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Last active March 3, 2023 19:43
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  • Save kovrov/fb778b4e67b97117fdbbc8ff4e676a88 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Blender keys

blender hotkeys


Right click Select

Middle click Pan

Mouse wheel Zoom

Shift a Add object

x Delete

Spacebar Search for function

t Toolbar

n Properties

Ctrl s Save file

F12 Render image

Ctrl F12 Render animation

Esc Stop render

F3 Save render

F11 Show last render

Ctrl z Undo

Ctrl Shift z Redo


Shift d Duplicate

m Move to layer

Ctrl m Mirror

h Hide

Alt h Unhide

Ctrl Shift Alt c Move origin point

Ctrl p Parent to

Alt p Clear parent

Ctrl t Track to

Alt t Clear track

Shift c Reset 3D cursor

Ctrl Spacebar Turn widget on/off

Ctrl g Add to group

Alt b Clipping Border


g Move

r Rotate

s Scale

Shift hold Precise movement

Ctrl hold Increment movement

Middle click / x / y / z Lock to axis


Numpad 7 Top view

Numpad 1 Front view

Numpad 3 Side view

0 Camera view

Numpad . Zoom to object

Shift f Fly mode


Right click Select object

Shift Right click Select multiple

a (De-)Select all

Alt Right click Select object behind

l Select linked

Ctrl l Select all linked

b Box select

c Circle select

Ctrl Click Lasso tool

Ctrl i Inverse selection

Fly mode

Shift f Start fly mode

Mouse wheel {up} Accelerate

Mouse wheel {down} Decelerate

Middle click Pan

w Fly forward

s Fly backwards

a Fly left

d Fly right

r Fly up

f Fly down

Switching modes

Tab Edit/Object mode

v Vertex paint mode

Ctrl Tab Weight paint mode

Ctrl (/) Switching workspace

Shift F2 Logic editor

Shift F3 Node editor

Shift F4 Console

Shift F5 3D viewport

Shift F6 F-curve editor

Shift F7 Properties

Shift F8 Video sequence editor

Shift F9 Outliner

Shift F10 UV/Image editor

Shift F11 Text editor


f Make face

w Subdivide

e Extrude

p Separate

v Rip

Ctrl r Create loop cut

o Propositional editing

Alt Right click Select edge loop

Ctrl e Make seam/sharp

Alt m Merge vertices

Ctrl m Mirror

Alt s Shrink/Flatten

k then Click Knife

Alt f Fill

Shift Alt f Beauty fill

Ctrl (1/2/3/4) Add subdivision level

Editing curves

Alt c Close path

Ctrl Click Add handle

w Subdivide

Ctrl t Tilt

Alt t Clear tilt

h Change handle to bezier

v Change handle to vector

Shift h Reset to default handle


f Change brush size

Shift f Change brush strength

Ctrl f Rotate brush texture


Alt a Play/Stop animation

Alt Shift a Play animation in reverse

Next frame

Previous frame

Forward 10 frames

Back 10 frames

Shift Jump to start point

Shift Jump to end point

Alt Mouse wheel Scroll through frames

i Insert keyframe

Alt i Remove keyframe

Ctrl Page up Jump to next keyframe

Ctrl Page down Jump to previous keyframe

Node editor

Shift a Add node

Ctrl Left mouse Cut links

h (Un-)Hide node

Ctrl g Make group

Alt g Ungroup

Tab Edit group

Alt Middle mouse Move background

v Zoom in background

Alt v Zoom out background

n Properties


e or Ctrl Click Add bone

Ctrl r Rotate

Ctrl n Recalculate roll

Ctrl Alt a Align bones

m Move to bone layers

Shift m View bone layers

Shift w Set bone flag

Alt f Switch bone direction

]/[ Scroll hierarch

Shift (]/[) Select hierarchy

l Select connected

Pose mode

Ctrl a Apply pose

Alt r Clear pose rotation

Alt l Clear pose location

Alt s Clear pose scale

Ctrl c Copy pose

Ctrl v Paste pose

Shift i Add IK

Ctrl Alt i Remove IK

Ctrl g Add to bone group

Alt e Relax pose


s Set start frame

e Set end frame

Home Show all frames

m Add marker

Right click {drag} Move marker

Ctrl t Toggle frames/seconds

Video Sequence Editor

Page up Next strip

Page down Previous strip

k Split strip

Shift l Lock strip

Shift Alt l Unlock strip

Ctrl c Copy strip

Ctrl v Paste strip

y Separate images

Shift s Snap strip to scrubber


Shift F1 Append file

Alt F11 Full screen mode

Ctrl Maximize sub window

Ctrl o Change active camera

j Use render buffer

w Only render selected

Shift b Only render portion

Ctrl u Save over default scene

Ctrl F4 Make screen cast

Copy link

R3V1Z3 commented Aug 26, 2017

Very helpful!

To provide a better viewing experience for this one, I've just added a postprocess parameter to my cheatsheet viewer to auto-convert code segments with keypresses to kbd tags.

Check it out here:

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