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Last active March 27, 2021 06:03
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Code from a live-coded performance at GitHub Satellite Mar 2020 with @samarthgulati
-- _______ __ __ _______ __ _______ __ __ __ __ __
-- | __|__| |_| | |.--.--.| |--. | __|.---.-.| |_.-----.| | |__| |_.-----.
-- | | | | _| || | || _ | |__ || _ || _| -__|| | | | _| -__|
-- |_______|__|____|___|___||_____||_____| |_______||___._||____|_____||__|__|__|____|_____|
-- $ degradeBy 0.2
$ off 0.02 (# up "[2,4,5,14]")
-- $ off 0.02 (# up "[2,4,5]/4")
-- $ off 0.02 (# up "[3,5]/4")
-- $ off 0.01 (# up 5)
$ s "iac/4" # up 0
# att 0.25
-- # rel 0.2)
# midichan 0
# bpmm 140
p "hat"
-- $ every 8 (fast "2 [4 3]")
$ binstruct 255 -- Fast hats
-- $ binstruct 170 -- Eighth quarter
$ stack [
-- , hat808 # speed (range 0.7 0.9 $ slow 4.3 $ saw)
, s "808:1"
, s "808:1" # nudge en # up 12 -- For some extra funkiness
# orb 3
xfadeIn "kick" 4 -- Main kick
-- $ chup
-- $ spread binstruct [144, 146, 144, 150]
-- $ every 8 (press)
-- $ spreadstruct' 2 [144, 146]
-- $ spread binstruct [170]
$ s "dudak:3"
-- # g 1.1
# hpf 100
-- # lpf 3000
# orb 1
-- Crispy hats
-- $ every 3 (fast 2)
-- $ press
$ s "bthat*4" # n 7
-- d1
xfadeIn 1 8-- $
-- $ press
$ slg "btchord"
-- # up 1
# up (cat [1, 1, 3, 5])
# lpf 1500-- # g 0.8
-- # comb 0.5
-- # silence
xfadeIn 5 4
$ stb 0.3 (# accelerate (randcat [0, 1.23, -2.32]))
-- $ stb 0.2 (# crush 4)
$ slg "btbass"
# lpf (rg 200 1600 $ slow 3.4 $ sine)
# up (cat [0, 1, 4, -5])
-- # up "-5"
-- # g 0.6
-- # silence
d3m' 4
-- $ si (oftflip . fast 2)
$ fast 2
$ s "~ cp"-- # bpf 2200
# end 0.51
-- # speed (rg 1.2 2.3 $ slowsine)
d4m' 8 -- Never hurts to have a little dubstep in ;)
$ spreadstruct' 1 [8] $ s "btdubsnr" # n 9
# hpf 400 # lpf 5200
# end (slow 3.4 $ saw * 0.5 + 0.4)
# amp 0.6
d2 -- Some big crunchy kicks
-- $ spreadstruct [144, 146]
-- $ spreadstruct [4, 8]
-- $ si (# s "808bd")
$ s "jstkick:7"
-- # coarse (cat [4, 2, 8])
# del' (cat [0, "0.7 0"]) "[0.125, 3/4]" 0.6
# silence
d4m' 8
-- $ withflip
-- $ footwork3
$ fast 2
-- $ spread binstruct [4, 6, 4, 12, 4, "128 2"]
-- $ spread binstruct [8, 8, 8, 16]
-- $ spread binstruct [4, 4, 4, 5]
$ spread binstruct [128, 128, 129, 130]
-- $ si (# s "amen:6")
$ si (# s "devinesn:3?")
$ slg "[jstrim:4]"
-- $ slg "[jstrim:2]" # g 1.3
# hpf 800 # lpf 4000
-- # rvb' 0.3 0.5
xfadeIn 1 8
-- $ stb 0.1 (si (# rvb' 0.8 0.1))
$ stb 0.2 (spread scramble [3,5,7])
-- $ ob
$ palindrome
-- $ stutWith 2 (slow 3.7 $ saw) (|* speed 0.5)
$ slice 32 (r 8)
$ slg "[pads:23]" # silence
# up "[0, 12, 24]" |+ up 0
-- # djf (range 0.3 0.46 $ slow 5.6 $ sine)
-- # djf 0.34
-- # room (slow 8.4 $ saw)
-- # size 0.8
-- # lpf 4200
# hpf 1000
-- # g in77
xfadeIn 2 8
-- $ chup
-- $ spreadstruct' 2 [132, 144]
-- $ off 0 ((# n 17) . (# g 0.9))
$ s "btdubkick"
# n "[4]"
p "dhol"
$ stack [
-- , fa "<1!6 1 1>" $ n "5 [~ ~ 5 ~] ~ 5" -- For the Bayan
-- , n "~ <6*<1!3 2>>"
-- , fa "<1 1 1 1 1>" $ n "5 [~ ~ 5 ~] ~ 5*<1 2>" -- Variation for the Bayan
-- , press $ dubd $ n "<~ 6>"
-- , every 4 (within (0.75, 1) (fast 3)) $ fa 4 $ n "2 <3 3 3 4>" # amp ((shrand 2124) * 0.3) -- For the Dayan
