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Last active May 19, 2016 15:46
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var redis = require("redis"),
client = redis.createClient();
testZremForSetLength(5, () => {
testZremForSetLength(120, () => {
testZremForSetLength(1000, () => {
testZremForSetLength(10000, () => {
function testZremForSetLength(setLength, callback) {
var start = process.hrtime();
client.eval("\"DEL\", \"test-key\");local i = 1;while (i<" + setLength + ") do\"ZADD\", \"test-key\", i, i); i=i+1; end;local m = 1;while (m<100000) do\"ZSCORE\", \"test-key\", \"n\"); m=m+1; end;", 0, 0, function () {
var end = process.hrtime(start);"Execution time for set length of %d: %ds %dms", setLength, end[0], end[1]/1000000);
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