key/value option (0.1ms)
* parses key=value option (0.1ms)
* parses mixed options (0.2ms)
* parses more than one boolean option (0.1ms)
* parses more than one boolean options as the alias (0.2ms)
* parses more than one key/value options (0.2ms)
* parses no switches as flags (0.1ms)
* stops on -- (0.2ms)
* stops on first non option arguments (0.2ms)
* __MODULE__ (0.8ms)
* alias_with_raw_atom (33.6ms)
* before_compile_callback_hook (0.08ms)
* compile_callback_hook (0.1ms)
* concat (0.2ms)
* create (40.2ms)
* defines? (68.7ms)
* definitions_in (38.2ms)
* defmodule (25.1ms)
* defmodule_with_atom (25.4ms)
* eval_quoted (0.09ms)
* function (0.2ms)
* inside_function_attributes (0.05ms)
* line_from_macro (0.09ms)
* no_function_in_module_body (29.4ms)
* on_definition (35.3ms)
* overridable_inside_before_compile (29.1ms)
* registered_attributes (1.1ms)
21) test_registered_attributes (ModuleTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: [register_example: [:it_works], register_example: [:still_works]]
to be equal to (==): [register_example: [:still_works], register_example: [:it_works]]
at module_test.exs:127
* reserved_attributes (0.1ms)
* safe_concat (0.3ms)
* split (0.3ms)
* access_to_string (0.7ms)
* aliases_call_to_string (0.4ms)
* arrow_to_string (0.4ms)
* atom_call_to_string (0.4ms)
* big_atom_remote_call_to_string (0.2ms)
* binary_ops_to_string (0.4ms)
* blocks_to_string (0.5ms)
* case_to_string (0.4ms)
* containers_to_string (0.5ms)
* env_stacktrace (0.3ms)
* escape_handle_tuples_with_size_different_than_two (0.2ms)
* escape_improper (0.3ms)
* escape_simply_returns_any_other_structure (0.08ms)
* escape_simply_returns_tuples_with_size_equal_to_two (0.08ms)
* escape_with_alias_or_no_args_remote_unquote (2.7ms)
* escape_with_nested_unquote (0.4ms)
* escape_with_remote_unquote (1.2ms)
* escape_with_splicing (2.0ms)
* escape_with_unquote (0.09ms)
* escape_works_recursively (0.1ms)
* expand (0.8ms)
* expand_all (1.2ms)
* expand_once (0.2ms)
* expand_once_local_macro (0.2ms)
* expand_once_with_current_module (0.1ms)
* expand_once_with_current_module_plus_alias (0.2ms)
* expand_once_with_custom_alias (0.1ms)
* expand_once_with_erlang (0.08ms)
* expand_once_with_imported_macro (0.2ms)
* expand_once_with_main (0.1ms)
* expand_once_with_main_plus_alias (0.1ms)
* expand_once_with_main_plus_custom_alias (0.1ms)
* expand_once_with_module_at (0.07ms)
* expand_once_with_not_expandable_expression (0.2ms)
* expand_once_with_op (20.9ms)
* expand_once_with_raw_atom (0.08ms)
* expand_once_with_require_macro (0.3ms)
* expand_once_with_simple_alias (0.1ms)
* extract_args (0.1ms)
* fn_to_string (0.8ms)
* if_else_to_string (0.2ms)
* kw_list (0.2ms)
* last_arg_kw_list (0.4ms)
* local_call_to_string (0.3ms)
* low_atom_remote_call_to_string (0.2ms)
* nested_to_string (0.3ms)
* op_precedence_to_string (0.7ms)
* remote_and_fun_call_to_string (0.4ms)
* remote_call_to_string (0.3ms)
* safe_terms (0.4ms)
* to_string_with_fun (0.6ms)
* unary_ops_to_string (0.3ms)
* unsafe_terms (0.1ms)
* var_to_string (0.07ms)
* when (0.3ms)
* can add alias (1.0ms)
* can add defaults (0.6ms)
* can add definitions (0.5ms)
* can add import (0.3ms)
* can add locals (0.4ms)
* can add remote (0.3ms)
* can add warnable (0.5ms)
* can query dispatches (1.2ms)
* can retrieve aliases (0.5ms)
* can retrieve imports (0.4ms)
* can retrieve remotes (0.5ms)
* defaults are connected (0.6ms)
* defaults are not reachable if private (0.8ms)
* defaults are reachable if public (1.2ms)
* find import conflicts (0.7ms)
* find imports from dispatch (0.7ms)
* find remotes from dispatch (0.7ms)
* find unused imports (1.1ms)
* private definitions are never reachable (0.7ms)
* private definitions are reachable when connected through a public one (0.8ms)
* private definitions are reachable when connected to local (0.7ms)
* private definitions with all used default arguments (0.5ms)
* private definitions with some unused default arguments (0.5ms)
* private definitions with unused default arguments (0.6ms)
* public definitions are always reachable (0.7ms)
* remotes are not reachable (0.8ms)
* unused private definitions are marked as so (0.7ms)
* cons_cell_precedence (0.2ms)
* duplicate (0.2ms)
* flatten (0.3ms)
* flatten_with_tail (0.1ms)
* foldl (0.2ms)
* foldr (0.5ms)
* insert_at (0.3ms)
* keydelete (0.1ms)
* keyfind (0.1ms)
* keymember? (0.8ms)
* keyreplace (0.1ms)
* keysort (0.1ms)
* keystore (0.1ms)
* last (0.08ms)
* optional_comma (0.07ms)
* partial_application (0.3ms)
* replace_at (0.1ms)
* reverse (0.1ms)
* unzip (1.0ms)
* wrap (0.1ms)
* zip (0.1ms)
* (0.2ms)
* equal (0.09ms)
* invalid_match (0.2ms)
* less (0.06ms)
* match (0.06ms)
* more (0.06ms)
* none (0.05ms)
* basic (0.1ms)
* float (7.2ms)
22) test_float (List.Chars.NumberTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: '1.'