-- , every 4 (within (0.75, 1) (fast 3)) $ fa 2 $ n "2 <3 3 3 4>" # amp ((shrand 2124) * 0.3) -- Chilling on the Dayan
-- , every 4 (within (0.75, 1) (fast 2)) $ fa 8 $ n "2 <3 3 3 7>" # amp ((shrand 3476) * 0.3) -- Party on the Dayan
] # s "dhol" # orb 6
d2m' 64 -- Hard kick to bring in the party
-- $ spreadstruct' "1" [144, 146]
$ s "btdubkick" # n "[5,17]"
d5m -- Simple bass
-- $ press
-- $ every 3 (within (0.5, 1) (fast 2))
$ slg "jungbass*2" # n 2
# up "2" # att 0.1 # rel 0.1
-- Music line 1
xfadeIn 6 8
-- d6
-- $ every 4 (# dels' 0.4 2 0.73)
$ every 2 (scramble 8)
$ ply 2
$ s "music-125bpm" # n 5
-- # bpmm 135
# lpf' (rg 800 5000 $ slow 6.3 $ sine) 0.3
# shape 0.3
-- # lpf 800
>| grain (tn' (r 4)) tn
-- # g 0.4
# silence
-- Music line 2
-- xfadeIn 6 2
-- $ chup
$ every 7 (scramble 2)
$ every 4 (# dels' 0.29 2 0.73)
$ ply 1
$ linger 0.5
$ s "music-125bpm" # n 8
-- # bpmm 135
# lpf' (rg 800 5000 $ slow 6.3 $ sine) 0.3
-- # lpf 1200
-- # shape 0.6
>| grain (tn' (r 16)) tn
-- Electro tumbi
-- xfadeIn 6 2
d6--' 16
-- $ stb 0.24 (within (0.75, 1) (fast 2))
-- $ palindrome
-- $ spreadstruct' 2 [144, 148, 152, 140]
$ s "tumbi*8" # n 1
-- # grain (tn' (r )) (range tn sn $ slow 4.3 $ saw)
# grain (tn' (r 7)) tn
-- # up 2
# dels' 0.15 2 0.9
# g 1.2
-- # shape 0.4
-- # hpf 300 # lpf 800
# bpmm 140
-- # silence
-- Some special sauce functions and aliases
let bpmm b = cps (b/120/2)
binstruct p = struct (binary p)
spreadstruct bin = spread binstruct bin
spreadstruct' speed bin = fast speed . spread binstruct bin
binstruct' s a p = struct (binaryN s a) $ p
footwork1 = struct "t(3,8,2)"
footwork2 = struct "t(5,8)"
footwork3 = struct "t(<3 5>,8,2)"
footwork4 = struct "t(3,8,<0 7>)"
footwork = struct "[t ~ ~ t ~ ~ t ~]"
bo p = trunc (segment 8 $ slowsaw + 0.125) $ p
ob = trunc (slow 4 $ "<0.25 0.5 0.75 1>")
ob' d = trunc (slow d $ "<0.25 0.5 0.75 1>")
chup = silent
dels' amount timediv feed = delay amount # delaytime ((1/16)* timediv) # delayfeedback feed
dubd p = sometimes (stut (choose[4, 8]) 0.0125 (1/8)) $ p
dubd' d p = sometimes (stut (choose[4, 8]) d (1/8)) $ p
qn = (1/4)
en = (1/8)
qv = (1/8)
sn = (1/16)
sqv = (1/16) -- Semi quaver
tn = (1/32)
dsqv = (1/32) -- Demi Semi quaver
hdsqv = (1/64) -- Hemi Demi Semi quaver
qn' m = (1/4) * m
en' m = (1/8) * m
qv' m = (1/8) * m
sn' m = (1/16) * m
sqv' m = (1/16) * m
tn' m = (1/32) * m
dsqv' m = (1/32) * m
hdsqv' m = (1/64) * m
r = run
-- For muting
let d1m a = p 1 $ chup $ a
d2m a = p 2 $ chup $ a
d3m a = p 3 $ chup $ a
d4m a = p 4 $ chup $ a
d5m a = p 5 $ chup $ a
d6m a = p 6 $ chup $ a
d7m a = p 7 $ chup $ a
d8m a = p 8 $ chup $ a
-- Mute patterns every x cycles
d1m' a = p 1 . (|< orbit 0) . (every a (const "~"))
d2m' a = p 2 . (|< orbit 1) . (every a (const "~"))
d3m' a = p 3 . (|< orbit 2) . (every a (const "~"))
d4m' a = p 4 . (|< orbit 3) . (every a (const "~"))
d5m' a = p 5 . (|< orbit 4) . (every a (const "~"))
d6m' a = p 6 . (|< orbit 5) . (every a (const "~"))
d7m' a = p 7 . (|< orbit 6) . (every a (const "~"))
d8m' a = p 8 . (|< orbit 7) . (every a (const "~"))
d9m' a = p 9 . (|< orbit 8) . (every a (const "~"))
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