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Last active July 20, 2023 17:05
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Twitter API v2 usage example using Got and OAuth-1.0a

Twitter API v2 Usage Example

Install got and oauth-1.0a NPM dependencies.

import { TwitterClient } from "./twitter";

// Initializes a new Twitter client using OAuth 1.0a credentials
const twitter = new TwitterClient({
  // Twitter App credentials (API key and secret)
  apiKey: env.TWITTER_API_KEY,
  apiSecret: env.TWITTER_API_SECRET,
  // User credentials (avaialble upon sign in)
  userToken: "xxxxx",
  userSecret: "xxxxx",

// Posts a new tweet to the user's timeline
const tweet = await{
  text: "Hello"
/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023-present Konstantin Tarkus */
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */
import { got, RequestError } from "got";
import crypto from "node:crypto";
import OAuth, { HashFunction, RequestOptions } from "oauth-1.0a";
* Initializes a Twitter client.
* @example
* const twitter = new TwitterClient({
* apiKey: env.TWITTER_API_KEY,
* apiSecret: env.TWITTER_API_SECRET,
* userToken: "xxxxx",
* userSecret: "xxxxx"
* });
* const tweet = await{
* text: "hello"
* });
export class TwitterClient {
readonly oauth: OAuth;
readonly userToken: string;
readonly userSecret: string;
constructor(options: {
apiKey: string;
apiSecret: string;
userToken: string;
userSecret: string;
}) {
this.oauth = new OAuth({
consumer: {
key: options.apiKey,
secret: options.apiSecret,
signature_method: "HMAC-SHA1",
hash_function: hashFn,
this.userToken = options.userToken;
this.userSecret = options.userSecret;
* Posts a new tweet on the user's timeline.
post(data: { text: string }): Promise<Tweet> {
const options: RequestOptions = {
url: "",
includeBodyHash: true,
method: "POST",
const request = this.oauth.authorize(options, {
key: this.userToken,
secret: this.userSecret,
return got
.post(options.url, {
headers: { ...this.oauth.toHeader(request) },
.json<{ data: Tweet }>()
.then((res) =>
.catch((err) => {
if (err instanceof RequestError && err.response) {
const res = JSON.parse(err.response.body as string);
const message = res.errors?.[0]?.message;
if (message) {
throw new Error(message, { cause: res });
throw err;
const hashFn: HashFunction = (value, key) => {
return crypto.createHmac("sha1", key).update(value).digest("base64");
export type Tweet = {
id: string;
text: string;
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