to be equal to (==): '1.0'
at chars_test.exs:27
* integer (0.1ms)
* basic (0.1ms)
* variables_counter_on_nested_if (0.2ms)
* variables_on_nested_if (0.07ms)
* variables_on_siblings_if (0.07ms)
* basic (4.5ms)
* bang (0.2ms)
* bangbang (0.07ms)
* delete (0.2ms)
* delete_first (0.1ms)
* duplicated_entries (0.07ms)
* equal? (0.1ms)
* get (0.1ms)
* get_values (0.2ms)
* key (0.1ms)
* keys (0.08ms)
* merge (0.1ms)
* merge_with_function (0.2ms)
* put (0.1ms)
* values (0.09ms)
* local call (0.2ms)
* nested pipelines (0.2ms)
* non-call (1.6ms)
* pipeline with capture (0.09ms)
* simple (0.07ms)
* defdelegate_with_appended_handle (0.2ms)
* defdelegate_with_function (0.09ms)
* dynamic_defdelegate (0.05ms)
* ambiguity (0.1ms)
* delete (0.2ms)
* fetch! (7.7ms)
* from_enum (5.0ms)
* get (0.1ms)
* key? (0.09ms)
* keys (0.08ms)
* keyword? (0.08ms)
* literal (0.07ms)
* merge (0.1ms)
* merge_with_function (0.1ms)
* new (0.07ms)
* new_with_function (0.1ms)
* new_with_pairs (0.1ms)
* optional_comma (0.04ms)
* put (0.08ms)
* put_new (0.07ms)
* update (0.2ms)
* update_with_initial (0.1ms)
* values (0.07ms)
* ! (0.3ms)
* comp (0.4ms)
* list (0.2ms)
* math (0.2ms)
* not (0.09ms)
* send (0.1ms)
* unary (0.1ms)
* atom_to_binary_defaults_to_utf8 (0.1ms)
* binary_to_atom_defaults_to_utf8 (0.07ms)
* binary_to_existing_atom_defaults_to_utf8 (0.2ms)
* binary_to_float (0.08ms)
* binary_to_integer (0.07ms)
* binary_to_integer_with_base (0.1ms)
* float_to_binary (0.07ms)
* float_to_binary_with_options (1.0ms)
23) test_float_to_binary_with_options (KernelTest.Conversions)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: "7.10e+"
to be equal to (==): "7.10e+00"
at kernel_test.exs:182
* integer_to_binary (0.05ms)
* integer_to_binary_with_base (0.4ms)
24) test_integer_to_binary_with_base (KernelTest.Conversions)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: "3ff"
to be equal to (==): "3FF"
at kernel_test.exs:171
* ^ (0.2ms)
* __MODULE__ (0.1ms)
* __info__ (0.09ms)
* __info__not_included (0.06ms)
* apply (0.1ms)
* binding (0.07ms)
* binding_on_match (0.1ms)
* debug_info (0.1ms)
* function_from___ENV__ (0.06ms)
* in (0.1ms)
* macro_exported? (0.1ms)
* match (1.9ms)
* match? (0.09ms)
* nil? (0.04ms)
* paren (0.08ms)
* vars (0.06ms)
* clause_not_match (63.9ms)
* clause_with_defaults_should_be_first (46.8ms)
* in_guard_empty_list (41.9ms)
* no_effect_operator (50.4ms)
* overidden_def (55.8ms)
* shadowing (43.2ms)
* undefined_function_for_behaviour (83.1ms)
* undefined_macro_for_behaviour (83.8ms)
* undefined_macro_for_protocol (227.2ms)
* undefined_module_attribute (29.8ms)
* unused_cyclic_functions (42.4ms)
* unused_default_args (184.7ms)
* unused_docs (34.5ms)
* unused_function (141.3ms)
* unused_guard (121.0ms)
* unused_import (67.8ms)
* unused_macro (33.9ms)
* unused_variable (39.1ms)
* unused_with_local_with_overridable (48.0ms)
* used_import_via_alias (133.0ms)
* used_with_local_with_reattached_overridable (39.7ms)
* warning_with_overriden_file (34.5ms)
* sigil_C (0.2ms)
* sigil_S (0.1ms)
* sigil_S_with_heredoc (0.2ms)
* sigil_W (1.7ms)
* sigil_c (0.6ms)
* sigil_s (0.1ms)
* sigil_s_with_heredoc (0.08ms)
* sigil_w (1.4ms)
* badarg_error (0.3ms)
* badarith_error (7.7ms)
* badarity_error (10.0ms)
25) test_badarity_error (Kernel.RescueTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: "bad arity error: #Function<0.39267306 in Kernel.RescueTest.test_badarity_error/1> called with []"
to be equal to (==): "bad arity error: #Function<0.39267306 in Kernel.RescueTest.test_badarity_error/1> called with [1, 2]"
at rescue_test.exs:180
* badfun_error (0.2ms)
26) test_badfun_error (Kernel.RescueTest)
** (ErlangError) erlang error: :badfun
at rescue_test.exs:186
* badmatch_error (0.2ms)
27) test_badmatch_error (Kernel.RescueTest)
** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: :other
at rescue_test.exs:197
* case_clause_error (0.1ms)
28) test_case_clause_error (Kernel.RescueTest)
** (CaseClauseError) no case clause matching: :other
at rescue_test.exs:208
* function_clause_error (0.4ms)
* rescue_argument_error_and_undefined_function_error (9.1ms)
* rescue_argument_error_from_elixir (0.1ms)
* rescue_named_defined_variable (0.3ms)
* rescue_named_runtime_error (0.09ms)
* rescue_named_with_underscore (0.08ms)
* rescue_runtime_error (0.07ms)
* rescue_with_higher_precedence_than_catch (17.0ms)
* rescue_with_underscore_no_exception (9.7ms)
* tuple_badarg_error (0.2ms)
* undefined_function_error (9.7ms)
* undefined_function_error_as_erlang_error (8.6ms)
* undefined_function_error_from_expected_variable (11.5ms)
* with_macros (8.6ms)
* wrap_custom_erlang_error (0.1ms)
* conflicting definition (0.8ms)
* direct getter call is rewriten (0.7ms)
* empty receive (0.2ms)
* fallback for rewriten fields (0.7ms)
* fallback for unknown fields (0.6ms)
* getter call is rewriten (0.5ms)
* inside anonymous function (0.3ms)
* inside bin (0.4ms)
* inside block (0.4ms)
* inside body (0.3ms)
* inside body with nested tuple (0.4ms)
* inside body with variable overridden (0.5ms)
* inside case (3.4ms)
