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sbailliez /
Last active September 12, 2024 16:56
Vagrant and VMWare Tech Preview 21H1 on Apple M1 Pro

Vagrant and VMWare Tech Preview 21H1 on Apple M1 Pro

UPDATE November 20, 2022: VMWare Fusion 13

VMWare Fusion 13 is now released. Read Vagrant and VMWare Fusion 13 Player on Apple M1 Pro for the latest.


This document summarizes notes taken while to make the VMWare Tech preview work on Apple M1 Pro, it originated

prologic /
Last active September 9, 2024 10:19
Learn Go in ~5mins
NoDataFound / gist:12e299a6f928a6d1e79f828ebdca8e2f
Created November 12, 2020 21:11
"Magecart Group 12: End of Life Magento Sites Infested with Ants and Cockroaches"
#API Documentation:
#Command to pull IoC's for "Magecart Group 12: End of Life Magento Sites Infested with Ants and Cockroaches"
curl -u <RiskIQ_Email>:<APIKey> '' | jq '.indicators[] .value'
kahole / index.html
Last active April 26, 2024 06:04
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
body {
font-family: Hack, Menlo, Monaco, 'Droid Sans Mono', 'Courier New', monospace;
white-space: pre;
nileshtrivedi /
Last active June 1, 2024 00:11
Home Server setup: Raspberry PI on Internet via reverse SSH tunnel

Raspberry Pi on Internet via reverse SSH tunnel

HackerNews discussed this with many alternative solutions:

I already have my own domain name: I wanted to be able to run some webapps on my Raspberry Pi 4B running perpetually at home in headless mode (just needs 5W power and wireless internet). I wanted to be able to access these apps from public Internet. Dynamic DNS wasn't an option because my ISP blocks all incoming traffic. ngrok would work but the free plan is too restrictive.

I bought a cheap 2GB RAM, 20GB disk VM + a 25GB volume on Hetzner for about 4 EUR/month. Hetzner gave me a static IP for it. I haven't purchased a floating IP yet.

pemagrg1 / convert_envyml_to_reqtxt
Created April 22, 2020 17:51
convert environment.yml to requirement.txt
import ruamel.yaml
yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML()
data = yaml.load(open('environment.yml'))
requirements = []
for dep in data['dependencies']:
if isinstance(dep, str):
package, package_version, python_version = dep.split('=')
if python_version == '0':
kx499-zz /
Created March 15, 2017 00:47
import zmq
# ZeroMQ Context
context = zmq.Context()
# Define the socket using the "Context"
sock = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
# Define subscription and messages with prefix to accept.
sock.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "misp_json")
dusenberrymw /
Last active June 28, 2024 12:37
Tips and tricks for Apache Spark.

Spark Tips & Tricks

Misc. Tips & Tricks

  • If values are integers in [0, 255], Parquet will automatically compress to use 1 byte unsigned integers, thus decreasing the size of saved DataFrame by a factor of 8.
  • Partition DataFrames to have evenly-distributed, ~128MB partition sizes (empirical finding). Always err on the higher side w.r.t. number of partitions.
  • Pay particular attention to the number of partitions when using flatMap, especially if the following operation will result in high memory usage. The flatMap op usually results in a DataFrame with a [much] larger number of rows, yet the number of partitions will remain the same. Thus, if a subsequent op causes a large expansion of memory usage (i.e. converting a DataFrame of indices to a DataFrame of large Vectors), the memory usage per partition may become too high. In this case, it is beneficial to repartition the output of flatMap to a number of partitions that will safely allow for appropriate partition memory sizes, based upon the
alirobe / reclaimWindows10.ps1
Last active August 31, 2024 20:27
This Windows 10 Setup Script turns off a bunch of unnecessary Windows 10 telemetery, bloatware, & privacy things. Not guaranteed to catch everything. Review and tweak before running. Reboot after running. Scripts for reversing are included and commented. Fork of (different defaults). N.…
### UPDATE: For Win 11, I recommend using this tool in place of this script:
### iwr -useb | iex