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Last active August 13, 2016 01:42
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AAC 1.9 pre-release configuration
#### AAC Config
# NOTE: Most of the values here have been tried and tested to work.
# It is not recommended that you change them unless you are
# getting false positives.
# It would be a good idea to make sure the false positives you're getting aren't actually hackers....
# The configurable commands will replace "{player}" with the name of the player.
# You can run multiple commands on a single threshold by creating 2 entries with the same key:
# thresholds:
# 10:
# - "broadcast {player} was kicked for hacking"
# - "kick {player} hacking"
# Be sure to check language.yml for configuration regarding staff chat, etc.
## If you need any help configuring AAC, or you're getting false positives and you don't know why, feel free to PM me on Spigot.
# Angle forces players to look at entities they want to attack
# Do you want to enable the angle check
enabled: true
# How far off the entity should the player be able to look
max_diff: 0.30
# How far off a player should the attacker be able to look?
max_player_diff: 0.15
# How close must the players be to bypass the angle check?
min_dist: 2.0
# Should AAC cancel false hits
cancel_false_hits: true
# Map of violation levels to commands
6: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for Killaura (Angle) (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
12: "aackick {player} Impossible angles in attacks"
# BadPackets prevents players from using packets to exploit the server
# Do you want to enable the badpackets check
enabled: true
# After how many moves should packets be cancelled?
# A lower value reduces the possibility of blinking and exploits and improves performance.
# A higher value will reduce the number of false positives. This should always be above 3.
cancel_threshold: 14
# How many moves should a player be able to send in 3 ticks
# An unmodified client should send 3 moves in 3 ticks. Be sure to think about lag
# The violation value will be increased by (how many packets the player sends - max_moves) / 10
max_moves: 50
# Map of violation levels to commands
30: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for Regen/NoPotion (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
70: "aackick {player} Suspicious activity"
# Criticals prevents players from getting critical hits when it's not possible
# Do you want to enable the criticals check?
enabled: true
# Should a hit be cancelled if it is a critical and the player is on the ground?
cancel_false_hit: true
# Map of violation levels to commands
1: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for Criticals (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
3: "aackick {player} Criticals hacking is not allowed"
# Fastbow prevents players from shooting their bow too quickly
# Do you want to enable the fastbow check
enabled: true
# What is the minimum force of a shot for it to be registered
# This goes from 0 to 1, 1 being a fully charged bow
min_force: 0.15
# How many of these shots should a player be able to fire in 1 second
# it takes 1.2 seconds to fully draw a bow
shots_fired_threshold: 3
# Map of violation levels to commands
3: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for FastBow (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
12: "aackick {player} Shooting arrows too quickly"
# FightSpeed prevents players from attacking too quickly
# Do you want to enable the fightspeed check
enabled: true
# How many times should a player be able to attack in 1 second
# NoCheatPlus's fightspeed check allows 15 hits per second
max_hits_per_second: 16
# Map of violation levels to commands
8: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for AutoClicker (FightSpeed) (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
15: "aackick {player} Strange click speed. (AutoClicker? Macros?)"
# NormalMovements stops players from moving unexpectedly
# Do you want to enable the normalmovements check
enabled: true
# f:step:x - Should NormalMovements handle stepping?
f_step: true
# f:float:x - Should NormalMovements handle floating?
f_float: true
# f:dy:x - Should NormalMovements attempt to detect client patterns?
f_dy: true
# Should NormalMovements teleport players to corrected locations?
teleport: true
# Map of violation levels to commands
20: "aacstaffnotify {player} may be movement hacking (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
