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Created April 8, 2024 20:20
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#lang racket
;; v0.0 April 8, 2024 -- WORKING NOTES (could have bugs!)
;; Apply/Eval Refactoring -- Semantics Homework
;; Kris Micinski ( and
;; Warning: may be buggy, please contact kris if you notice
;; obvious bugs.
(provide (all-defined-out))
;; The purpose of this handout / exercise / homework is to
;; teach you the eval/apply refactoring trick, which enables
;; handling more complex direct-style forms in the abstract
;; machine per-se, rather than assuming an A-normalization
;; pass.
;; In more traditional languages (LLVM, etc...), compilation
;; occurs down to a more SSA-like IR, which is the procedural
;; variant of an A-normalized IR. In practice, you will probably
;; often be defining interpreters which evaluate A-normalized
;; languages. Think about, e.g., Java bytecode: arguments to
;; expressions are always atomic, meaning that the structure
;; of continuations is much simpler than you would otherwise
;; need in this setting.
;; However, if you do want to do interpretation of a direct-style
;; langauge, you should strongly consider taking inspiration
;; from the approach here: evaluation and application (returns)
;; are handled independently, with rules mitigating their
;; interaction.
;; Source language
;; We will build an interpreter for this direct-style
;; language, which includes explicitly-tagged primitives,
;; λs, applications, literals, if, and letrec.
(define (expr? e)
(match e
[`(prim ,op ,es ...) #t]
[`(λ (,xs ...) ,e) #t]
[`(,es ,e-args ...) #t]
[(? number? n) #t]
[(? boolean? b) #t]
[`(if ,e-g ,e-t ,e-f) #t]
[`(letrec ([,f (λ (,x) ,e-b)]) ,e) #t]
[_ #f]))
;; We will use a CESK-style machine. But here, we have
;; two distinct kinds of machine states: E states
;; evaluate a value e in the context of an environment ρ,
;; but A states apply a value to a continuation.
;; More precise as to the exact structure, we will have:
;; Eval states, evaluate an expression -- ⟨E e ρ σ κ⟩
;; Apply states, apply a continuation -- ⟨A v σ κ⟩
;; Formally, we say Σ is a disjoint union of these two
;; types of states. With respect to implementation that
;; means: we tag states and can recognize they are either
;; E/A very easily (matching).
;; The purpose of the Eval/Apply refactoring is to
;; cleanly separate "evaluating into a term" and "returing
;; a value" (applying a continuation).
;; Put simply: if we don't do a refactoring like this
;; (or assume a prior A-normalization pass), we will
;; get an explosion of continuations.
;; Question: why do A states *not need* an environment?
;; Here is the injection function into the machine's state space
(define (inj e)
`(E ,e ,(hash) ,(hash) Done))
;; We will use an explicit continuation for now--store
;; allocating the continuation would be required for
;; AAM to work.
;; I will write state rather than ς as it is simpler to
;; write in code :-)
;; storable? values -- things the machine can store, and also things
;; that A states will carry
(define (storable? v)
(match v
[(? number? n) #t]
[(? boolean? b) #t]
[`(clo ,e ,env) #t]
[_ #f]))
;; The step function takes states to states
(define (step state)
(match state
;; Eval states -- ⟨E e ρ σ κ⟩, must be total in e
;; Evaluate a variable--look it up and return it
;; to the proximate continuation
[`(E ,(? symbol? x) ,env ,sto ,k)
`(A ,(hash-ref sto (hash-ref env x)) ,sto ,k)]
;; Evaluate a λ, build a closure
[`(E (λ (,xs ...) ,e) ,env ,sto ,k)
`(A (clo (λ (,@xs) ,e) ,env) ,sto ,k)]
;; Lits eval to themselves
[`(E ,(? boolean? b) ,env ,sto ,k)
`(A ,b ,sto ,k)]
[`(E ,(? number? n) ,env ,sto ,k)
`(A ,n ,sto ,k)]
;; Ifs build a closure to suspend the decision
[`(E (if ,e-g ,e-t ,e-f) ,env ,sto ,k)
`(E ,e-g ,env ,sto (if-decide ,e-t ,e-f ,env ,k))]
;; Evaluating calls to prims / closures
[`(E (prim ,op ,es ...) ,env ,sto ,k)
;; vv eval-args-prim is a continuation which tracks
;; - exprs left to go
;; - values got so far
;; - when exprs hits '() we're "done" and apply op
`(E ,(first es) ,env ,sto (eval-args-prim ,op ,(rest es) () ,env ,k))]
;; Evaluating application of a closure--similar trick
[`(E (,e-f ,es ...) ,env ,sto ,k)
`(E ,e-f ,env ,sto (eval-args ,es () ,env ,k))]
;; Letrec: how do you do it?
[`(E (letrec ([,f (λ (,x) ,e-b)]) ,e) ,env ,sto ,k) 'todo]
;; Apply / Return states
;; Primitives / builtins
;; Returning a storable value to a primitive when it's the last thing
;; Now you actually need to *do* the primitive to return its value
[`(A ,(? storable? v) ,sto (eval-args-prim ,op () ,vs ,env+ ,k))
(define v-r (apply (eval op (make-base-namespace)) (append vs (list v))))
;; now, we return v to k
`(A ,v-r ,sto ,k)]
;; keep going with an op
[`(A ,(? storable? v) ,sto (eval-args-prim ,op ,es ,vs ,env+ ,k))
`(E ,(first es) ,env+ ,sto (eval-args-prim ,op ,(rest es) ,(append vs (list v)) ,env+ ,k))]
;; Calls to closures / continuing to evaluate arguments
[`(A ,(? storable? v) ,sto (eval-args () ,vs ,env ,k))
;; notice the implicit canonical ordering in v-args, addrs, and xs
(define v-args (append (rest vs) (list v)))
(match (first vs)
[`(clo (λ (,xs ...) ,e-b) ,env+)
;; allocate a new array of addresses
(define addrs (map (λ (x) (gensym (format "addr-~a" x))) xs))
;; build the new environment
(define env++ (foldl (λ (x addr env++) (hash-set env++ x addr)) env+ xs addrs))
;; build the new store
(define sto+ (foldl (λ (addr v sto+) (hash-set sto+ addr v)) sto addrs v-args))
`(E ,e-b ,env++ ,sto+ ,k)]
[_ (error "applied something other than a λ")])]
;; keep going with evaluating args
[`(A ,(? storable? v) ,sto (eval-args ,es ,vs ,env+ ,k))
`(E ,(first es) ,env+ ,sto (eval-args ,(rest es) ,(append vs (list v)) ,env+ ,k))]
;; Decide an if
[`(A ,(? storable? v) ,sto (if-decide ,e-t ,e-f ,env+ ,k))
(if v
`(E ,e-t ,env+ ,sto ,k)
`(E ,e-f ,env+ ,sto ,k))]
[_ (error (format "unknown state ~a" (pretty-format state)))]))
(define (iter st)
(match st
[`(A ,(? storable? v) ,sto Done)
`(result ,v ,sto)]
[_ (pretty-print st)
(displayln "")
(iter (step st))]))
;; examples
(iter (inj
'(if ((λ (x y) x) #t #f)
(prim + 1 2)
(prim * 3 4))))
(iter (inj
(prim equal? 0 1)
(((λ (f g h) (f (g h)))
(λ (f) f)
(λ (g) (λ (x) (g (g x))))
(λ (x) (prim + x 1)))
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