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Custom Operations with Gradients in Tensorflow using PyFunc
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
| **@created on:** 11/05/17,
| **@author:** Prathyush SP,
| **@version:** v0.0.1
| **Description:**
| DL Module Tests
| **Sphinx Documentation Status:** Complete
1. Write Custom Operation in Tensorflow
2. Write Custom Gradient Function for the Custom Operation
The model calculates a simple euclidean distance between two vectors (x,y) with an addition of a weight which is
previous added to our training label. The objective of the model is to come up with the right constant which was
added during data generation. In this case the constant added is 23
import random
import tensorflow as tf
import math
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
# Data Generation
# Customers
# The constant which we expect the network to learn
# Number of Iterations
epoch = 10000
# Learning Rate
learning_rate = 0.8
Training Data
Data: [[6.0, 3.0], ....]
Label: [[28.19]]
Equations: sqrt(x^2 - y^2) + CONSTANT
train_data = [[random.uniform(5, 10), random.uniform(1, 5)] for i in range(SAMPLES)]
train_label = [[math.sqrt((x ** 2) - (y ** 2)) + CONSTANT] for x, y in train_data]
# Python Custom Gradient Function
def py_func(func, inp, Tout, stateful=True, name=None, grad=None):
PyFunc defined as given by Tensorflow
:param func: Custom Function
:param inp: Function Inputs
:param Tout: Ouput Type of out Custom Function
:param stateful: Calculate Gradients when stateful is True
:param name: Name of the PyFunction
:param grad: Custom Gradient Function
# Generate Random Gradient name in order to avoid conflicts with inbuilt names
rnd_name = 'PyFuncGrad' + 'ABC@a1b2c3'
# Register Tensorflow Gradient
# Get current graph
g = tf.get_default_graph()
# Add gradient override map
with g.gradient_override_map({"PyFunc": rnd_name, "PyFuncStateless": rnd_name}):
return tf.py_func(func, inp, Tout, stateful=stateful, name=name)
# Our Custom Euclidean Distance Function
def eu_dist(x, y, z, name=None):
Custom Function which defines pyfunc and gradient override
:param x: X
:param y: Y
:param z: Z
:param name: Function name
:return: Equation Output, Calculated Gradient
with ops.name_scope(name, "EuDist", [x, y, z]) as name:
Our pyfunc accepts 3 input parameters and returns 2 outputs
Input Parameters: x, y, z
Output Parameters: euclidean distance equation, euclidean distance prime equation(d/dx)
eud, grad = py_func(eu_dist_grad,
[x, y, z],
[tf.float32, tf.float32],
return eud, grad
# Core Function used for pyfunc
def eu_dist_grad(x, y, z):
Euclidean Distance Equation
:param x: X
:param y: Y
:param z: Z
:return: equation, equation_prime
# Euclidean Distance with a weight
equation = np.sqrt((x ** 2) - (y ** 2)) + z
# d/dx (Euclidean Distance)
equation_prime = x / np.sqrt((x ** 2) - (y ** 2)) + z
return equation, equation_prime
# Our Gradient Function
def _EuDistGrads(op, grads, grad_glob):
Custom Gradient Function
:param op: Operation - operation.inputs = [x,y,z], operation.outputs=[equation, equation_prime]
:param grads: Gradients for equation prime
:param grad_glob: - No real use of it, but the gradient function parameter size should match op.inputs
:return: x ,y, z*grads
return op.inputs[0], op.inputs[1], op.inputs[2]*grads
# Declare Placeholders
# Input Placeholder for training data
x = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, 2])
# Output Placeholder for training label
y = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, 1])
# Custom variable to be used in euclidean distance - Optimizee Variable
z = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform(shape=[SAMPLES, 1]), dtype='float32', trainable=True)
def model(model_inp):
Simple Model
:param model_inp: Model Input [[x,y], .....]
:return: Dictionary of variables
# Split model_input into x and y based on columns
x, y = tf.split(model_inp, 2, axis=1)
# Call custom pyfunc with gradient mapping
ed_layer, grad = eu_dist(x, y, z)
# Return dictionary of variables
return {'ed': ed_layer, 'addvar': z, 'grad': grad}
# Model Declaration
pred = model(x)
# Mean Square Error as our objective function
cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(y - pred['ed'])))
# AdaGrad Optimizer used to minimize above objective function
optimizer = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate).minimize(cost)
# Summary writer to writer generated graph
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(logdir='/tmp/dlp1/', graph=tf.get_default_graph())
# Global Variable initializer
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
# Run the graph
with tf.Session() as sess:
# Run Initializer
# Epoch Training
for e in range(epoch):
c, _, ed, av, g =[cost, optimizer, pred['ed'], pred['addvar'], pred['grad']], feed_dict={
x: train_data,
y: train_label,
print('Epoch: ', e, ' Cost: ', c, 'addvar', av[0], 'grad:', g[0])
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