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Created June 28, 2020 08:36
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babashka bookmark plugin for nnn
#!/usr/bin/env bb
; kolja (@01k) 2020
; usage:
; create a directory where you would like to keep your bookmarks.
; create an env variable NNN_BMDIR with the path to that directory (e.g. "~/.config/nnn/bookmarks")
; save this file in ~/.config/nnn/plugins as "bookmark" (for example)
; example:
; export NNN_BMDIR="~/.config/nnn/bookmarks"
; export NNN_BMS="b:${NNN_BMDIR}"
; export NNN_PLUG="b:bookmark"
; then it's ";b" to bookmark a file or directory
; and "bb" to change change to the bookmarks folder.
(ns bookmark
(:require [ :as io]
[ :refer [sh]]
[clojure.string :as str]))
(defn expand-home [bmdir]
(if (.startsWith bmdir "~")
(clojure.string/replace-first bmdir "~" (System/getProperty "user.home"))
(defn input [message]
(print message)
(-> (io/reader *in*) line-seq first)))
(let [[target pwd] *command-line-args*
bookmark_dir (expand-home (System/getenv "NNN_BMDIR"))
bookmark_name (input (str "Bookmark " pwd "/" target " as: "))
{:keys [:exit :err :out]} (sh "ln" "-s"
(str pwd "/" target)
(str bookmark_dir "/" bookmark_name))]
(if (zero? exit)
(println out)
(do (println "ERROR:" err)
(System/exit 1))))
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