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Last active September 5, 2016 01:53
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Simple 2D Verlet Movement for Unity C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
// by kyle kukshtel
// ported from playscii's game_object move code
public class VerletMovement : MonoBehaviour
//accleration per update from player movement
public float accleration = 200.0f;
//amount of friction on the ground
public float friction = 10.0f;
//how much mass the object has (negative numbers mean infinitely dense)
public float mass = 1.0f;
//near-zero point at which any velocity is set to zero
public float stopVelocity = 0.1f;
// Object's velocity in units per second. Derived from acceleration.
Vector2 velocityVector;
// User-intended acceleration
Vector2 movementVector;
//our last position
Vector3 lastPosition;
void Start()
//we start out with no movement
velocityVector =;
//we start out where we started
lastPosition = transform.position;
void Update()
//init any movement from the player
movementVector =;
lastPosition = transform.position;
// set the movement to the inputed keys
//grab the first half step vel
movementVector = new Vector2(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), Input.GetAxis("Vertical"));
Vector2 accleration = GetAccleration(velocityVector);
Vector3 halfStepVel = new Vector3 (velocityVector.x + 0.5f * Time.deltaTime * accleration.x, velocityVector.y + 0.5f * Time.deltaTime * accleration.y, 0);
transform.position = transform.position + halfStepVel * Time.deltaTime;
//grab the second half-step
accleration = GetAccleration(new Vector2 (halfStepVel.x, halfStepVel.y));
velocityVector.x = halfStepVel.x + 0.5f * Time.deltaTime * accleration.x;
velocityVector.y = halfStepVel.y + 0.5f * Time.deltaTime * accleration.y;
velocityVector = CutXYZ(velocityVector, stopVelocity);
//get the accleration of an object based on its velocity
Vector2 GetAccleration(Vector2 velocity)
//find the force given
Vector2 force = movementVector * accleration;
//find the new force
force = new Vector2(force.x - (friction * mass * velocity.x), force.y - (friction * mass * velocity.y));
//divide force by mass to get accleration
return CutXYZ(new Vector2(force.x / mass, force.y / mass), 0.01f);
//floor a vector2 if it's below a threshold
Vector2 CutXYZ(Vector2 input, float threshold)
float x = Mathf.Abs(input.x) > threshold ? input.x : 0f;
float y = Mathf.Abs(input.y) > threshold ? input.y : 0f;
return new Vector2(x,y);
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