* inside case with nested tuple (1.2ms)
* inside list (0.4ms)
* inside list comprehension (0.5ms)
* inside local call (0.5ms)
* inside operator (0.4ms)
* inside receive (2.1ms)
* inside receive with after (1.1ms)
* inside remote call (0.4ms)
* inside try (1.5ms)
* inside tuple (0.4ms)
* nested setter call is rewriten (0.6ms)
* noop for conflicting inference (0.5ms)
* noop for not records fields (10.9ms)
* setter call is rewriten (0.8ms)
* simple atom (0.1ms)
* update call is rewriten (0.7ms)
* updater call is rewriten (0.8ms)
* with deep left-side arg match (0.4ms)
* with deep right-side arg match (0.4ms)
* with left-side arg match (0.3ms)
* with nested left-side arg match (0.3ms)
* with nested right-side arg match (0.3ms)
* with right-side arg match (0.3ms)
* with setelement (1.0ms)
* with tuple match (0.9ms)
* expand_imports (0.2ms)
* explicitly_overriden_imports (0.2ms)
* lazy_expand_imports (0.05ms)
* lazy_expand_imports_no_conflicts (0.07ms)
* annotate_aliases (0.1ms)
* expand_aliases (0.4ms)
* expand_aliases_with_macro_does_not_expand_source_alias (0.05ms)
* expand_aliases_with_macro_has_higher_preference (0.07ms)
* expand_aliases_without_macro (0.06ms)
* cross_module_interference (0.1ms)
* cross_module_no_interference (0.07ms)
* no_hygiene (0.06ms)
* no_interference (0.05ms)
* read_interference (0.04ms)
* write_interference (0.06ms)
* bind_quoted (0.1ms)
* dynamic_definition_with_unquote (0.4ms)
* file (0.09ms)
* fixed_line (0.07ms)
* keep_line (0.06ms)
* keep_location (0.08ms)
* list (0.06ms)
* literals (0.08ms)
* nested_quote (0.1ms)
* nested_quote_in_macro (0.06ms)
* quote_line_var (0.06ms)
* splice_on_definition (48.0ms)
* splice_on_root (0.08ms)
* splice_on_stab (0.9ms)
* splice_with_tail (0.1ms)
* stab (0.1ms)
* tuple (0.07ms)
* unquote_call (10.4ms)
* when (0.08ms)
* with_dynamic_opts (0.08ms)
* partial_application_for_module_calls (0.2ms)
* partial_application_for_operator (0.1ms)
* partial_with_duplicated (0.1ms)
* partial_with_funcall_and_all_items (0.1ms)
* partial_with_funcall_and_one_item (0.1ms)
* partial_with_internal_macro (0.1ms)
* partial_with_opposite_order (0.09ms)
* partial_with_simple_call_and_all_items (0.1ms)
* partial_with_simple_call_and_one_item (0.1ms)
* calling super with explicit args (0.3ms)
* function without overridable returns false for super? (0.1ms)
* invalid super call (31.2ms)
* overridable definitions are private (0.09ms)
* overridable is made concrete if no other is defined (0.09ms)
* overridable node overriden with nested super (0.1ms)
* overridable overridden with super (0.09ms)
* overridable overridden without super (0.08ms)
* overridable overriden with nested super (0.1ms)
* overridable with many clauses (0.2ms)
* bang_do_block (0.1ms)
* default_required (0.07ms)
* local_but_private_macro (0.07ms)
* local_with_defaults_macro (0.07ms)
* locals_macros (0.07ms)
* macros_cannot_be_called_dynamically (0.8ms)
* require (0.04ms)
* require_with_alias (0.06ms)
* already_compiled_module (1.2ms)
* bad_form (25.1ms)
* bodyless_function_with_guard (25.1ms)
* clause_with_defaults (26.7ms)
* def_defmacro_clause_change (32.7ms)
* different_defs_with_defaults (59.4ms)
* dot_terminator (10.7ms)
* duplicated_bitstring_size (1.4ms)
* fun_different_arities (1.1ms)
* function_definition_with_alias (23.1ms)
* function_import_conflict (48.0ms)
* function_local_conflict (24.8ms)
* heredoc_terminator (0.8ms)
* import_invalid_macro (1.2ms)
* in_definition_module (33.1ms)
* internal_function_overridden (22.4ms)
* interpolation_error (1.4ms)
* invalid_access_protocol_invalid_keywords (26.1ms)
* invalid_access_protocol_invalid_keywords_outside_match (1.4ms)
* invalid_access_protocol_not_alias (27.1ms)
* invalid_access_protocol_not_available (49.8ms)
* invalid_access_protocol_not_keywords (22.4ms)
* invalid_access_protocol_not_record (23.5ms)
* invalid_alias (1.4ms)
* invalid_bc_inbits_gen (1.0ms)
* invalid_bc_return (0.9ms)
* invalid_bitstring_specified (4.2ms)
* invalid_definition (34.3ms)
* invalid_fn_args (0.9ms)
* invalid_function_on_match (1.4ms)
* invalid_import_option (1.3ms)
* invalid_macro (61.2ms)
* invalid_parens (1.5ms)
* invalid_partial (1.6ms)
* invalid_quote_args (1.0ms)
* invalid_remote_on_guard (12.5ms)
* invalid_remote_on_match (11.9ms)
* invalid_rescue_clause (2.0ms)
* invalid_scope_for_function (4.1ms)
* invalid_token (1.1ms)
* invalid_unquote (1.5ms)
* invalid_var! (1.7ms)
* invalid_var_or_function_on_guard (6.7ms)
* macro_local_conflict (57.1ms)
* macro_with_undefined_local (34.7ms)
* macros_compiled_callback (27.9ms)
* macros_error_stacktrace (56.7ms)
29) test_macros_error_stacktrace (Kernel.ErrorsTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: [{:erlang, :+, [1, :foo], []}, {:erlang, :apply, 3, []}, {ErrorsTest, :sample, 1, [file: "nofile", line: 3]}]
to match pattern (=): [{:erlang, :+, [1, :foo], _}, {ErrorsTest, :sample, 1, _} | _]
at errors_test.exs:575
* macros_function_clause_stacktrace (17.1ms)
* macros_interpreted_function_clause_stacktrace (110.5ms)
