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Created July 3, 2014 12:42
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Convert the Wall Street Journal section of the Penn Treebank to CoNLL format
# This Gist converts the Wall Street Journal part of the Penn Treebank
# (more specifically, sections 2–24) to CoNLL 2007 format using
# PennConverter. As suggested by the authors of PennConverter, the script
# first applies the NP bracketing patch by David Vadas.
# In order to make this script work, you will need the following files:
# * treebank-3.tar.gz, containing the standard distribution of the PTB
# * PTB_NP_Bracketing_Data_1.0.tgz, containing the NP bracketing patch by
# David Vadas (see
# * pennconverter.jar, containing PennConverter (see
# Place these files into the same directory as this script and execute the
# script. This will produce three files: train.conll (corresponding to WSJ
# sections 2–21), dev.conll (section 22), and test.conll (section 23).
set -e
pennconverter="java -Xmx1G -jar $root/pennconverter.jar -conll2007"
tar xzf treebank-3.tar.gz
tar xzf PTB_NP_Bracketing_Data_1.0.tgz
cd treebank-3 && patch -p1 < $root/PTB_NP_Bracketing_Data_1.0/ptb_wsj_np_bracketing_00_24.diff
cat $(for section in $(seq 2 21); do
find $treebank/$(printf %02d $section) -name '*.mrg'
done) > $root/train.mrg
cat $(find $treebank/22 -name '*.mrg') > $root/dev.mrg
cat $(find $treebank/23 -name '*.mrg') > $root/test.mrg
$pennconverter < $root/train.mrg > $root/train.conll
$pennconverter < $root/dev.mrg > $root/dev.conll
$pennconverter < $root/test.mrg > $root/test.conll
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