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Created July 8, 2016 13:46
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Script to create SSAS partions for a table in a tabular model, refresh all of the partitions, and/or print all partitions.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NAME: CreatePartitions.ps1
# AUTHOR: Kit Menke
# DATE: 2016-05-13
# Create SSAS partions for a table in a tabular model.
# Must be run with sqlps.
# -create: For every partition in the list $AS_PARTITIONS, create a new partition using query defined in $AS_QUERY.
# -print: List all the partitions
# -refresh: Find any partition with a status of NoData and schedule a Full refresh.
# sqlps
# cd wherever
# .\createPartitions.ps1 -print
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[switch] $create,
[switch] $refresh,
[switch] $print
#global variables
# server name
# database name
$AS_DATABASE = "MyTabularDB"
# datasource name (was defined when the model was created in Visual Studio)
# tabular model table name
$AS_TABLE = "FACT MyTable"
# query to use as a template for each partition
$AS_QUERY = @"
select a, b, c, d
from factmytable
where date = '{0}';
# list of partitions which will be created in the tabular model
$AS_PARTITIONS = "2015-11-16","2015-11-17","2015-11-18","2015-11-19","2015-11-20","2015-11-21","2015-11-22","2015-11-23","2015-11-24","2015-11-25","2015-11-26","2015-11-27","2015-11-28","2015-11-29","2015-11-30","2015-12-01","2015-12-02","2015-12-03","2015-12-04","2015-12-05","2015-12-06","2015-12-07","2015-12-08","2015-12-09","2015-12-10","2015-12-12","2015-12-13","2015-12-14","2015-12-15","2015-12-16","2015-12-17","2015-12-18","2015-12-19","2015-12-20","2015-12-21","2015-12-22","2015-12-23","2015-12-24","2015-12-25","2015-12-26","2015-12-27","2015-12-28","2015-12-29","2015-12-30","2015-12-31","2016-01-01","2016-01-02","2016-01-03","2016-01-04","2016-01-05","2016-01-06","2016-01-07","2016-01-08","2016-01-09","2016-01-10","2016-01-11","2016-01-12","2016-01-13","2016-01-14","2016-01-15","2016-01-16","2016-01-17","2016-01-18"
# require sql powershell
#import-module sqlps
# Original function from
# Modified by Kit Menke
# Creates an Analysis Services Tabular partition
function Create-ASPartition()
[Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Tabular.Table] $table,
[Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Tabular.DataSource] $dataSource,
[string] $name,
[string] $query)
$partition = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Tabular.Partition;
$partition.Source = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Tabular.QueryPartitionSource;
$partition.Source.DataSource = $dataSource;
$partition.Source.Query = $query;
$partition.Name = $name;
$partition.Mode = [Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Tabular.ModeType]::Default;
$partition.DataView = [Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Tabular.DataViewType]::Default;
function App-Create()
write-host "Creating partitions..."
foreach ($partition in $AS_PARTITIONS)
$query = $AS_QUERY -f $partition
write-host ("Creating partition for {0} with query {1}" -f $partition,$query)
Create-ASPartition $table $datasource $partition $query
$result = $model.SaveChanges()
if (-Not $result.Impact.IsEmpty)
write-host "No changes... Something went wrong..."
function App-Refresh()
$count = 0
write-host (Get-Date -format s) "Refreshing partitions..."
foreach ($partition in $AS_PARTITIONS)
write-host ("Checking partition {0} " -f $partition)
$partition = $table.Partitions.Find($partition)
if ($partition.State -eq [Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Tabular.ObjectState]::NoData)
write-host (Get-Date -format s) ("Requesting refresh for partition {0} " -f $partition)
$count = $count + 1
if ($count -gt 6)
write-host (Get-Date -format s) "Saving..."
$result = $model.SaveChanges()
$count = 0
if ($count -gt 0)
write-host (Get-Date -format s) "Saving..."
$result = $model.SaveChanges()
$count = 0
function App-Print()
write-host (Get-Date -format s) ("Printing {0} partitions..." -f $table.Partitions.Count)
$table.Partitions | Select Name,State
function App-Main()
write-host (Get-Date -format s) ("Connecting to {0}..." -f $AS_SERVER)
$as = New-Object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server
write-host ("Database: {0}, Data Source: {1}, Table: {2}" -f $AS_SERVER,$AS_DATASOURCE,$AS_TABLE)
# get the database
$db = $as.Databases.FindByName($AS_DATABASE)
$model = $db.Model
# get the datasource
$dataSource = $model.DataSources.Find($AS_DATASOURCE)
# get the table
$table = $model.Tables.Find($AS_TABLE)
if ($create)
if ($refresh)
if ($print)
write-host (Get-Date -format s) "Complete!"
# Run the program
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