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Philippe Villiers kissifrot

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kissifrot / gist:3f137e7e36c9e0b568e5
Created January 28, 2016 15:18 — forked from GavinJoyce/gist:4f81d0bf879dad6b203e
speeding up `npm install` by disabling the progress bar
with `react-native`:
npm set progress=false && rm -rf ~/.npm && rm -rf node_modules && npm cache clean && time npm install
npm install 83.72s user 26.03s system 100% cpu 1:49.32 total
npm set progress=true && rm -rf ~/.npm && rm -rf node_modules && npm cache clean && time npm install
npm install 199.30s user 27.32s system 91% cpu 4:08.29 total
kissifrot /
Created January 27, 2016 15:44
Stylesheet finder usage

liste des classes de theme

git grep "\.t-" -- assets/src/stylesheets

liste des classes utilitaires

git grep ".u-" -- assets/src/stylesheets

liste des éléménts de composants (BEM)

git grep "__" -- assets/src/stylesheets
kissifrot / .bash_profile
Last active October 29, 2015 15:38
My bash profile
########## CONFIGURATION ################
export HISTFILESIZE=4096 # Number of line to save
export HISTSIZE=1024 # Number of command to remember
export HISTCONTROL="ignoreboth" # dont save already entered commands, and command starting with a space (same as ignoredups:ignorespace)
### Editor
export EDITOR="vim"
export VISUAL=$EDITOR # screen oriented editor (as opposed to ed)
export FCEDIT=$EDITOR # edit command with vim
kissifrot / .inputrc
Created October 29, 2015 15:21 — forked from isyara/.inputrc
Improve history with start y command name...
"\e[A": history-search-backward
"\e[B": history-search-forward
set show-all-if-ambiguous on
set completion-ignore-case on