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Created August 20, 2020 18:01
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A constructive proof of the cantor diagonalization argument: there is
no bijection between a set and its powerset. Since Lean is based on
type theory, we use a type α rather than a set, and for convenience we
use (α → bool) to represent the powerset, i.e. indicator functions on α.
import data.equiv.basic
open function
lemma power_set_not_surjective_image {α : Type*} (f : α → (α → bool)) : ¬surjective f :=
set h := λ (x : α), !f x x with hdef, -- define h x = !f x x for all x
intro surj, -- assume f were surjective, by contradiction
rcases surj h with ⟨x, hx⟩, -- then there would be an x with f x = h
have key := congr_fun hx x, -- so then f x x = h x
rw hdef at key, -- substitute in the definition of h
dsimp only at key, -- now key : f x x = !f x x
cases f x x; -- which is absurd by a case analysis on the value of f x x
simp only [bool.bnot_false, bool.bnot_true] at key;
theorem cantor_diagonalization (α : Type*) (f : α ≃ (α → bool)) : false :=
apply power_set_not_surjective_image f.to_fun, -- reduce to showing f is surjective
exact f.surjective, -- and it is
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