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Last active September 21, 2023 21:37
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  • Save kkolyan/cad311dbe78b12dce441d5a235951de4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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using Godot;
using System.Linq;
public partial class DictStringInt : Node3D
private System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, int> _data = new();
private void OneSecTick()
GD.Print($"_data: {string.Join(", ", _data.Select(it => $"{it.Key}: {it.Value}"))}");
public override Godot.Collections.Array<Godot.Collections.Dictionary> _GetPropertyList()
var properties = new Godot.Collections.Array<Godot.Collections.Dictionary>();
properties.Add(new Godot.Collections.Dictionary()
{ "name", "MyCustomData" },
{ "type", (int)Variant.Type.Dictionary },
return properties;
public override Variant _Get(StringName property)
if (property == "MyCustomData")
var value = new Godot.Collections.Dictionary();
foreach (var pair in _data)
value[Variant.From(pair.Key)] = Variant.From(pair.Value);
return value;
return base._Get(property);
public override bool _Set(StringName property, Variant value)
if (property == "MyCustomData")
var dict = value.AsGodotDictionary();
foreach (var pair in dict)
_data[pair.Key.AsString()] = pair.Value.AsInt32();
return true;
return base._Set(property, value);
[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://1v34fimr1fby"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://DictStringInt.cs" id="1_poo7v"]
[node name="Node3D" type="Node3D"]
script = ExtResource("1_poo7v")
MyCustomData = {
"abc": 123
[node name="Timer" type="Timer" parent="."]
autostart = true
[connection signal="timeout" from="Timer" to="." method="OneSecTick"]
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