30) test_macros_interpreted_function_clause_stacktrace (Kernel.ErrorsTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: [{:erl_eval, :"-inside-an-interpreted-fun-", [{3, {:elixir_scope, nil, nil, false, false, false, ErrorsTest, {:other, 0}, [], nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, ["": 0], nil, [ErrorsTest], [], [], "nofile", [Integer, Kernel, Kernel.Typespec, Record], [], [{Kernel, [&&: 2, ..: 2, <>: 2, @: 1, access: 2, and: 2, atom_to_binary: 1, binary_to_atom: 1, binary_to_existing_atom: 1, binding: 0, binding: 1, binding: 2, case: 2, cond: 1, def: 1, def: 2, def: 4, defdelegate: 2, defexception: 2, defexception: 3, defexception: 4, defimpl: 2, defimpl: 3, defmacro: 1, defmacro: 2, defmacro: 4, defmacrop: 1, defmacrop: 2, defmacrop: 4, defmodule: 2, defoverridable: 1, defp: 1, defp: 2, defp: 4, defprotocol: 2, defrecord: 2, defrecord: 3, defrecordp: 2, defrecordp: 3, delete_elem: 2, destructure: 2, div: 2, elem: 2, if: 2, in: 2, insert_elem: 3, is_exception: 1, is_range: 1, is_record: 1, is_record: 2, ...]}], [], [{Kernel, [!: 1, !=: 2, !==: 2, *: 2, +: 1, +: 2, ++: 2, -: 1, -: 2, --: 2, /: 2, <: 2, <-: 2, <=: 2, ==: 2, ===: 2, =~: 2, >: 2, >=: 2, abs: 1, apply: 2, apply: 3, atom_to_binary: 2, atom_to_list: 1, binary_part: 3, binary_to_atom: 2, binary_to_existing_atom: 2, binary_to_float: 1, binary_to_integer: 1, binary_to_integer: 2, binary_to_term: 1, binary_to_term: 2, bit_size: 1, bitstring_to_list: 1, byte_size: 1, exit: 1, float_to_binary: 1, float_to_binary: 2, float_to_list: 1, float_to_list: 2, function_exported?: 3, hd: 1, inspect: 1, inspect: 2, integer_to_binary: 1, integer_to_binary: 2, integer_to_list: 1, integer_to_list: 2, iolist_size: 1, iolist_to_binary: 1, ...]}]}}, 1]}, {:erl_eval, :expr, 3}, {ErrorsTest, :sample, 1, [file: "nofile", line: 3]}]
to match pattern (=): [{ErrorsTest, :sample, 1, _} | _]
at errors_test.exs:595
* name_for_defmodule (5.4ms)
* new_line_error (1.8ms)
* no_macros (22.6ms)
* private_macro (72.5ms)
* scheduled_module (27.6ms)
* sigil_terminator (2.2ms)
* string_terminator (3.0ms)
* syntax_error (2.1ms)
* syntax_error_on_nested_no_parens_call (10.4ms)
* syntax_error_on_op_ambiguity (2.1ms)
* syntax_error_on_parens_call (3.4ms)
* syntax_error_with_no_token (1.1ms)
* unbound_cond (1.1ms)
* unbound_expr (2.1ms)
* unbound_not_match (1.1ms)
* unbound_var (1.5ms)
* undefined_non_local_function (1.3ms)
* unexpected_end (0.8ms)
* unhandled_stab (29.0ms)
* unloaded_module (12.4ms)
* unrequired_macro (14.9ms)
* conflicing imports with only and except (0.1ms)
* import all (0.1ms)
* import ambiguous (0.05ms)
* import except none (0.08ms)
* import except one (0.07ms)
* import lexical on case (0.07ms)
* import lexical on if (0.05ms)
* import lexical on try (0.08ms)
* import many (0.1ms)
* import non underscored (0.1ms)
* import only via macro (0.06ms)
* import only with underscore (0.07ms)
* import with double except (0.06ms)
* import with options via macro (0.06ms)
* imports from other functions do not leak (0.06ms)
* capture and partially apply lists (0.5ms)
* capture and partially apply on call (0.3ms)
* capture and partially apply tuples (0.2ms)
* capture imported (0.1ms)
* capture local (0.09ms)
* capture local with question mark (0.08ms)
* capture macro (0.2ms)
* capture other (0.1ms)
* capture remote (0.1ms)
* clause with ^ (0.09ms)
* failure on block (1.8ms)
* failure on integers (2.8ms)
* failure on non-continuous (1.9ms)
* failure on other types (1.5ms)
* failure when no captures (1.5ms)
* imported partial application (0.1ms)
* local partial application (0.1ms)
* remote partial application (0.1ms)
* clauses_without_implementation_can_have_default_args (0.2ms)
* in_operator_in_function_definition (0.1ms)
* compile_code (773.9ms)
* compile_code_verbose (667.4ms)
* possible_deadlock (752.4ms)
* syntax_code_error (314.0ms)
31) test_syntax_code_error (Kernel.CLI.SyntaxErrorTest)
** (ExUnit.AssertionError) Expected this output: `** (TokenMissingError) nofile:1: missing terminator: ]`
but got this output: ``
at cli_test.exs:64
* code_error (1126.8ms)
* bit_comprehension_multiline (0.3ms)
* bit_comprehensions (0.1ms)
* bit_comprehensions_with_explicit_inbits (0.1ms)
* bit_comprehensions_with_inlist_of_bins (0.09ms)
* bit_comprehensions_with_nil (0.08ms)
* bit_comprehensions_with_truthy_object (0.07ms)
* bit_comprehensions_with_two_generators (0.1ms)
* generator_precedence (0.1ms)
* list_comprehension_multiline (0.07ms)
* list_comprehensions (0.1ms)
* list_comprehensions_with_implicit_inbits (0.07ms)
* list_comprehensions_with_inlist_of_bins (0.06ms)
* list_comprehensions_with_nil (0.07ms)
* list_comprehensions_with_truthy_object (0.07ms)
* list_comprehensions_with_two_generators (0.2ms)
* at_exit (750.7ms)
* path (498.5ms)
* code_init (1080.6ms)
* in_operator_in_function_definition (0.3ms)
* in_operator_outside_case (0.07ms)
* inline_case (0.07ms)
* match_with_in (0.08ms)
* nested_case (0.1ms)
* nested_variables (0.1ms)
* nested_vars_match (0.1ms)
* aliases_nesting (0.6ms)
* aligned_heredoc (0.1ms)
* bitsyntax_macro (0.05ms)
