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Created December 2, 2023 14:52
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A declarative racket DSL for extracting data from JSON
#lang racket
(require (for-syntax syntax/parse
(provide make-godot-parser define-godot-bindings)
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
(define (check-all-keys-present obj fields)
(for ([key (hash-keys obj)])
(unless (set-member? fields key)
(error (format "found unknown key ~a (expected: ~a)"
key fields)
(define (is-predicate stx)
(symbol->string (syntax-e stx))
(define (jsonify stx)
(define stx-str (symbol->string (syntax-e stx)))
(define stx_str (string-replace stx-str "-" "_"))
(define stx_sym (string->symbol stx_str))
(datum->syntax stx stx_sym))
(define (split-prefix-dot-field stx)
(define stx-str (symbol->string (syntax-e stx)))
(unless (string-prefix? stx-str ".")
(raise-syntax-error #f
"expected pre-dotted field .field (multiple components not supported)" stx))
(define components (string-split stx-str "."))
(match components
[(list field-obj)
(define field-obj-sym (string->symbol field-obj))
(datum->syntax stx field-obj-sym))]
(raise-syntax-error #f
"expected pre-dotted field .field (multiple components not supported)" stx)]))
(define (split-dotted-field stx)
(define stx-str (symbol->string (syntax-e stx)))
(define components (string-split stx-str "."))
(match components
[(list base-obj field-obj)
(define base-obj-sym (string->symbol base-obj))
(define field-obj-sym (string->symbol field-obj))
(datum->syntax stx base-obj-sym)
(datum->syntax stx field-obj-sym)))]
"expected dotted field obj.field (multiple components not supported)" stx)]))
(define-syntax-class predicate?
(pattern id:id
#:fail-when (not (is-predicate #'id)) "expected a predicate (symbol ending in '?')"))
(define-syntax-class godot-field-name-spec
(pattern name:id
#:with key (jsonify #'name)
#:attr extractor
(lambda (cls-obj)
#`(hash-ref #,cls-obj 'key)))
(pattern [~brackets name:id #:optional]
#:with key (jsonify #'name)
#:attr extractor
(lambda (cls-obj)
#`(hash-ref #,cls-obj 'key #f)))
(pattern [~brackets name:id #:optional default:expr]
#:with key (jsonify #'name)
#:attr extractor
(lambda (cls-obj)
#`(hash-ref #,cls-obj 'key default))))
(define-syntax-class godot-field-spec
#:datum-literals (:)
(pattern field-name:godot-field-name-spec
#:with field #'
#:with name #'
#:with key (jsonify #'name)
#:attr extractor
(lambda (cls-obj)
(define field-obj-extractor (attribute field-name.extractor))
(with-syntax ([hash-ref-expr (field-obj-extractor cls-obj)])
#`[name hash-ref-expr]))))
(pattern (~parens field-name:godot-field-name-spec : ty?:predicate?)
#:with field #'
#:with name #'
#:with key (jsonify #'name)
#:attr extractor
(lambda (cls-obj)
(define error-message
(format "expected ~a satisfying ~a" (syntax-e #'name) (syntax-e #'ty?)))
(define field-obj-extractor (attribute field-name.extractor))
(with-syntax ([hash-ref-expr (field-obj-extractor cls-obj)])
#`[name hash-ref-expr]
#`[_ (unless (or (not name) (ty? name))
(error #,error-message name))]))))
(pattern (~parens field-name:godot-field-name-spec : [~brackets ty:godot-pattern])
#:with field #'
#:with name #'
#:with key (jsonify #'name)
#:with name-list (format-id #'name "~a-list" #'name)
#:with name-obj (format-id #'name "~a-obj" #'name)
#:attr extractor
(lambda (cls-obj)
(define field-name-extractor (attribute field-name.extractor))
(define ty-extractor (attribute ty.extractor))
(define name-obj #'name-obj)
(with-syntax ([hash-ref-expr (field-name-extractor cls-obj)]
[extractor-expr (ty-extractor name-obj)])
#`(name-list hash-ref-expr)
(for/list ([#,name-obj (in-list (or name-list (list)))])
(pattern (~parens field-name:godot-field-name-spec : ty:godot-pattern)
#:with field #'
#:with name #'
#:with key (jsonify #'name)
#:with name-raw (format-id #'name "~a-raw" #'name)
#:attr extractor
(lambda (cls-obj)
(define field-name-extractor (attribute field-name.extractor))
(define ty-extractor (attribute ty.extractor))
(with-syntax ([hash-ref-expr (field-name-extractor cls-obj)]
[extractor-expr (ty-extractor #'name-raw)])
#`(name-raw hash-ref-expr)
#`(name extractor-expr))))))
(define-syntax-class godot-pattern
#:datum-literals (:)
(pattern ty?:predicate?
