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eh-dub / index.d.ts
Last active June 10, 2021 16:45
Sapper + Svelte + Typescript
// in $PROJECT_ROOT/typings/@sapper
declare module '@sapper/app' {
// from sapper/runtime/src/app/types.ts
// sapper doesn't export its types yet
interface Redirect {
statusCode: number
location: string
// end
mywarr /
Last active April 18, 2024 19:14
use mdbtools to convert .mdb to .sqlite and .csv
#!/usr/bin/env python
# A simple script to dump the contents of a Microsoft Access Database.
# It depends upon the mdbtools suite:
import sys, subprocess, os
DATABASE = sys.argv[1]
wsargent /
Last active June 29, 2024 19:32
Docker cheat sheet
shanselman / gist:5422230
Last active September 18, 2024 06:47
Evil Blog Comment Spammer just exposed his template through some error and the whole thing showed up in my comments.
{I have|I've} been {surfing|browsing} online more than {three|3|2|4} hours today, yet I never found any interesting article like yours. {It's|It
is} pretty worth enough for me. {In my opinion|Personally|In my view}, if all {webmasters|site owners|website owners|web owners} and bloggers made good content as
you did, the {internet|net|web} will be {much more|a lot more}
useful than ever before.|
I {couldn't|could not} {resist|refrain from} commenting. {Very well|Perfectly|Well|Exceptionally well} written!|
{I will|I'll} {right away|immediately} {take hold of|grab|clutch|grasp|seize|snatch}
your {rss|rss feed} as I {can not|can't} {in finding|find|to find} your {email|e-mail} subscription {link|hyperlink} or {newsletter|e-newsletter} service. Do {you have|you've} any?
{Please|Kindly} {allow|permit|let} me {realize|recognize|understand|recognise|know} {so that|in order that} I {may just|may|could} subscribe.
ndarville / examples.mdown
Last active December 9, 2019 11:32
“We’ve Been Hacked” Boilerplate Announcement

How Companies Communicated Being Hacked

It’s probably a pretty bad idea to have your site go down, when people are supposed to read the blog post explaining the hack.

Notice how another site reporting the hack received more attention than Twitter’s own announcement. Why was that?

esmooov /
Created May 25, 2012 16:50
Carats and Tildes, Resets and Reverts

Until last night I lived in fear of tildes, carats, resets and reverts in Git. I cargo culted, I destroyed, I laid waste the tidy indicies, branches and trees Git so diligently tried to maintain. Then Zach Holman gave a talk at Paperless Post. It was about Git secrets. He didn't directly cover these topics but he gave an example that made me realize it was time to learn.

A better undo

Generally, when I push out bad code, I panic, hit git reset --hard HEAD^, push and clean up the pieces later. I don't even really know what most of that means. Notational Velocity seems to be fond of it ... in that I just keep copying it from Notational Velocity and pasting it. Turns out, this is dumb. I've irreversibly lost the faulty changes I made. I'll probably even make the same mistakes again. It's like torching your house to get rid of some mice.

Enter Holman. He suggests a better default undo. git reset --soft HEAD^. Says it stag

jlong / uri.js
Created April 20, 2012 13:29
URI Parsing with Javascript
var parser = document.createElement('a');
parser.href = "";
parser.protocol; // => "http:"
parser.hostname; // => ""
parser.port; // => "3000"
parser.pathname; // => "/pathname/"; // => "?search=test"
parser.hash; // => "#hash"; // => ""
erikh /
Created March 31, 2012 07:02 — forked from DAddYE/
OSX For Hackers
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# This is script with usefull tips taken from:
# install it:
# curl -sL | sh
* Non-clamped setInterval
* By Devon Govett (idea from sink.js)
(function() {
var BlobBuilder = this.BlobBuilder || this.MozBlobBuilder || this.WebKitBlobBuilder,
URL = this.URL || this.webkitURL,
// In case any **console.log** calls slip through there should be a dummy console object
// so any said call doesn't bust the page.
var console = window.console = {};
_.each(["log", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "exception", "assert", "dir",
"dirxml", "trace", "group", "groupEnd", "groupCollapsed", "time",
"timeEnd", "profile", "profileEnd", "count", "clear", "notifyFirebug",
"getFirebugElement", "firebug", "element"], function(fn){
console[fn] = function(){};