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Created August 25, 2023 05:19
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Proposal for Introducing nil to ECMAScript


This proposal aims to introduce a new primitive value nil to the ECMAScript language, addressing a gap between null and undefined. While seemingly unnecessary, this addition offers subtle and nuanced differentiation in handling non-values, aligning with modern programming paradigms.


  • Value: nil
  • Type: typeof nil returns "absent"
  • Comparison:
    • nil == null (loose equality)
    • nil !== undefined
    • nil === nil
  • Default Parameter Value: Functions can have a default value of nil, distinct from undefined, allowing differentiation between omitted parameters and those explicitly passed as undefined.


let x = nil; // x is now "absent"

Example Usage

function greet(name = nil) {
  if (name === nil) {
    return "Name is absent, not undefined!";
  return `Hello, ${name}!`;


nil introduces an intermediate state between the non-existence represented by undefined and the intentional absence indicated by null. This facilitates a tri-state logic for handling parameters and object properties, enriching the semantics of the language.

Conversion Rules

  • JSON.stringify will convert nil to "nil"
  • When converted to a boolean, nil will evaluate to false

Backward Compatibility

The addition of nil will not affect existing code as it introduces a new primitive value, distinct from null and undefined.

Potential Concerns and Counterarguments

  • Redundancy with null and undefined: The introduction of nil provides more granular control over handling non-values and aligns with emerging programming practices that distinguish between different types of absence.

  • Learning Curve: While this may add complexity, the differentiation between nil, null, and undefined enables more expressive coding patterns.


The introduction of nil into ECMAScript is a logical evolution that bridges the semantic gap between null and undefined. By embracing a more nuanced understanding of absence, this proposal enhances the language's flexibility and expressiveness, making it even more aligned with the complex needs of modern software development.

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