#:attr extractor
(lambda (cls-obj)
(define error-message
(format "expected an object satisfying ~a" (syntax-e #'ty?)))
#`(if (ty? #,cls-obj) #,cls-obj (error #,error-message #,cls-obj))))
(pattern ty:id
#:with extract-ty (format-id #'ty "extract-~a" #'ty)
#:attr extractor
(lambda (cls-obj)
#`(extract-ty #,cls-obj)))
(pattern [~brackets ty:godot-pattern]
#:attr extractor
(lambda (cls-list)
(define cls-obj (format-id cls-list "~a-obj" cls-list))
(define extractor (attribute ty.extractor))
([extractor-expr (extractor cls-obj)])
#`(for/list ([#,cls-obj (in-list (or #,cls-list (list)))])
(pattern [~brackets dotted-field:id : ty:godot-pattern]
#:attr extractor
(lambda (cls-list)
(define cls-obj (format-id cls-list "~a-obj" cls-list))
(define extractor (attribute ty.extractor))
(define obj-field (split-prefix-dot-field #'dotted-field))
([extractor-expr (extractor cls-obj)]
[obj-field (jsonify obj-field)])
#`(for/hash ([#,cls-obj (in-list (or #,cls-list (list)))])
(define key (hash-ref #,cls-obj 'obj-field))
(define value extractor-expr)
(values key value)))))
(pattern (~parens [~brackets obj:id : ty:godot-pattern] :
{~braces obj.field:id : obj-binding:id})
#:fail-when (not (equal? (syntax->datum #'obj-binding)
(syntax->datum #'obj)))
"RHS of hash pattern must match name in LHS"
#:attr extractor
(lambda (cls-list)
(define cls-obj (format-id cls-list "~a-obj" cls-list))
(define extractor (attribute ty.extractor))
(define-values (obj-base obj-field) (split-dotted-field #'obj.field))
(unless (equal? (syntax->datum obj-base)
(syntax->datum #'obj))
(raise-syntax-error #f "base of dotted field must match name in LHS"
([extractor-expr (extractor cls-obj)]
[obj-field (jsonify obj-field)])
#`(for/hash ([#,cls-obj (in-list (or #,cls-list (list)))])
(define key (hash-ref #,cls-obj 'obj-field))
(define value extractor-expr)
(values key value)))))
(pattern {~braces field-spec:godot-field-spec ...}
#:attr extractor
(lambda (cls-obj)
(define extractors (attribute field-spec.extractor))
(define field-defs (apply append (map (lambda (f) (f cls-obj)) extractors)))
([(field-def ...) field-defs])
#`(let* (field-def ...)
(set 'field-spec.key ...))
(hash (~@ 'field-spec.field field-spec.field) ...)))))
(pattern (~parens {~braces field-spec:godot-field-spec ...} : ty:id)
#:attr extractor
(lambda (cls-obj)
(define extractors (attribute field-spec.extractor))
(define field-defs (apply append (map (lambda (f) (f cls-obj)) extractors)))
([(field-def ...) field-defs]
[make-ty (format-id #'ty "make-~a" #'ty)])
#`(let* (field-def ...)
(set 'field-spec.key ...))
(make-ty field-spec.field ...)))))))
(define-syntax (make-godot-parser stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ pat:godot-pattern)
(define cls #'cls)
(with-syntax ([expr ((attribute pat.extractor) cls)])
#`(lambda (#,cls)
(define-syntax (define-godot-bindings stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ dotted-id:id pat:godot-pattern)
(define-values (base-obj base-field) (split-dotted-field #'dotted-id))
(define cls #'cls)
(with-syntax ([base_field (jsonify base-field)]
[expr ((attribute pat.extractor) cls)])
#`(define #,base-field
(let ([#,cls (hash-ref #,base-obj 'base_field)])
(module+ test
#rx"found unknown key x.*"
(lambda () ((make-godot-parser {}) #hash((x . 'y)))))
#rx"expected x satisfying string?.*"
(lambda ()
((make-godot-parser {(x : string?)}) #hash((x . 'y)))))
#rx"expected an object satisfying string?.*"
(lambda ()
((make-godot-parser {(x : string?)
(y : [string?])})
#hash((x . "random")
(y . ["hello" "world" y])))))
((make-godot-parser ([x : {(y : string?)}] : {x.y : x}))
'[#hash((y . "hello"))
#hash((y . "world"))])
#hash(("hello" . #hash((y . "hello")))
("world" . #hash((y . "world"))))))
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