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Last active August 22, 2019 15:29
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A sql script that can be run and will remove a user from every dnn installation
-- Better Version
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb
--Declaring Variables
SET @var2 = ''''
DECLARE @var1 int
--Checking to see if Andrew exists
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = @var2)
--If Andrew Exists, Run this
--Getting Andrews UserID by searching via email
SELECT @var1 = UserID FROM Users WHERE Email = @var2
--After getting the UserID, use that to run the stored proceedure
--and remove the specified user account
EXEC dbo.DeleteFolderPermissionsByUserID 0, @var1
EXEC dbo.RemoveUser @var1, null
--Printing to the results view what site has been removed
PRINT DB_NAME(DB_ID(''?'')) + '' has an account with Andrew on it, REMOVED''
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