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Last active June 15, 2022 13:02
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A script to create Chia offer files
$sw = new-object system.diagnostics.stopwatch
$OFFER_WALLET_ID_JSON = (@{ wallet_id = $OFFER_WALLET_ID } | ConvertTo-Json) -replace '"', '\""'
$AMOUNT = 1000 # one CAT is 1000 mojos
$FEE_WALLET_ID_JSON = (@{ wallet_id = 1 } | ConvertTo-Json) -replace '"', '\""'
$FEE = 50000000 # 50_000_000 mojos is 0.00005 XCH
""offer"": {""2"": -1000, ""1"": 1000000000000},
""fee"": $FEE
}" -replace '"', '\""'
$NUM = 60
$OFFER_PATH = "/mnt/e/offers/tdbx"
# set synced wallet
chia wallet show -f $OFFER_FINGERPRINT | Out-Null
Start-Sleep -s 5
for(($i=0);$i -lt $NUM;$i++)
$not_enough_spendable = $True
$spendable_amount = (chia rpc wallet get_wallet_balance $OFFER_WALLET_ID_JSON | ConvertFrom-Json).wallet_balance.spendable_balance
$enough_amount = $spendable_amount -ge $AMOUNT
$spendable_fee = (chia rpc wallet get_wallet_balance $FEE_WALLET_ID_JSON | ConvertFrom-Json).wallet_balance.spendable_balance
$enough_fee = $spendable_fee -ge $FEE
if($enough_amount -and $enough_fee){
$not_enough_spendable = $False
Start-Sleep -s 5
Write-Host "spendable_amount: $spendable_amount spendable_fee: $spendable_fee"
# create offer
$offer_file_name = "1TDBX_x_1XCH-$i.offer"
Write-Host $offer_file_name
$offer = (chia rpc wallet create_offer_for_ids $OFFER_REQUEST_PAYLOAD | ConvertFrom-Json).offer
$offer | Out-File -FilePath "$OFFER_PATH/$offer_file_name"
Write-Host $sw.Elapsed.TotalMinutes
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