* bitsyntax_size_shorcut (0.07ms)
* bitsyntax_translation (0.05ms)
* bitsyntax_with_expansion (0.09ms)
* heredoc (0.08ms)
* heredoc_with_extra (0.07ms)
* heredoc_with_interpolation (0.2ms)
* hex (0.9ms)
32) test_hex (Kernel.BinaryTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: "࿿"
to be equal to (==): "𐿿"
at binary_test.exs:78
* interpolation (0.06ms)
* literal (0.4ms)
33) test_literal (Kernel.BinaryTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: <<106, 0, 111, 0, 115, 0, 101, 0>>
to be equal to (==): <<0, 106, 0, 111, 0, 115, 0, 101>>
at binary_test.exs:121
* literal_errors (4.6ms)
* match (0.07ms)
* octals (0.1ms)
* partial_application (0.2ms)
* pattern_match (0.09ms)
* pattern_match_with_splice (0.08ms)
* string_concatenation_as_match (0.1ms)
* utf8 (0.06ms)
* utf8_char (0.06ms)
* aliases_nesting (0.2ms)
* alias_erlang (0.3ms)
* double_alias (0.09ms)
* lexical (0.08ms)
* nested_elixir_alias (0.08ms)
* overwriten_alias (0.08ms)
* binread (4.5ms)
* binreadline (1.8ms)
* getn (2.2ms)
* getn_with_count (1.5ms)
* getn_with_utf8_and_binary (1.6ms)
* gets (1.7ms)
* gets_with_utf8_and_binary (1.5ms)
* read_with_count (1.8ms)
* read_with_utf8_and_binary (1.9ms)
* readline (1.8ms)
* readline_with_utf8_and_binary (2.3ms)
* escape_multiple (0.6ms)
* escape_non_attribute (0.2ms)
* escape_single (0.2ms)
* fragment (0.2ms)
* invalid (1.2ms)
* no_emit (0.1ms)
* noop (0.1ms)
* even? (0.1ms)
* odd? (0.07ms)
* external_elixir_funs (0.9ms)
34) test_external_elixir_funs (Inspect.OthersTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: "&:\"Elixir$2EEnum\".map/2"
to be equal to (==): "&"
at inspect_test.exs:228
* external_erlang_funs (0.1ms)
* other_funs (0.4ms)
* pids (0.1ms)
* references (0.2ms)
* regex (0.1ms)
* basic (0.7ms)
* codepoints (0.1ms)
* empty (0.1ms)
* keyword (0.8ms)
* keyword_with_raw (0.6ms)
* non_keyword (0.3ms)
* non_printable (0.2ms)
* printable (0.1ms)
* unproper (0.3ms)
* with_limit (0.2ms)
* basic (0.4ms)
* empty (0.1ms)
* exception (11.0ms)
* non_module_record (0.3ms)
* record_like (0.2ms)
* two_items_record (24.8ms)
* with_builtin_like_record (0.1ms)
* with_limit (0.2ms)
* with_raw (0.3ms)
* with_record (12.5ms)
* with_record_like_pseudo_exception (22.5ms)
* with_record_like_tuple (1.2ms)
* with_tuple_matching_record_name_but_not_length (11.4ms)
* float (0.9ms)
* integer (0.08ms)
* binary (0.4ms)
* bitstring (0.7ms)
35) test_bitstring (Inspect.BitStringTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: "<<0, 0::size(4)>>"
to be equal to (==): "<<0, 1::size(4)>>"
at inspect_test.exs:56
* escape (0.4ms)
* unprintable (0.1ms)
* unprintable_with_opts (0.1ms)
* utf8 (0.1ms)
* alias_atom (0.3ms)
* basic (0.1ms)
* container (0.2ms)
* empty (0.1ms)
* op (0.2ms)
* true_false_nil (0.2ms)
* with_integers (0.2ms)
* with_punctuation (0.1ms)
* with_uppercase (0.1ms)
* break (1.3ms)
* empty (0.1ms)
* glue (0.7ms)
* group (0.3ms)
* infinity (0.2ms)
* nest (0.6ms)
* space (0.09ms)
* text (0.09ms)
* difference with nodes (238.6ms)
* difference with ordered sets (0.2ms)
* intersection with nodes (6.6ms)
* intersection with ordered sets (0.5ms)
* member? with nodes (1.5ms)
* member? with ordered sets (0.4ms)
* union with nodes (5.8ms)
* union with ordered sets (4.3ms)
* delete (2.2ms)
* empty (0.9ms)
* equal? (3.7ms)
* subset? (1.8ms)
* to_list (16.8ms)
* access (11.7ms)
* empty (2.1ms)
* enum (1.3ms)
* equal? (0.5ms)
* fetch (2.1ms)
* fetch! (0.7ms)
* has_key? (5.8ms)
* inspect (9.2ms)
* is_serializable_as_attribute (8.3ms)
* keys (2.0ms)
* large_range_merge (4.3ms)
* medium_range_merge (1.0ms)
* put_new (0.6ms)
* small_range_merge (4.8ms)
* smoke_large_range_test (108.3ms)
* smoke_medium_range_test (5.6ms)
* smoke_small_range_test (1.0ms)
* to_list (2.4ms)
* trie_contract (2.6ms)
* update (0.6ms)
* values (1.7ms)
* using (0.9ms)
* using (0.9ms)
* argument_error_message (0.2ms)
* erlang_error_message (0.2ms)
* format_fa (0.5ms)
* format_mfa (0.7ms)
* format_stacktrace_entry_with_file_and_line (1.2ms)
* format_stacktrace_entry_with_file_and_line_and_cwd (0.3ms)
* format_stacktrace_entry_with_file_no_line (1.7ms)
* format_stacktrace_entry_with_fun (0.7ms)
* format_stacktrace_entry_with_no_file_or_line (0.5ms)
* function_clause_message (0.4ms)
* is_exception (0.2ms)
* normalize (0.5ms)
* runtime_error_message (0.1ms)
* undefined_function_message (0.4ms)
* count (0.4ms)
* reverse (0.3ms)
* sort (2.3ms)
36) test_sort (EnumTest.Others)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: [is: 2, sentence: 2, this: 2, multi_word: 1, a: 1, punctuation: 1, another: 1, some: 1, with: 1]
to be equal to (==): [this: 2, is: 2, sentence: 2, with: 1, a: 1, another: 1, multi_word: 1, some: 1, punctuation: 1]
at enum_test.exs:746
* take_does_not_consume_next_without_a_need (4.2ms)
* take_with_no_item_works_as_no_op (0.8ms)
* take_with_side_effects (3.5ms)
* all? (0.7ms)
* any? (0.4ms)
* chunks (0.5ms)
* chunks_by (0.3ms)
* count (0.1ms)
* count_fun (0.2ms)
* drop (0.3ms)
* drop_while (0.4ms)
* each (0.4ms)
* empty? (0.2ms)
* fetch! (11.1ms)
* filter (0.3ms)
