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Last active July 7, 2021 17:38
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Downsample (or extract) HWSD data
# Downsample HWSD data to the scale of 0.5 degree
# WFDEI / CRU data
# get mu_global at 0.5 degrees from the
# ORNL DAAC (which is easier than reading in
# that monstrous BIL file)
mu_global <- ws_subset(
site = "HWSD",
location = c(-90, -180, 90, 180),
param = "MU_GLOBAL",
path = tempdir(),
internal = TRUE
# aggregate to 0.5 degrees (comment out if you want ORNL DAAC resolution)
mu_global <- aggregate(mu_global, fact = 10, fun = median)
# original bil file can be used to the same effect
# but needs custom aggretation
#mu_global <- raster("hwsd.bil")
# select unique values (profiles) to extract
# from the SQL database
vals <- mu_global %>%
vals <- vals[which(vals != 0)]
# create an empty table with mu_global index values
# grab the mysql database here:
# or elsewhere on github (and fix the path below)
con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(),
dbname = "data-raw/HWSD.sqlite")
name = "WINDOW_TMP",
value = data.frame(smu_id = vals),
overwrite = TRUE
# the real database links indexed locations to "fixed profiles"
# using a SQL call and merging the tables
result <- DBI::dbGetQuery(
con, "select T.* from HWSD_DATA as T join
WINDOW_TMP as U on T.mu_global=u.smu_id order by su_sym90")
DBI::dbRemoveTable(con, "WINDOW_TMP")
# select dominant profile (1)
result <- result %>%
filter(SEQ == 1)
# list all layers in the product
layers <- names(result)
# loop over all layers and substitute the
v <- lapply(layers, function(x){
# subsitute values matching index (id) with v (various result layers)
subs(mu_global, data.frame(id = result$MU_GLOBAL, v=result[x]))
# stack stuff
v <-"brick",v)
# write values to disk as geotiff
writeRaster(v, "data/hwsd_0.5deg.tif",options = c("COMPRESS=DEFLATE"))
# convert to dataframe
df <- v %>%
rasterToPoints() %>% %>%
'latitude' = 'y',
'longitude' = 'x'
# write values to disk as rds dataframe
saveRDS(df, "data/hwsd_0.5deg.rds")
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