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kocio-pl / pump-5.svg
Created July 2, 2018 16:20
water points
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<Style name="buildings" filter-mode="first">
<Filter>([building] = 'roof')</Filter>
<PolygonSymbolizer clip="false" />
<LineSymbolizer stroke="#b9a99c" stroke-width="0.75" clip="false" />
<PolygonPatternSymbolizer file="symbols/building_roof.png" />
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE Map[]>
<Map srs="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over" background-color="#aad3df">
<Parameter name="scale">1</Parameter>
<Parameter name="metatile">2</Parameter>
<Parameter name="name"><![CDATA[OpenStreetMap Carto]]></Parameter>
<Parameter name="description"><![CDATA[A general-purpose OpenStreetMap mapnik style, in CartoCSS]]></Parameter>
kocio-pl / fort-20.svg
Created February 6, 2018 16:14
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kocio-pl / library.14-12.svg
Created February 21, 2016 20:56
Library icon with striped spine
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