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Created March 16, 2013 18:04
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(:require [tutorial.controllers :as ctrl]))
(defn ng-route [provider path route-spec]
(.when provider path (clj->js route-spec)))
(defn ng-route-otherwise [provider route-spec]
(.otherwise provider (clj->js route-spec)))
(doto (angular/module "phonecat" (array "phonecatFilters" "phonecatServices"))
(.config (array "$routeProvider"
(fn [$routeProvider]
(doto $routeProvider
(ng-route "/phones" {:templateUrl "partials/phone-list.html"
:controller ctrl/phone-list-ctrl})
(ng-route "/phones/:phoneId" {:templateUrl "partials/phone-detail.html"
:controller ctrl/phone-detail-ctrl})
(ng-route-otherwise {:redirectTo "/phones"}))))))
(ns tutorial.controllers)
(defn ^:export phone-list-ctrl [$scope Phone]
; Unfortunately, with custom actions (like Phone.query) the advanced
; compilation will lose the name, so we have to get it by string explicitly
(aset $scope "phones" ((aget Phone "query")))
(aset $scope "orderProp" "age"))
(aset phone-list-ctrl "$inject" (array "$scope" "Phone"))
(defn ^:export phone-detail-ctrl [$scope $routeParams Phone]
; Setting $ from "right hand side" and $scope.mainImageUrl
; from success callback is nuts, but that's what the tutorial does
(aset $scope "phone" (.get Phone
(clj->js {:phoneId (aget $routeParams "phoneId")})
(fn [phone] (aset $scope "mainImageUrl" (first (.-images phone))))))
(aset $scope "setImage" (partial aset $scope "mainImageUrl")))
(aset phone-detail-ctrl "$inject" (array "$scope" "$routeParams" "Phone"))
(ns tutorial.filters)
(doto (angular/module "phonecatFilters" (array))
(.filter "checkmark"
(fn []
(fn [input]
(if input "\u2713" "\u2718")))))
(doto (angular/module "phonecatServices" (array "ngResource"))
(.factory "Phone"
(array "$resource"
(fn [$resource]
(clj->js {})
(clj->js {:query {:method "GET" :params {:phoneId ""} :isArray true}}))))))
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