# Fly kicks players who move too high
# Do you want to enable the fly check
enabled: true
# Base max jump height. Expected max is 1.3
max_jump: 1.42
# If a player's violation level is below 2, he will not be rubberbanded if the violation amount is not more than allow.
allow: 0.07
# How high a player will be allowed to jump after bouncing off a slime block
slime_allow: 60.0
# Increasing velocity_multiplier will improve compatiblility with jump pads.
velocity_multiplier: 4.0
# How high should a player be allowed to jump after taking damage
knockback_allow: 5.0
# How high should a player be allowed to move from natural causes (fire, poison, etc)
natural_allow: 2.1
# Should players be teleported back down if detected?
teleport: true
# Map of violation levels to commands
15: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for Fly (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
30: "aackick {player} Moved unexpectedly"
# Speed kicks players who move too quickly
# Do you want to enable the speed check
enabled: true
# Speed limits per tick
sprinting_speed: 0.415
sneaking_speed: 0.215
# On and under water
surface_speed: 0.12
underwater_speed: 0.05
dive_speed: 0.69
# Other
cobweb_speed: 0.10
item_speed: 0.21
soul_sand_speed: 0.39
ice_speed: 0.71
# Multiplier of the maximum distance if the player is jumping
jump_multiplier: 1.8
# Multiplier of distance on velocity
vel_multiplier: 2.0
# Ticks a player should not be checked after entering the water
dive_period: 20
# Should AAC use movement counting to prevent clients from bypassing by sending too many moves?
use_move_counting: true
# How many moves per second should be assumed as legitimate? (NCP = 22)
max_moves: 22
# Custom modifiers for anti-timer, averaging over a longer period of time
# Second line of defense over timer. Slow, but practically unbypassable.
enabled: true
# Max moves per second
max_moves: 21.0
# Ticks to take an average over
time: 150
# Whether this rubberbanding should ignore the vls_to_band anti false positive limitations
bypass_band: true
# How many times should a player be allowed to toggle sneak in a second
max_sneak_toggles: 15
# How many times should a player be allowed to toggle use in a second
max_use_toggles: 22
# Multiplier for speed. Increase if you have false positives.
speed_multiplier: 0.32
# Multiplier for slowness. Decrease if you have false positives.
slow_multiplier: 0.03
# Every time a player fails the speed check, the band vl will go up by (actualDistance - expectedDistance) * band_multiplier
# This can be set to 0 to turn off rubberbanding completely.
band_multiplier: 5.0
# How many violations before a player will start being rubber-banded
vls_to_band: 8
# How long must a player remain clean for band violations to be cleared? (seconds)
clear_vl_delay: 12
# Map of violation levels to commands
10: "aacmessage {player} It looks like you might be glitching, please tap sneak and block with your sword"
20: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for Speed hacking (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
30: "aackick {player} Moved too quickly"
# HeadRoll stops players being derps :/
# Do you want to enable the headroll check
enabled: true
# Map of violation levels to commands
1: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for Derp hacks (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
2: "aackick {player} Illegal position"
# Forcefield detects combat hacks which hit entities around the player
# Do you want to enable the forcefield check
enabled: true
# Do you want the player above you to be invisible
# *HIGHLY* recommended to be kept at false.
# The majority of hacked clients do not target invisible entities.
# If you change this to true, killaura detection will be severely slowed down. Best idea would be to ask your players to ignore it.
head_player_invisible: false
# You can make the head player invisible when the player isn't fighting
# With this true, the head player will be invisible when the player isn't fighting
# If the player isn't fighting or this option is false, AAC will default to head_player_invisible
# This takes PVP from combat_time, so make sure that's a sensible value
invisible_outside_pvp: true
# How high above the player should the headplayer be spawned?
# Anything under 2.7 could affect hit detection
# Anything above 4.5 could be out of range of the player
head_player_height: 3.4
# Should the head player be moved away if the player looks up?
# This is to prevent players from creating false positives by hitting the head player (if it is visible)
no_head_player_looking_up: true
# Do you want to spawn the side players
# This spawns players within the users' FOV to confuse click aimbot
# Side players are invisible, as they are within the user's FOV.
use_side_players: false
# Use player names and gameprofiles from past players instead of random profiles
# This can be extremely useful in preventing bypasses, as the player's details are completely legitimate
# This setting has no effect if online_player_names is true.
past_player_names: false
# Should the head player use profiles of players online right now?
# If you have nametag plugins that use the scoreboard, turn this off
# Otherwise, keep this on as it patches a massive number of possible bypasses
online_player_names: true
# Do you want to keep the head player in the tab list?
# This can prevent bypasses where the the client checks that the name is in the tablist, before hitting it.
head_tablist: false
# Packet level configuration options
random_sprint: true
# Map of violation levels to commands
8: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for Killaura (NPC check) (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
14: "aackick {player} Forcefield is not allowed"
# Knockback checks if the player moves after he is hit
# Do you want to enable the knockback check
enabled: true
# How long should AAC wait before checking a player
tick_delay: 9
# Should AAC compensate for ping?
add_ping: true
# What's the maximum ping value AAC should compensate to (pingspoof?)
max_ping: 500
# What's the minimum distance a player should be knocked back
min_knockback_dist: 0.01
# Minimum time a player should be knocked back for
min_knockback_time: 2
# Map of violation levels to commands
9: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for Anti-Knockback (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
16: "aackick {player} Not taking knockback"