* filter_map (0.4ms)
* filter_with_match (0.3ms)
* find (0.5ms)
* find_index (0.2ms)
* find_value (0.2ms)
* first (0.3ms)
* flat_map (0.2ms)
* join (0.2ms)
* map (0.2ms)
* map_join (0.3ms)
* map_reduce (0.3ms)
* max (0.3ms)
* max_by (0.3ms)
* min (0.1ms)
* min_by (0.2ms)
* partition (0.2ms)
* reduce (0.2ms)
* reject (0.2ms)
* shuffle (0.6ms)
* slice (0.7ms)
* sort (0.5ms)
* split (0.4ms)
* split_while (0.5ms)
* take (0.3ms)
* take_while (0.4ms)
* uniq (0.2ms)
* with_index (0.2ms)
* zip (0.5ms)
* doc at Dict.delete/2 (2) (0.3ms)
* doc at Dict.delete/2 (3) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.drop/2 (4) (0.3ms)
* doc at Dict.drop/2 (5) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.empty/1 (6) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.equal?/2 (7) (0.3ms)
* doc at Dict.equal?/2 (8) (0.09ms)
* doc at Dict.fetch!/2 (10) (0.7ms)
* doc at Dict.fetch/2 (9) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.get/3 (11) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.has_key?/2 (12) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.keys/1 (13) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.merge/2 (14) (0.5ms)
* doc at Dict.merge/3 (15) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.pop/3 (16) (0.2ms)
* doc at Dict.pop/3 (17) (0.06ms)
* doc at Dict.pop/3 (18) (0.09ms)
* doc at Dict.put/3 (19) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.put_new/3 (20) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.size/1 (21) (0.06ms)
* doc at Dict.split/2 (22) (0.2ms)
* doc at Dict.split/2 (23) (0.07ms)
* doc at Dict.split/2 (24) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.take/2 (25) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.update!/3 (27) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.update/4 (26) (0.3ms)
* doc at Dict.values/1 (28) (0.1ms)
* moduledoc at Dict (1) (0.1ms)
* unsupported dict (0.4ms)
* access (0.2ms)
* delete (0.2ms)
* drop (0.4ms)
* empty (0.07ms)
* equal? (0.2ms)
* fetch (0.1ms)
* fetch! (0.2ms)
* get (0.1ms)
* has_key (0.1ms)
* keys (0.09ms)
* merge (0.3ms)
* merge_with_enum (0.1ms)
* merge_with_function (0.2ms)
* new_pairs (0.07ms)
* new_pairs_with_transform (0.2ms)
* pop (0.3ms)
* put (0.09ms)
* put_new (0.09ms)
* size (0.07ms)
* split (0.5ms)
* take (0.1ms)
* update (0.1ms)
* values (0.08ms)
* all? (0.3ms)
* any? (0.1ms)
* at (0.2ms)
* chunks (0.4ms)
* chunks_by (0.2ms)
* concat_1 (0.4ms)
* concat_2 (0.2ms)
* count (0.2ms)
* count_fun (0.1ms)
* drop (0.1ms)
* drop_while (0.2ms)
* each (0.2ms)
* empty? (0.2ms)
* fetch (0.1ms)
* fetch! (0.2ms)
* filter (0.1ms)
* filter_map (0.2ms)
* filter_with_match (0.1ms)
* find (0.1ms)
* find_index (0.1ms)
* find_value (0.1ms)
* first (0.07ms)
* flat_map (0.1ms)
* join (0.2ms)
* join_empty (0.5ms)
* map (0.1ms)
* map_join (0.2ms)
* map_reduce (0.1ms)
* max (10.2ms)
* max_by (0.5ms)
* member? (0.5ms)
* min (0.3ms)
* min_by (0.7ms)
* partition (0.2ms)
* reduce (0.3ms)
* reject (0.2ms)
* reverse (0.09ms)
* shuffle (0.5ms)
* slice (0.4ms)
* sort (0.4ms)
* split (0.2ms)
* split_while (13.1ms)
* take (0.1ms)
* take_while (0.2ms)
* to_list (0.1ms)
* uniq (0.1ms)
* with_index (0.1ms)
* zip (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.delete/2 (2) (3.8ms)
* doc at Dict.delete/2 (3) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.drop/2 (4) (0.2ms)
* doc at Dict.drop/2 (5) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.empty/1 (6) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.equal?/2 (7) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.equal?/2 (8) (0.2ms)
* doc at Dict.fetch!/2 (10) (0.6ms)
* doc at Dict.fetch/2 (9) (0.4ms)
* doc at Dict.get/3 (11) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.has_key?/2 (12) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.keys/1 (13) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.merge/2 (14) (0.2ms)
* doc at Dict.merge/3 (15) (0.2ms)
* doc at Dict.pop/3 (16) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.pop/3 (17) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.pop/3 (18) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.put/3 (19) (0.4ms)
* doc at Dict.put_new/3 (20) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.size/1 (21) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.split/2 (22) (0.2ms)
* doc at Dict.split/2 (23) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.split/2 (24) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.take/2 (25) (0.2ms)
* doc at Dict.update!/3 (27) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.update/4 (26) (0.1ms)
* doc at Dict.values/1 (28) (0.2ms)
* moduledoc at Dict (1) (0.1ms)
* unsupported dict (0.3ms)
* access (0.2ms)
* delete (0.2ms)
* drop (0.3ms)
* empty (0.09ms)
* equal? (0.1ms)
* fetch (0.1ms)
* fetch! (0.2ms)
* get (0.1ms)
* has_key (0.1ms)
* keys (0.1ms)
* merge (0.5ms)
* merge_with_enum (0.3ms)
* merge_with_function (0.3ms)
* new_pairs (0.1ms)
* new_pairs_with_transform (0.3ms)
* pop (0.7ms)
* put (0.1ms)
* put_new (0.1ms)
* size (0.1ms)
* split (0.8ms)
