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Created July 28, 2024 21:43
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Kevin Ingelman, resume


Software Engineer, June 2015 -- Present

Buoyant, San Francisco, CA

  • Led the Buoyant Cloud team, responsible for the development and maintenance of Buoyant's enterprise SaaS product, written in Go and React, with gRPC and GraphQL interfaces
  • Leveraged multiple open source and cloud technologies to monitor Linkerd's health across customer clusters, including Kubernetes client-go, Grafana Agent, gRPC, Cortex, AlertManager, and MySQL
  • Developed a build pipeline for Buoyant's distribution of Linkerd that provided artifact publishing with continuous vulnerability scanning and remediation, using GitHub actions, GitHub container registry, Snyk and Docker
  • Served as a super maintainer of the Linkerd project, focused on the Go implementation of the control plane and CLI

Senior Staff Software Engineer, September 2010 -- June 2015

Twitter, San Francisco, CA

  • Led the Monorail Core team, responsible for the stability of the legacy Ruby on Rails monolith as it was decomposed into a service-oriented architecture
  • Decommissioned multiple under-utilized storage and caching backends, leading to a substantial reduction in infrastructure costs
  • Developed key features for the backend Tweet service, written in Scala, including the ability to schedule tweets and the ability to withhold tweets on a per-country basis
  • Built out the client-facing API and backend services for surfacing realtime Tweet analytics data in a performant and scalable way

Ruby on Rails Engineer, November 2009 -- September 2010

Scout Labs, acquired by Lithium (May 2010), San Francisco, CA

  • Developed core functionality for the main customer-facing site, a robust search tool to measure and manage social media impact
  • Combined search data from the in-house document index with additional external API content from sites such as Flickr, Twitter and YouTube, to create a rich and seamless user experience
  • Overhauled the ecommerce system to support invoicing, credit card payments, contractual discounts and variable billing cycles
  • Enabled automatic synchronization to Salesforce of customer contact information, billing parameters and service details

Software Development Engineer, June 2007 -- October 2009

Powerset, acquired by Microsoft (August 2008), San Francisco, CA

  • Developed and administered platform tools to assist in the companywide software development lifecycle
  • Implemented a continuous build system to automate package building across multiple architectures and operating systems
  • Used Ruby on Rails to construct an inventory management system with a MySQL database backend, extending a REST API
  • Compiled static reference answers to be displayed on Bing search results pages, using data pulled from Freebase and Wikipedia

New Media Developer, December 2005 -- June 2007

Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Washington, DC

  • Oversaw the development, maintenance and regular upkeep of multiple organizational websites for various departments and projects
  • Contracted appropriate web services for the management of online content, constituents, fundraising, advocacy and email messaging

Web Transition Specialist, September 2005 -- December 2005

Marijuana Policy Project, Washington, DC

  • Relocated content and site files from the former MPP website into the Kintera Sphere Content Management System
  • Authored Python and Bash scripts to find, categorize and annotate hundreds of HTML files stored a remote web server

Fulbright Fellow, September 2004 -- June 2005

Ukrainian Catholic University, L'viv, Ukraine

  • Implemented a course management system for use by faculty and students to facilitate online learning and course registration
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