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Last active March 7, 2021 12:29
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Physical mute button for Zoom using an ATTiny85/Digispark and the Micronucleus bootloader to allow programming with the Arduino IDE - PC Version
Thanks to Elliotmade for the inspiration on this project
Refactored by HaxNobody to extend functionalty:
This program will send USB HID keyboard presses to bring the Zoom window into
the foreground and activate microphone and video functions.
* A momentary press on button 1 will toggle mute on or off.
* Press and hold button 1 to activate PTT (Push-to-Talk) functionality.
* Press and hold button 1 to close zoom
#include <DigiKeyboard.h> // Library for sending keystrokes as an HID device over USB
#include <OneButton.h> // Library for button input functions
#define LedBreatheSpeed 12 // Speed of LED breathing animation in BPM
#define LedMinBrightness 5 // Minimum brightness value
#define MOD_CMD_LEFT 0x00000008
#define MOD_LEFTSHIFT 0xe1
OneButton button1(
0, // Pin Number
true, // Input is active LOW
true // Enable internal pull-up resistor
OneButton button2(
2, // Pin Number
true, // Input is active LOW
true // Enable internal pull-up resistor
void setup() {
button1.attachClick(button1click); // Set up button 1 for Zoom mute toggle function
button1.attachLongPressStart(button1longPressStart); // Set up button 1 for Zoom temporary unmute function
button1.attachLongPressStop(button1longPressStop); // Set up button 1 for Zoom temporary unmute release function
button1.setPressTicks(1000); // Reduce long-press delay for button 1 to make temporary unmute more responsive
DigiKeyboard.delay(50); // Delay before entering loop
pinMode(1, OUTPUT); // Initialize LED pin
void loop() {
DigiKeyboard.update(); // Maintain USB communication
button1.tick(); // Check status of buttons in a continuous loop
// This function will be called when button 1 is pressed for more than 50ms and less than 300ms.
void button1click() {
DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(0); // Clear any current key presses
DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(0, MOD_SHIFT_LEFT | MOD_CONTROL_LEFT | MOD_ALT_LEFT); // Bring Zoom into foreground
DigiKeyboard.delay(50); // Give Zoom a chance to get into the foreground
DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(KEY_A, MOD_ALT_LEFT); // Toggle mute on or off in Zoom
// This function will be called when button 1 is pressed and held down for more than 300ms.
void button1longPressStart() {
DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(0); // Clear any current key presses
DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(0, MOD_SHIFT_LEFT | MOD_CONTROL_LEFT | MOD_ALT_LEFT);
DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(KEY_Q, MOD_ALT_LEFT);
// This function will be called when button 1 is released after being held down.
void button1longPressStop() {
DigiKeyboard.delay(300); // Delay to prevent cutting off the speaker's last word
DigiKeyboard.sendKeyPress(0); // Release space key to re-mute Zoom after temporary unmute
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