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Created August 7, 2013 06:14
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Example of drawing a pie chart slice from Haiku Deck using Core Graphics
- (UIBezierPath*)slicePathForDataPoint:(DataPoint*)dataPoint forCompleted:(float)completed forTotal:(float)total {
if(!total) {
return nil;
float percentOfTotal = (completed+fabsf([dataPoint.number floatValue]))/total;
float percentCompleted = completed/total;
percentOfTotal *= self.animationScaleFactor;
percentCompleted *= self.animationScaleFactor;
UIBezierPath *slicePath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithArcCenter:self.centerPoint
UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
[path moveToPoint:self.centerPoint];
[path appendPath:slicePath];
[path addLineToPoint:self.centerPoint];
return path;
- (void)drawSliceWithDataPoint:(DataPoint*)dataPoint forCompleted:(float)completed forTotal:(float)total {
int colorIdx = [dataPoint.position intValue]%self.colors.count;
UIColor *color;
if(colorIdx<self.colors.count) {
if(self.highlightedIdx > -1 && self.highlightedIdx != colorIdx) {
color = [UIColor grayColor];
} else {
color = [self.colors objectAtIndex:colorIdx];
[color setFill];
UIBezierPath *path = [self slicePathForDataPoint:dataPoint forCompleted:completed forTotal:total];
[path fillWithBlendMode: kCGBlendModeNormal alpha:1.0f];
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