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Last active December 25, 2015 00:09
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  • Save kianoshp/6885445 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kianoshp/6885445 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Sass mixin to create arrow boxes (similar to tooltips) borrowing from, I created the following:
//Setting the initial border color to be red
$red: #9d261d;
//this mixin will set the box-shadow values. It will also allow for the felxibility of
//doing an inset shadow.
@mixin box-shadow ($isInset: false, $hOffset: 0, $vOffset: 0, $blur: 0, $spread: 0, $color: #ccc) {
@if $isInset {
-moz-box-shadow: inset $hOffset $vOffset $blur $spread $color;
-webkit-box-shadow: inset $hOffset $vOffset $blur $spread $color;
box-shadow: inset $hOffset $vOffset $blur $spread $color;
} @else {
-moz-box-shadow: $hOffset $vOffset $blur $spread $color;
-webkit-box-shadow: $hOffset $vOffset $blur $spread $color;
box-shadow: $hOffset $vOffset $blur $spread $color;
//==|== CSS Arrows mixin =====================================================
// For more information on mixins go here:
// or here:
// Author: Kianosh Pourian
// TODO add the ability to change the position of the arrow from
// the middle of the box to near the bottom or top corners
@mixin arrow-box($arrow-box-name,
$arrow-size: 5px,
$bg-color: white,
$border-width: 2px,
$border-color: $red,
$arrow-box-min-width: 200px,
$arrow-box-min-height: 30px,
$arrow-box-padding: 5px,
$arrow-box-element-position: relative)
.#{$arrow-box-name} {
position: $arrow-box-element-position;
background: $bg-color;
border: $border-width solid $border-color;
min-width: $arrow-box-min-width;
width: auto;
min-height: $arrow-box-min-height;
height: auto;
padding: $arrow-box-padding;
%arrow-props {
border: solid transparent;
content: " ";
height: 0;
width: 0;
position: absolute;
pointer-events: none;
//Creating a style to add the arrow in all directions
//this will add flexibility, if the arrow direction needs to be
$directions: left right top bottom;
@each $direction in $directions {
$border-position: "right";
$margin-position: "top";
@if $direction == "right" {
$border-position: "left";
$margin-position: "top";
@else if $direction == "top" {
$border-position: "bottom";
$margin-position: "left";
@else if $direction == "bottom" {
$border-position: "top";
$margin-position: "left";
.#{$arrow-box-name}-#{$direction}:after, .#{$arrow-box-name}-#{$direction}:before {
@extend %arrow-props;
#{$border-position}: 100%;
.#{$arrow-box-name}-#{$direction}:after {
border-color: rgba(red($bg-color), green($bg-color), blue($bg-color), 0);
border-#{$border-position}-color: $bg-color;
border-width: $arrow-size;
#{$margin-position}: 50%;
margin-#{$margin-position}: $arrow-size * -1;
.#{$arrow-box-name}-#{$direction}:before {
border-color: rgba(red($bg-color), green($bg-color), blue($bg-color), 0);
border-#{$border-position}-color: $border-color;
border-width: $border-width + $arrow-size + 1;
#{$margin-position}: 50%;
margin-#{$margin-position}: ($border-width + $arrow-size + 1) * -1;
@include arrow-box(demo-arrow-box);
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