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Last active June 10, 2022 01:16
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Breaking large XCH coins for fees
$sw = new-object system.diagnostics.stopwatch
$FINGERPRINT = 219821919 # fingerprint of your wallet
$FEE = 50000000 # 50_000_000 mojos is 0.00005 XCH
$NUM = 100
# set synced wallet
chia wallet show -f $FINGERPRINT | Out-Null
Start-Sleep -s 5
$addresses =
chia keys derive -f $FINGERPRINT wallet-address -n $NUM
| % { $_ -replace '(^Wallet address )(.*)(: )', "" }
$additions = @()
foreach($addr in $addresses) {
$puzzle_hash = cdv decode $addr
Write-Host $addr $puzzle_hash
$addition = @{
amount = $AMOUNT
puzzle_hash = $puzzle_hash
$additions += $addition
$txn_fee = $FEE * $NUM # fee for send_transaction_multi transaction
$select_coins_json =
wallet_id = $WALLET_ID
amount = ($AMOUNT * $NUM) + $txn_fee
} | ConvertTo-Json
$_select_coins_json = $select_coins_json -replace '"', '\""'
$coins = (chia rpc wallet select_coins $_select_coins_json | ConvertFrom-Json).coins
$json = @{
wallet_id = 1
additions = $additions
fee = $txn_fee
coins = $coins
} | ConvertTo-Json
$_json = $json -replace '"', '\""'
$signed_tx = (chia rpc wallet create_signed_transaction $_json | ConvertFrom-Json).signed_tx
$signed_tx_json = $signed_tx | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4
$_signed_tx_json = $signed_tx_json -replace '"', '\""'
chia rpc wallet send_transaction_multi $_signed_tx_json
Write-Host $sw.Elapsed.TotalMinutes
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