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Created January 31, 2022 12:38
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Save kikairoya/9e3984944c017fdb8980b5a56b2f656e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
rm x*.gz
bzcat source.txt.bz2 | split -l $BLOCKSIZE -d --filter='gzip --fast > ${FILE}.gz'
for f in x*.gz; do zcat $f | shuf | gzip --fast > shuf-$f; done
echo shuf-*.gz | gawk -v seed="${RANDOM}" 'BEGIN{srand(seed);} {while(NF) { i=int(rand()*NF)+1; cmd=sprintf("zcat %s", $i); if ((cmd | getline l) > 0) { print l; } else { $i=""; $0=$0; } } }' | gzip > shuf.gz
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