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rosskevin / hoc-template.tsx
Last active August 23, 2020 19:44
Typescript higher order component (hoc) template
/* variation on */
import * as React from 'react'
import { wrapDisplayName } from 'recompose'
// Props you want the resulting component to take (besides the props of the wrapped component)
interface ExternalProps {}
// Props the HOC adds to the wrapped component
export interface InjectedProps {}
bmag / .emacs
Created September 20, 2016 08:19
Emacs dotfile for loading an Emacs configuration based on EMACSDIR environment variable
;; load configuration from $EMACSDIR/init.el and set $EMACSDIR as
;; `user-emacs-directory'. if $EMACSDIR is not set, use `~/.emacs.d'.
(let* ((emacs-dir-env (getenv "EMACSDIR"))
(custom-emacs-dir (and emacs-dir-env
(file-name-as-directory emacs-dir-env))))
;; `user-emacs-directory' default value is emacs.d"
(when custom-emacs-dir
(setq user-emacs-directory custom-emacs-dir)))
(setq user-init-file (expand-file-name "init.el" user-emacs-directory))
xyfeng /
Last active January 19, 2022 15:55
python script turn images into gif
# From
# The Python Imaging Library
# $Id$
# convert sequence format to GIF animation
# history:
# 97-01-03 fl created
kentcdodds / package-exact.js
Last active June 15, 2024 12:09
make your package.json dependencies be the exact version that's in your node_modules currently
/* jshint node:true */
/* eslint-env node */
* This will look at the current version of all of your dependencies and update your package.json
* with the specific version that you currently have in node_modules. This will save you from the
* sadness that is: DEPENDENCY MANAGEMENT
* Place this file in a folder that's a a sibling to your package.json and node_modules
* Then simply run: node scripts/package-strict
tnarihi /
Last active January 7, 2022 05:16
Emacs 24.4 installation on Ubuntu 14.04 without sudo

Installing Emacs 24.4 on Ubuntu 14.04 without sudo privilege

Just run:

sh ./

This will install ncurses which is dependency of emacs24.4. It may requires another dependencies depending on your environment. Note that configure options in emacs installation are for disabling GUI features.

jbinfo /
Last active March 7, 2022 05:49
How to create a Scrapy CSV Exporter with a custom delimiter and order fields

Create a scrapy exporter on the root of your scrapy project, we suppose the name of your project is my_project, we can name this exporter:

from scrapy.conf import settings
from scrapy.contrib.exporter import CsvItemExporter

class MyProjectCsvItemExporter(CsvItemExporter):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
 delimiter = settings.get('CSV_DELIMITER', ',')
cobyism /
Last active September 20, 2024 19:25
Deploy to `gh-pages` from a `dist` folder on the master branch. Useful for use with [yeoman](

Deploying a subfolder to GitHub Pages

Sometimes you want to have a subdirectory on the master branch be the root directory of a repository’s gh-pages branch. This is useful for things like sites developed with Yeoman, or if you have a Jekyll site contained in the master branch alongside the rest of your code.

For the sake of this example, let’s pretend the subfolder containing your site is named dist.

Step 1

Remove the dist directory from the project’s .gitignore file (it’s ignored by default by Yeoman).

wontoncc /
Last active July 6, 2024 19:59
Balloon tip module, Python, using win32gui.
# -- coding: utf-8 --
from win32api import *
from win32gui import *
import win32con
import sys, os
import struct
import time
class WindowsBalloonTip: