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Created June 19, 2012 12:56
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def belongs_to_with_test_methods(name, options={}, &block)
belongs_to_without_test_methods(name, options, &block)
refl = reflections[name]
id_method = refl.options[:primary_key] || refl.klass.primary_key
if options[:polymorphic]
# TODO: the class lookup in _is? below is incomplete; a polymorphic association to an STI base class
# will fail to match an object of a derived type
# (ie X belongs_to Y (polymorphic), Z is a subclass of Y; @x.y_is?(some_z) will never pass)
class_eval %{
--------> binding.pry
def #{name}_is?(target) == self.#{refl.options[:foreign_type]} && target.#{id_method} == self.#{refl.foreign_key} == self.#{refl.foreign_type} && target.#{id_method} == self.#{refl.foreign_key}
def #{name}_changed?
# #{refl.foreign_key}_changed? || #{refl.options[:foreign_type]}_changed?
#{refl.foreign_key}_changed? || #{refl.foreign_type}_changed?
id_method = refl.options[:primary_key] || refl.klass.primary_key
class_eval %{
def #{name}_is?(target)
our_id = self.#{refl.foreign_key}
# if our_id is nil, only return true if target is nil
return target.nil? unless our_id
target.class <= ::#{} && target.#{id_method} == our_id
def #{name}_changed?
[1] pry(UserAddon)> refl
=> #<ActiveRecord::Reflection::AssociationReflection:0xbc90198
UserAddon(id: integer, myapikey: string, myurl: string, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime, contact_id: integer, addon_id: integer, addon_type: string),
Addon(id: integer, title: string, body: text, bodylong: text, url: string, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime, what: string),
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