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extension Dictionary {
init(_ elements: [Element]){
for (k, v) in elements {
self[k] = v
func map<U>(transform: Value -> U) -> [Key : U] {
return Dictionary<Key, U>(, { (key, value) in (key, transform(value)) }))
func map<U>(transform: Key -> U) -> [U : Value] {
return Dictionary<U, Value>(, { (key, value) in (transform(key), value) }))
func map<T : Hashable, U>(transform: (Key, Value) -> (T, U)) -> [T : U] {
return Dictionary<T, U>(, transform))
func filter(includeElement: Element -> Bool) -> [Key : Value] {
return Dictionary(Swift.filter(self, includeElement))
func reduce<U>(initial: U, @noescape combine: (U, Element) -> U) -> U {
return Swift.reduce(self, initial, combine)
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