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m-radzikowski /
Last active August 18, 2024 12:49
Minimal safe Bash script template - see the article with full description:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -Eeuo pipefail
script_dir=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &>/dev/null && pwd -P)
usage() {
cat <<EOF
Usage: $(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") [-h] [-v] [-f] -p param_value arg1 [arg2...]
atimca / iOS Interview Questions
Created April 14, 2020 14:49
iOS interview questions to interviewer from candidate
Question set for interviews
- [ ] How many projects do you have
- [ ] Which architectures approaches do you use
- [ ] Which swift version / legacy objc, c what are you going to do with it.
- [ ] Do you do layout in xibs or in code?
- [ ] What do you think about reactive programming (RxSwift)
steipete / FirebaseCoordinator.swift
Created April 13, 2020 13:38
If you're as confused as I am that there's an API for custom options, yet Google still requires a file named GoogleService-Info.plist in your app, here's some swizzling that fixes that for ya. All Swift :)
class FirebaseCoordinator {
static let shared = FirebaseCoordinator()
static let initialize: Void = {
/// We modify Google Firebase (and eventually Analytics) to load the mac-specific plist at runtime.
/// Google enforces that we have a file named "GoogleService-Info.plist" in the app resources.
/// This is unfortunate since we need two different files based on iOS and Mac version
/// One solution is a custom build step that copies in the correct file:
/// However, this is basically impossible since Catalyst doesn't set any custom build variables, so detection is extremely difficult.
/// We swizzle to modify the loading times.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
krzysztofzablocki / FindFinalClasses.swift
Last active August 22, 2021 12:12
Swift makes classes final if possible
#!/usr/bin/env bash
<% for type in types.classes { -%>
<%_ if type.attributes["final"] != nil || type.attributes["open"] != nil || types.based[]?.isEmpty == false { continue } -%>
<%_ _%>git grep -lz 'class <%= %>' | xargs -0 perl -i'' -pE "s/class <%= %>(?=\s|:)/final class <%= %>/g"
<% } %>
AdrianFerreyra / findCommonSuperviews.swift
Created November 1, 2017 22:19
How to detect a common superview (IOS Developer Interview Question)
func commonSuperviews(between lhs: UIView, and rhs: UIView) -> [UIView] {
func getSuperviews(for view: UIView) -> [UIView] {
guard let superview = view.superview else {
return []
return [superview] + getSuperviews(for: superview)
patmandenver /
Last active March 28, 2023 04:10
scp speed test between servers
# Usage:
# ./ user@hostname [test file size in MBs]
ilyapuchka / StickyLayout.swift
Last active February 25, 2024 18:43
Really sticky collection view layout
// The issue with sectionHeadersPinToVisibleBounds and sectionFootersPinToVisibleBounds is that they do not pin
// first header and last footer when bouncing. This layout subclass fixes that.
class StickyLayout: UICollectionViewFlowLayout {
override init() {
self.sectionFootersPinToVisibleBounds = true
self.sectionHeadersPinToVisibleBounds = true
iandundas / xcode-downloader.rb
Created February 21, 2017 09:02
Script for reliably downloading binaries (e.g. Xcode) from Apple's CDN
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
print "What is the URL of your Apple Downloads resource?\nURL:"
url = gets.strip
print "What is the ADCDownloadAuth cookie token:\nADCDownloadAuth: "
token = gets.strip
command = "aria2c --header \"Host:\" --header \"Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8\" --header \"Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\" --header \"Cookie: ADCDownloadAuth=#{token}\" --header \"User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.2.14 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14B72 Safari/602.1\" --header \"Accept-Language: en-us\" -x 16 -s 16 #{url} -d ~/Downloads"
steipete /
Last active September 16, 2024 18:26
Using iOS 15 devices with Xcode 12.5 (instead of Xcode 13)
# The trick is to link the DeviceSupport folder from the beta to the stable version.
# sudo needed if you run the Mac App Store version. Always download the dmg instead... you'll thank me later :)
# Support iOS 15 devices (Xcode 13.0) with Xcode 12.5:
sudo ln -s /Applications/ /Applications/
# Then restart Xcode and reconnect your devices. You will need to do that for every beta of future iOS versions
# (A similar approach works for older versions too, just change the version number after DeviceSupport)