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The Node.js group is a tool to announce cool things you've built, discuss cool things you're working on, and get help with things that are confusing you. It is a great forum for swapping knowledge. It is part of Node's large, loose network of resources. But it's not the only one – there are other resources that might be a better place to seek help or ask questions:

  • Stack Overflow is a great place to get help with specific technical questions about Node! If you post a question there, please wait a few days before crossposting it to the list, as many of the people who answer questions about Node on SO are also here. Also, crosspost with a link rather than the whole text of the question, to keep things tidy and to keep discussion of the issue in one place.
  • The development of Node itself is largely handled through Github. If you think you've encountered a bug in Node itself, it's best to file an issue there.
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