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Last active December 12, 2015 02:58
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英数字を180度回転して表示するプログラム #xyzzy
;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Encoding: Shift_JIS -*-
;;; 英数字を180度回転した文字を表示するプログラム
;;; 元ネタ:
(provide "flippy")
(in-package "user")
(defvar *flippy-alist* nil)
(unless *flippy-alist*
(setq *flippy-alist*
'((#\A . #\∀) (#\B . #\B) (#\C . #\C) (#\D . #\D) (#\E . #\∃)
(#\F . #\x0df6) (#\G . #\G) (#\H . #\H) (#\I . #\I) (#\J . #\x15ae)
(#\K . #\x5277) (#\L . #\7) (#\M . #\W) (#\N . #\N)
(#\O . #\O) (#\P . #\d) (#\Q . #\x03bc) (#\R . #\R) (#\S . #\5)
(#\T . #\⊥) (#\U . #\∩) (#\V . #\Λ) (#\W . #\M) (#\X . #\X)
(#\Y . #\Y) (#\Z . #\2)
(#\a . #\x1580) (#\b . #\q) (#\c . #\x1584) (#\d . #\p) (#\e . #\x1589)
(#\f . #\x158f) (#\g . #\x1583) (#\h . #\x1595) (#\i . #\!) (#\j . #\x15ae)
(#\k . #\x15ce) (#\l . #\1) (#\m . #\x159f) (#\n . #\u) (#\o . #\o)
(#\p . #\d) (#\q . #\b) (#\r . #\x15a9) (#\s . #\s)
(#\t . #\x15b7) (#\u . #\n) #|(#\v . #\x15bc)|# (#\v . #\^) (#\w . #\x15bd) (#\x . #\x)
(#\y . #\x15be) (#\z . #\z)
(#\0 . #\0) (#\1 . #\l) (#\2 . #\Z) (#\3 . #\ε) (#\4 . #\4)
(#\5 . #\S) (#\6 . #\9) (#\7 . #\L) (#\8 . #\8) (#\9 . #\6)
(#\. . #\.) (#\, . #\') (#\+ . #\+) (#\- . #\-) (#\: . #\:) (#\; . #\;)
(#\! . #\i) (#\? . #\x013f) (#\& . #\&) (#\^ . #\v)
(defun flippy-char (c)
(or (cdr (assoc c *flippy-alist*))
(car (rassoc c *flippy-alist*))
(defun %flippy (in &optional out)
(do ((c #1=(read-char in nil :eof) #1#))
((eq c :eof))
(write-char (flippy-char c) out)))
(defun flippy-string (str)
(with-input-from-string (in str)
(with-output-to-string (out)
(%flippy in out))))
(defun flippy ()
(let ((line (make-vector 16 :element-type 'character :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
(minibuffer-prompt "Flippy: ~a" line)
(message "~a" (flippy-string line))
(let ((c (read-char *keyboard*)))
(case c
(#\RET (clear-message) (return))
(#\C-g (quit))
(#\C-h (or (zerop (length line))
(vector-pop line)))
(t (vector-push-extend c line)))))))
(defun flippy-region (from to)
(interactive "*r")
(ed::text-decode-region #'%flippy from to))
;; zone.l と組み合わせてみる
;; こちらを参照:
(require "zone")
(defun zone-pgm-flippy ()
"一文字ごとに Flippy"
(when (interactive-p)
(zone 'zone-pgm-flippy)
(return-from zone-pgm-flippy t))
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (and (not (ed::input-pending-p))
(not (ed::zone-timeout-p)))
(when (eobp)
(goto-char (point-min)))
(let ((c (following-char)))
(insert (flippy-char c)))
(sit-for 0.025)
(defun zone-pgm-flippy2 ()
"一行ごとに Flippy"
(when (interactive-p)
(zone 'zone-pgm-flippy2)
(return-from zone-pgm-flippy2 t))
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (and (not (ed::input-pending-p))
(not (ed::zone-timeout-p)))
(let* ((a (save-excursion (goto-bol) (point)))
(z (save-excursion (goto-eol) (point)))
(line (buffer-substring a z)))
(delete-region a z)
(insert (flippy-string line)))
(unless (forward-line)
(goto-char (point-min)))
(sit-for 0.05)
;; M-x: zone-pgm-flippy
;; C-u M-x: zone -> Zone program: zone-pgm-flippy
(push 'zone-pgm-flippy ed::zone-programs)
(push 'zone-pgm-flippy2 ed::zone-programs)
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