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Created March 18, 2011 22:36
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Rewrite of "Processing in Clojure"
(import [processing.core PApplet])
(def angle-seq (iterate #(+ (Math/toRadians 10) %) 0))
(defn calculate-scale [angle] (* (Math/cos angle) 6))
(def scale-seq (atom (map calculate-scale angle-seq)))
(defn generate-scale []
(swap! scale-seq rest)
(first @scale-seq)))
(defn generate-color [] (rand-int 255))
(def petal-angles (map #(Math/toRadians %) (range 0 360 75)))
(defn draw-translated-circle [applet color xoff yoff radius]
(let [x (. applet mouseX)
y (. applet mouseY)]
(doto applet
(.fill color)
(.ellipse (+ x xoff) (+ y yoff) radius radius))))
(defn draw-petals [applet]
(let [scale (generate-scale)]
(doall (for [angle petal-angles
:let [xoff (* (Math/cos angle) scale)
yoff (* (Math/sin angle) scale)]]
(draw-translated-circle applet (generate-color) xoff yoff scale)))))
(defn draw-center [applet] (draw-translated-circle applet 255 0 0 2))
(defn draw-flower-under-mouse [applet]
(doto applet
(def papplet
(proxy [PApplet] []
(PApplet [] (println "in constructor"))
(setup []
(doto this
(.size 640 360)
(.background 102)
(.fill 102)))
(draw [] (draw-flower-under-mouse this))))
(.init papplet)
(def frame (javax.swing.JFrame. "Test"))
(doto frame
(-> (.getContentPane) (.add papplet))
(.setVisible true))
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