* take (0.3ms)
* update (0.1ms)
* values (0.1ms)
* compile_info_returned_with_source_accessible_through_keyword_module (0.3ms)
* compile_quoted (48.0ms)
* compile_source (0.1ms)
* compile_string (33.0ms)
* ensure_compiled? (11.1ms)
* ensure_loaded? (8.1ms)
* eval_options (2.8ms)
* eval_quoted (0.4ms)
* eval_quoted_with_env (1.4ms)
* eval_string (1.1ms)
* eval_with_requires (1.0ms)
* eval_with_scope (0.6ms)
* eval_with_unnamed_scopes (2.2ms)
* file (0.2ms)
* path_manipulation (4.1ms)
* require (20.7ms)
* string_to_quoted (0.5ms)
* string_to_quoted! (1.3ms)
* string_to_quoted_existing_atoms_only (0.4ms)
* band (0.1ms)
* bnot (0.05ms)
* bor (0.06ms)
* bsl (0.06ms)
* bsr (0.06ms)
* bxor (0.06ms)
* heredoc (0.2ms)
* hex (0.7ms)
37) test_hex (CharListTest)
** (String.UnicodeConversionError) invalid code point 4095
inspect.ex:268: Inspect.List.inspect/2
kernel.ex:2064: Kernel.inspect/2
char_list_test.exs:42: CharListTest.test_hex/1
* octals (0.09ms)
* utf8 (0.06ms)
* band (0.2ms)
* bnot (0.07ms)
* bor (0.06ms)
* bsl (0.06ms)
* bsr (0.08ms)
* bxor (0.06ms)
* callbacks (0.3ms)
* default_is_not_supported (32.1ms)
* docs (0.1ms)
* specs (0.2ms)
* (0.3ms)
* atom (0.7ms)
* list (0.1ms)
* compiled_docs (90.4ms)
* compiled_without_docs (76.8ms)
* files (92.0ms)
* warnings_as_errors (58.8ms)
* rm! (7.5ms)
* rm_file (4.3ms)
* rm_file_with_dir (3.0ms)
38) test_rm_file_with_dir (FileTest.Rm)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: {:error, :eexist}
to be equal to (==): {:error, :eperm}
at file_test.exs:722
* rm_nonexistent_file (2.3ms)
* rm_rf (30.8ms)
* rm_rf! (23.1ms)
* rm_rf_with_char_list (34.6ms)
* rm_rf_with_file (3.8ms)
* rm_rf_with_invalid (2.7ms)
* rm_rf_with_invalid! (2.2ms)
* rm_rf_with_symlinkSep 12, 2013 7:26:56 PM erjang.driver.efile.EFile output
WARNING: invalid file_output cmd:22 <<47,85,115,101,114,115,47,107,114,97,98,47,80,114,111,106,101,99,116,115,...,0>>
* rm_rf_with_symlink (10.9ms)
39) test_rm_rf_with_symlink (FileTest.Rm)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: File.exists?(from)
to be: true
instead got: false
at file_test.exs:799
* rm_rf_with_unknown (2.5ms)
* rm_with_invalid_file! (36.6ms)
* rmdir (4.3ms)
* rmdir! (3.9ms)
* rmdir_with_file (3.5ms)
40) test_rmdir_with_file (FileTest.Rm)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: File.rmdir(fixture_path("file.txt")) |> is_io_error?
to be: true
instead got: false
at file_test.exs:752
* rmdir_with_file! (2.9ms)
41) test_rmdir_with_file! (FileTest.Rm)
** (CaseClauseError) no case clause matching: {'Unclosed character class', 18}
re.erl:-1: :re.do_replace/5
re.erl:-1: :re.replace/4
file_test.exs:765: FileTest.Rm.test_rmdir_with_file!/1
* mkdir! (3.3ms)
* mkdir_p! (4.1ms)
* mkdir_p_with_invalid_path (3.7ms)
42) test_mkdir_p_with_invalid_path (FileTest.Mkdir)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: File.mkdir(invalid) |> is_io_error?
to be: true
instead got: false
at file_test.exs:679
* mkdir_p_with_invalid_path! (3.6ms)
43) test_mkdir_p_with_invalid_path! (FileTest.Mkdir)
** (CaseClauseError) no case clause matching: {'Unclosed character class', 18}
re.erl:-1: :re.do_replace/5
re.erl:-1: :re.replace/4
file_test.exs:698: FileTest.Mkdir.test_mkdir_p_with_invalid_path!/1
* mkdir_p_with_nested_directory_and_binary (7.1ms)
* mkdir_p_with_nested_directory_and_existing_parent (5.5ms)
* mkdir_p_with_nested_directory_and_list (6.3ms)
* mkdir_p_with_one_directory (4.2ms)
* mkdir_with_binary (3.3ms)
* mkdir_with_invalid_path (3.3ms)
44) test_mkdir_with_invalid_path (FileTest.Mkdir)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: File.mkdir(invalid) |> is_io_error?
to be: true
instead got: false
at file_test.exs:598
* mkdir_with_invalid_path! (3.3ms)
45) test_mkdir_with_invalid_path! (FileTest.Mkdir)
** (CaseClauseError) no case clause matching: {'Unclosed character class', 18}
re.erl:-1: :re.do_replace/5
re.erl:-1: :re.replace/4
file_test.exs:617: FileTest.Mkdir.test_mkdir_with_invalid_path!/1
* mkdir_with_list (3.6ms)
* open_a_file_with_function (3.1ms)
* open_a_file_with_function! (4.2ms)
* open_a_missing_file (2.7ms)
* open_a_missing_file! (2.9ms)
* open_file_with_charlist (3.1ms)
* open_file_without_modes (3.4ms)
* open_readonly_by_default (4.0ms)
* open_respects_encoding (4.0ms)
* open_utf8_and_charlist (3.4ms)
* open_utf8_by_default (3.2ms)
* open_with_binwrite_permission (4.9ms)
* open_with_write_permission (3.4ms)
* read! (5.1ms)
* read_with_binary (7.8ms)
* read_with_list (5.1ms)
* read_with_utf8 (4.1ms)
* write_ascii_content (5.0ms)
* write_utf8 (5.1ms)
* write_with_options (5.9ms)
46) test_write_with_options (FileTest.OpenReadWrite)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: {:ok, "Русский\n\ntest text"}
to be equal to (==): {:ok, "test text"}
at file_test.exs:481
* exists (3.8ms)
* regular (1.2ms)
* cp_preserves_mode (16.9ms)
* cp_r! (45.4ms)
* cp_r_with_dir_and_file_conflict (19.5ms)
47) test_cp_r_with_dir_and_file_conflict (FileTest.Cp)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: File.cp_r(src, dest) |> is_io_error?