# Reach checks if entites the player hits are close enough to the player
# Do you want to enable the reach check
enabled: true
# How far should AAC allow the player to reach (vanilla = 3.8)
max_reach: 4.1
# How far does bukkit allow players to reach (Don't change this)
max_bukkit_reach: 9.0
# How much should AAC compensate for hitbox stretching? Increase this first with false positives.
move_multiplier: 3.0
# Map of violation levels to commands
15: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for Reach (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
28: "aackick {player} Hitting too far away"
# NoSwing makes sure players swing their arm when attacking
# Do you want to enable the noswing check
enabled: true
# Map of violation levels to commands
8: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for NoSwing (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
22: "aackick {player} Not swinging arm"
# Regen directly stops players from healing too quickly
# Do you want to enable the regen check
enabled: true
# Should AAC cancel regeneration if it happens too quickly?
cancel_regen: true
# What delay should AAC force between regeneration?
min_regen_delay: 3600
# What delay should AAC force between regeneration at full hunger?
min_satiated_delay: 800
# Map of violation levels to commands
8: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for Regen (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
15: "aackick {player} Regenerating health too quickly"
# Killaura detects combat hacks which give an unfair advantage
# Do you want to enable the killaura check
enabled: true
# Killaura also has a different method of using NPCs. Check_chance to 0 to disable.
# What % of the time should AAC do an NPC check?
check_chance: 100
# How long should AAC wait to spawn the NPC
check_delay: 3
# Should AAC use a random entity type for the NPC? false = NPC will be the type of entity the player is fighting with.
random_type: true
# After spawning the NPC, how long should AAC wait before starting to count hits?
# check_delay + listen_delay must be less than 9, or hits will be lost.
listen_delay: 6
# How far away must 2 players be to be checked?
min_dist: 2.0
# How long should the NPC be spawned for?
ticks_spawned: 9
# How far along the distance should the NPC be spawned
percent_distance: 80
# How much should the NPC check be weighted per hit?
npc_multiplier: 3
# How far off should a player be able to look to allow the hit
max_diff: 0.11
# How far should the player be allowed to reach through the NPC
max_reach: 4.5
# How long should a player be prevented from hitting someone when he fails this check? (ticks)
suspended_combat_time: 6
# Heuristic components: These will contribute to the kick threshold when a player has a high likelihood of hacking
# Requried chance for an Aimbot kick (%). Set to something >= 100 to disable
aimbot: 80
# Required chance for a Reach kick (%). Set to something >= 100 to disable
reach: 84
# Required chance for an Accuracy kick (%). Set to something >= 100 to disable
accuracy: 80
# Map of violation levels to commands
9: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for Killaura (Heuristics) (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
16: "aackick {player} Suspicious (killaura-like) combat"
# CombatImpossible cancels hits which cannot happen normally
# Do you want to enable the CombatImpossible check
enabled: true
# Should hits be cancelled if the attacker is dead?
cancel_dead: true
# Should hits be cancelled if the attacker is using an item?
cancel_using_item: true
# Map of violation levels to commands
12: "aacstaffnotify {player} may be hitting illegitimately (or could be glitched) (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
# NoFall ensures players take fall damage
# Do you want to enable the NoFall check
enabled: true
# Minimum downwards velocity for NoFall to apply
required_velocity: -0.2
# Should AAC deal fall damage to players?
deal_damage: true
# Map of violation levels to commands
10: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for NoFall hacks (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
30: "aackick {player} Suspicious activity midair"
# Glide ensures players fall at the right speed
# Do you want to enable the Glide check
enabled: true
# How strongly should AAC enforce fall speeds (smaller values are more accurate)
tolerance: 0.03
# Minimum violation level for a player to be teleported down. Only if teleport is true
min_vl: 5
# Teleport the player down if detected?
teleport: true
# Map of violation levels to commands
25: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for Glide hacks (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
45: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for Glide hacks #2 (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
# Climb stops people climbing ladders too quickly
# Do you want to enable the Climb check
enabled: true
# How fast should a player be allowed to start a ladder climb
max_start_speed: 1.5
# How fast should a player be allowed to climb a ladder
max_ascent_speed: 0.14
# Should climb teleport players?
teleport: true
# Map of violation levels to commands
15: "aacstaffnotify {player} is climbing ladders too quickly (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
30: "aackick {player} Climbing ladders too quickly?"
# Jesus stops people from walking on water
# Do you want to enable the Jesus check
enabled: true
# Should Jesus teleport players?
teleport: true
# Map of violation levels to commands
10: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for Jesus hacks (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
30: "aacstaffnotify {player} is very likely to be using Jesus hacks"
50: "aackick {player} Walking on water?"
