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Created September 29, 2015 11:49
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JS next steps

JavaScript projects

Packages and build process

Start simple, keep simple.

  • CommonJS modules
  • Browserify
  • npm run scripts
  • Makefile
  • simple build script


Remove all state from modules.

  • DI
  • Schedulers for timers etc.
  • Use an explicit messaging in view hierarchy


Create independent component views.

  • React
  • structure assets (js, css/scss, images) by component


Include a proper Promise library and use it everywhere in async functions.

  • Q, native Promises + prollyfill, etc.
  • Always resolve with a single value
  • Always reject with an instance of Error
  • Always either end the chain (like Q's done()) or return a promise
  • Be careful with nesting in promise chains, keep the chain shallow


Use custom Error types.

  • Extend Error object properly
  • Do custom error checking in Promise chains
  • Bubble errors in the defined messaging hierarchy


Use JsDoc (?).

  • Generate documentation

  • Help tern.js etc. in autocompletion

  • Google Closure compiler + type annotations?

    • Override e.g. DEBUG mode from command line to remove logging?
    • Use with JsDoc for type checking


  • Lint everything (JSHint, ESLint, JSCS)
  • Use null instead of undefined as an explicit missing value, undefined for something that is not yet defined
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