to be: true
instead got: false
at file_test.exs:274
* cp_r_with_src_dir_and_dest_dir (36.2ms)
* cp_r_with_src_dir_and_dest_dir_using_lists (26.1ms)
* cp_r_with_src_dir_and_dest_file (9.7ms)
48) test_cp_r_with_src_dir_and_dest_file (FileTest.Cp)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: File.cp_r(src, dest) |> is_io_error?
to be: true
instead got: false
at file_test.exs:235
* cp_r_with_src_dir_and_dest_unknown (28.1ms)
* cp_r_with_src_dir_dot_and_dest_dir (20.4ms)
* cp_r_with_src_file_and_dest_dir (7.1ms)
* cp_r_with_src_file_and_dest_file (7.5ms)
* cp_r_with_src_file_and_dest_unknown (18.9ms)
* cp_r_with_src_unknown (2.5ms)
* cp_r_with_src_unknown! (19.7ms)
* cp_r_with_src_with_file_conflict (19.7ms)
49) test_cp_r_with_src_with_file_conflict (FileTest.Cp)
** (File.Error) could not read file /Users/krab/Projects/elixir/lib/elixir/tmp/tmp/a/1.txt: invalid argument
at file_test.exs:313
* cp_r_with_src_with_file_conflict_callback (21.2ms)
50) test_cp_r_with_src_with_file_conflict_callback (FileTest.Cp)
** (File.Error) could not read file /Users/krab/Projects/elixir/lib/elixir/tmp/tmp/a/1.txt: invalid argument
at file_test.exs:333
* cp_with_conflict (6.9ms)
* cp_with_conflict_with_function (6.6ms)
51) test_cp_with_conflict_with_function (FileTest.Cp)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: "FOO\n"
to be equal to (==): "hello"
at file_test.exs:109
* cp_with_src_dir (3.6ms)
52) test_cp_with_src_dir (FileTest.Cp)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: {:error, :enoent}
to be equal to (==): {:error, :eisdir}
at file_test.exs:78
* cp_with_src_dir! (4.6ms)
53) test_cp_with_src_dir! (FileTest.Cp)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected error message: "could not copy recursively from /Users/krab/Projects/elixir/lib/elixir/test/elixir/fixtures/cp_r to /Users/krab/Projects/elixir/lib/elixir/tmp/tmp.file: illegal operation on a directory"
to match: "could not copy recursively from /Users/krab/Projects/elixir/lib/elixir/test/elixir/fixtures/cp_r to /Users/krab/Projects/elixir/lib/elixir/tmp/tmp.file: no such file or directory"
at file_test.exs:133
* cp_with_src_file_and_dest_dir (7.4ms)
* cp_with_src_file_and_dest_file (9.2ms)
* cp_with_src_file_and_dest_file! (8.8ms)
* cp_with_src_file_and_dest_unknown (7.1ms)
* binstream! (6.6ms)
* binstream_bytes (6.4ms)
* binstream_line (4.1ms)
* cd_with_function (2.6ms)
* chgrp_with_failue (2.2ms)
* chgrp_with_failue! (5.5ms)
54) test_chgrp_with_failue! (FileTest)
** (CaseClauseError) no case clause matching: {'Unclosed character class', 18}
re.erl:-1: :re.do_replace/5
re.erl:-1: :re.replace/4
file_test.exs:1248: FileTest.test_chgrp_with_failue!/1
* chmod_with_failue (3.4ms)
* chmod_with_failue! (4.3ms)
55) test_chmod_with_failue! (FileTest)
** (CaseClauseError) no case clause matching: {'Unclosed character class', 18}
re.erl:-1: :re.do_replace/5
re.erl:-1: :re.replace/4
file_test.exs:1231: FileTest.test_chmod_with_failue!/1
* chmod_with_success (5.1ms)
* chmod_with_success! (5.5ms)
* chown_with_failue (2.7ms)
* chown_with_failue! (2.7ms)
56) test_chown_with_failue! (FileTest)
** (CaseClauseError) no case clause matching: {'Unclosed character class', 18}
re.erl:-1: :re.do_replace/5
re.erl:-1: :re.replace/4
file_test.exs:1265: FileTest.test_chown_with_failue!/1
* copy (3.9ms)
* copy! (3.9ms)
* copy_with_bytes_count (3.2ms)
* copy_with_bytes_count! (3.2ms)
* copy_with_invalid_file (4.0ms)
* copy_with_invalid_file! (3.2ms)
* cwd_and_cd (2.7ms)
* cwd_and_cd_with_utf8 (5.0ms)
57) test_cwd_and_cd_with_utf8 (FileTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: <<104, 65, 3, 63, 108, 108, 65, 3, 63>>
to be equal to (==): "héllò"
file_test.exs:1108: FileTest.test_cwd_and_cd_with_utf8/1
* invalid_cd (2.5ms)
58) test_invalid_cd (FileTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected:"file.txt")) |> is_io_error?
to be: true
instead got: false
at file_test.exs:1117
* invalid_cd! (2.6ms)
59) test_invalid_cd! (FileTest)
** (CaseClauseError) no case clause matching: {'Unclosed character class', 18}
re.erl:-1: :re.do_replace/5
re.erl:-1: :re.replace/4
file_test.exs:1121: FileTest.test_invalid_cd!/1
* io_binstream (4.5ms)
* io_stream (4.3ms)
* ls (3.4ms)
* ls! (3.4ms)
* stat (2.6ms)
* stat! (2.8ms)
* stat_with_invalid_file (5.2ms)
* stat_with_invalid_file! (2.7ms)
* stream! (5.9ms)
* stream_bytes (6.2ms)
* stream_line (5.5ms)
* touch_with_dir (2.5ms)
* touch_with_failure (3.7ms)
* touch_with_failure! (2.7ms)
60) test_touch_with_failure! (FileTest)
** (CaseClauseError) no case clause matching: {'Unclosed character class', 18}
re.erl:-1: :re.do_replace/5
re.erl:-1: :re.replace/4
file_test.exs:1177: FileTest.test_touch_with_failure!/1
* touch_with_no_file (5.7ms)
61) test_touch_with_no_file (FileTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: {:ok, ""}
to be equal to (==): {:error, :einval}
at file_test.exs:1141
* touch_with_success! (3.2ms)
* touch_with_timestamp (5.1ms)
Finished in 67.3 seconds (51.0s on load, 16.2s on tests)
1296 tests, 61 failures
Krestens-MacBook-Pro:elixir krab$
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