# ElytraMove controls elytra flight
# Do you want to enable the ElytraMove check
enabled: true
# How strongly should AAC enforce elytra movement (smaller = more accurate)
tolerance: 0.05
# Should ElytraMove teleport players?
teleport: true
# Map of violation levels to commands
20: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for Elytra hacking (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
40: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for Elytra hacking #2 (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
# Phase stops people glitching through blocks
# Do you want to enable the Phase check
enabled: true
# How long should a player be frozen in place after being detected for phase? (ms)
freeze_time: 200
# What's the maximum distance AAC should teleport players to ideal locations.
max_dist: 3.0
# Should AAC check for vclip
check_vclip: true
# Map of violation levels to commands
10: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for Phase (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
30: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for Phase #2 (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
# FastUse stops players consuming items too quickly
# Do you want to enable the FastUse check
enabled: true
# What delay should AAC enforce for eating an item (ms)
ms_to_use: 1200
# Map of violation levels to commands
5: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for FastEat hacks (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
9: "aackick {player} Using items too quickly"
# FastBreak stops players from breaking blocks too quickly
# Do you want to enable the fastbreak check?
enabled: true
# How many ticks should fastbreak count as lag, and ignore
let_ticks: 2
# Should AAC cancel an illegal block break?
cancel_break: true
# Should AAC check for a break delay (i.e. between block breaks)
check_delay: true
# Map of violation levels to commands
10: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for FastBreak hacks (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
20: "aackick {player} Breaking blocks too fast"
# FastPlace stops players from placing blocks too quickly
# Do you want to enable the fastplace check?
enabled: true
# How many ms should fastplace force between block placements?
min_delay: 100
# Should AAC cancel an illegal block place?
cancel_place: true
# Map of violation levels to commands
10: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for FastPlace hacks (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
20: "aackick {player} Placing blocks too fast"
# Nuker stops players from breaking too many blocks at once
# Do you want to enable the nuker check?
enabled: true
# How many blocks should a player be able to break in 1 second: vl if greater than this value
max_breaks_per_second: 40
# The violation will only be recorded if it divides by this number (reduces spam)
vl_divisor: 30
# Map of violation levels to commands
5: "aacstaffnotify {player} is suspected for Nuker (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
10: "aackick {player} Breaking too many blocks"
# ImpossibleInteract stops players interacting with blocks they can't
# Do you want to enable the impossibleinteract check
enabled: true
# Detect interacting with liquids?
cancel_liquids: true
# Detect ghosthands?
cancel_ghosthand: true
# Map of violation levels to commands
14: "aacstaffnotify {player} is interacting suspiciously (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
25: "aacstaffnotify {player} is interacting suspiciously #2 (ping = {ping}, tps = {tps})"
# PlayerRadar hides players that cannot be seen
# Do you want to enable anti-radar? (Experimental)
enabled: false
# How far must 2 players be apart to be hidden from each other?
# Players closer than this will always be able to see each other
# In games where nametags are not shown, this can be set to 0.
required_dist: 15
# This should be set to your entity render distance (Spigot default = 48)
max_dist: 48
# Map of violation levels to commands
0: "Unused"
# Spam prevents players from spamming the server chat
# Do you want to enable the spam check?
enabled: true
# What words should not be covered by the anti-spam check?
# messages less than 3 letters are already ignored
- "lol"
- "hello"
- "okay"
# How many messages should a player be able to send in 10 seconds
message_limit: 4
# How fast can a player send messages (ticks)
chat_speed: 10
# Map of violation levels to commands
10: "aacstaffnotify {player} is probably spamming"
15: "aackick {player} Stop spamming, you sad person"
### General things
# How many times must a player be kicked before he is banned (-1 for no autoban)
ban_threshold: 5
# What command should be executed when a player is banned (only applies for /aackick)
ban_command: "aacban {player}"
# How long after a player is kicked should he be allowed to log in (ticks)
kick_ticks: 120
# How long before a player leaves combat after dealing/taking damage
# Don't set this to 0 or -1, it's crucial for the forcefield and killaura checks. Change kill_loggers only to disable combat logging.
combat_time: 50
# Should AAC kill combat loggers (combat_time)
kill_loggers: true
# Should AAC log events to a file?
log_file: true
# Should AAC log events to the console?
log_console: true
# Should /aackick broadcast a message?
aackick_broadcast: true
# Should AAC disable/enable checks dynamically? IF YOU HAVE PWP DISABLE
usetps: true
# Disable the command /aac? If you really want to ;(
aac: false
# Enable verbose logging? This will allow those with the AAC.verbose permission to get spammed.
# Not recommended.
verbose: false
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