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Created May 6, 2013 21:58
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TYPO3Flow xml commands description for PhpStorm
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<framework xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="schemas/frameworkDescriptionVersion1.1.3.xsd" name="TYPO3Flow" invoke="./flow" alias="flow" enabled="true" version="2">
<help>Flush all caches</help>
<help>Warm up caches</help>
<help>Call system function</help>
<help>Show the active configuration settings</help>
<params>[--type] [--path]</params>
<help>Validate the given configuration</help>
<params>[--type] [--path]</params>
<help>Generate a schema for the given configuration or YAML file.</help>
<params>[--type] [--path] [--yaml]</params>
<help>Explicitly compile proxy classes</help>
<help>Adjust file permissions for CLI and web server access</help>
<params>--commandline-user --webserver-user --webserver-group</params>
<help>Migrate source files as needed</help>
<params>[--status] [--packages-path] [--package-key]</params>
<help>Run the interactive Shell</help>
<help>Compile the Doctrine proxy classes</help>
<help>Validate the class/table mappings</help>
<help>Create the database schema</help>
<help>Update the database schema</help>
<params>[--unsafe-mode] [--output]</params>
<help>Show the current status of entities and mappings</help>
<help>Run arbitrary DQL and display results</help>
<params>[--depth] [--hydration-mode] [--offset] [--limit]</params>
<help>Show the current migration status</help>
<help>Migrate the database schema</help>
<params>[--version] [--output] [--dry-run] [--quiet]</params>
<help>Execute a single migration</help>
<params>--version [--direction] [--output] [--dry-run]</params>
<help>Mark/unmark a migration as migrated</help>
<params>--version [--add] [--delete]</params>
<help>Generate a new migration</help>
<help>Displays a short, general help message</help>
<help>Display help for a command</help>
<help>Displays an error message</help>
<help>Create a new package</help>
<help>Delete an existing package</help>
<help>Activate an available package</help>
<help>Deactivate a package</help>
<help>List available packages</help>
<help>Freeze a package</help>
<help>Unfreeze a package</help>
<help>Refreeze a package</help>
<help>List the known routes</help>
<help>Show informations for a route</help>
<help>Generate a route path</help>
<params>--package [--controller] [--action] [--format]</params>
<help>Route the given route path</help>
<help>Import a public key</help>
<help>Import a private key</help>
<help>Generate Fluid ViewHelper XSD Schema</help>
<params>--php-namespace [--xsd-namespace] [--target-file]</params>
<help>Kickstart a new package</help>
<help>Kickstart a new action controller</help>
<params>--package-key --controller-name [--generate-actions] [--generate-templates] [--generate-related] [--force]</params>
<help>Kickstart a new command controller</help>
<params>--package-key --controller-name [--force]</params>
<help>Kickstart a new domain model</help>
<params>--package-key --model-name [--force]</params>
<help>Kickstart a new domain repository</help>
<params>--package-key --model-name [--force]</params>
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