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Last active February 21, 2023 03:03
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Yoneda Lemma Proof under Haskell like Functor
module Yoneda where
open import Function.Base using (_∘_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core using (_≡_)
{- specialized Morphism to Haskell function,
specialized Functor to Haskell Functor,
Proof of Yoneda Lemma -}
{- 射を Haskell の関数に、
関手を Haskell の Functor に限定した場合の
米田の補題の証明 -}
module Covariant where
module Yoneda
(f : Set Set)
(fmap : {p q} (p q) f p f q) {- covariant functor -} {- 共変ファンクター -}
(r : Set)
{- construction of Yoneda map ⟹ -}
{- 米田写像 ⟹ の構成 -}
map-⟹ : ( (a : Set) (r a) f a) f r
map-⟹ Nat = Nat r (λ x x)
{- construction of Yoneda map ⟸ -}
{- 米田写像 ⟸ の構成 -}
map-⟸ : f r ( (a : Set) (r a) f a)
map-⟸ x a k = fmap k x
module Lemma
(fmap-id : {p} fmap {p} {p} (λ x x) ≡ (λ x x)) -- fmap id ≡ id
(Nat-free-thr : {p q} (g : p q)
(Nat : (a : Set) (r a) f a)
(k : r p)
fmap g (Nat p k) ≡ Nat q (g ∘ k))
{- Naturality about `a` of Natural Transformation `∀ (a : Set) → (r → a) → f a`
(Raynolds-abstraction, Parametricity, Free-Theorem) -}
{- 自然変換 `∀ (a : Set) → (r → a) → f a` で成立する `a` についての自然性条件 -}
{- proof that composition of Yoneda map (⟹ ∘ ⟸) is identity -}
{- 米田写像の合成 (⟹ ∘ ⟸) が恒等関数になることの証明 -}
id-right-left : map-⟹ ∘ map-⟸ ≡ (λ x x)
id-right-left = fmap-id
{- proof that composition of Yoneda map (⟸ ∘ ⟹) is identity -}
{- 米田写像の合成 (⟸ ∘ ⟹) が恒等関数になることの証明 -}
id-left-right : (Nat : (a : Set) (r a) f a) (b : Set) (k : r b)
(map-⟸ ∘ map-⟹) Nat b k ≡ Nat b k
id-left-right Nat b k = Nat-free-thr k Nat (λ z z)
{- Since we have shown id-right-left , id-left-right , proof of Yoneda lemma is complete -}
{- id-right-left , id-left-right を示したので、米田の補題の証明が完了 -}
{- covariant Yoneda Embedding
Cᵒᵖ → Sets^C
s → r : Cᵒᵖ (morphism of Cᵒᵖ)
∀ a . r → a : C → Sets (covaritant Hom Functor, object of functor category Sets^C)
∀ a . (r → a) → (s → a) : C → Sets (morphism of functor category Sets^C) -}
{- 共変米田埋め込み
Cᵒᵖ → Sets^C
s → r : Cᵒᵖ (Cᵒᵖ の射)
∀ a . r → a : C → Sets (共変Hom関手, 関手圏 Sets^C の対象)
∀ a . (r → a) → (s → a) : C → Sets (関手圏 Sets^C の射) -}
yonedaEmbedding : (r : Set) (s : Set)
(s r)
( (a : Set) (r a) (s a))
yonedaEmbedding r s =⟸ s→ s→-fmap r
s→ : Set Set
s→ a = s a
s→-fmap : {p q} (p q) (s p) (s q)
s→-fmap m h = m ∘ h
module Contravariant where
module Yoneda
(f : Set Set)
(fmap : {p q} (q p) f p f q) -- 反変ファンクター
(r : Set)
-- 米田写像 ⟹ の構成
map-⟹ : ( (a : Set) (a r) f a) f r
map-⟹ Nat = Nat r (λ x x)
-- 米田写像 ⟸ の構成
map-⟸ : f r ( (a : Set) (a r) f a)
map-⟸ x a k = fmap k x
module Lemma
(fmap-id : {p} fmap {p} {p} (λ y y) ≡ (λ y y)) -- fmap id ≡ id
(Nat-free-thr : {p q} (g : q p)
(Nat : (a : Set) (a r) f a)
(k : p r)
fmap g (Nat p k) ≡ Nat q (k ∘ g))
-- 自然変換 ∀ (a : Set) → (a → r) → f a で成立する自然性条件
-- 米田写像の合成 (⟹ ∘ ⟸) が恒等関数になることの証明
id-right-left : map-⟹ ∘ map-⟸ ≡ (λ x x)
id-right-left = fmap-id
-- 米田写像の合成 (⟸ ∘ ⟹) が恒等関数になることの証明
id-left-right : (Nat : (a : Set) (a r) f a) (b : Set) (k : b r)
map-⟸ (map-⟹ Nat) b k ≡ Nat b k
id-left-right Nat b k = Nat-free-thr k Nat (λ z z)
-- id-right-left , id-left-right を示したので、米田の補題の証明が完了
-- 反変米田埋め込み
-- C → Sets^Cᵒᵖ
-- r → s : C の射
-- ∀ a . a → r : Cᵒᵖ Sets (反変Hom関手) は関手圏 Sets^Cᵒᵖ の対象
-- ∀ a . (a → r) → (a → s) は関手圏 Sets^Cᵒᵖ の射
yonedaEmbedding : (r : Set) (s : Set)
(r s)
( (a : Set) (a r) (a s))
yonedaEmbedding r s =⟸ →s →s-fmap r
→s : Set Set
→s a = a s
→s-fmap : {p q} (q p) (p s) (q s)
→s-fmap m h = h ∘ m
Module Yoneda.
(* 射を Haskell の関数に、
関手を Haskell の Functor に限定した場合の
米田の補題の証明 *)
Section UnderFandFreeT.
Variable (r : Type).
Variable (f : Type -> Type) (fmap : forall p q, (p -> q) -> f p -> f q).
Variable (fmap_id : forall p x, fmap p p (fun y => y) x = x). (* fmap id === id *)
Variable (Nat_free_thr :
forall p q (g : p -> q)
(Nat : forall (a : Type), (r -> a) -> f a)
(k : r -> p),
fmap p q g (Nat p k) = Nat q (fun z => g (k z))).
(* forall (a : Type), (r -> a) -> f a で成立する Raynolds-abstraction (free-theorem) *)
(* 米田写像 "-->" の構成 *)
Lemma map_lr : (forall (a : Type), (r -> a) -> f a) -> f r.
intros Nat.
apply Nat.
intros y.
Print map_lr.
(* map_lr =
fun (Nat : forall a : Type, (r -> a) -> f a)
=> Nat r (fun y : r => y)
: (forall a : Type, (r -> a) -> f a) -> f r
(* 米田写像 "<--" の構成 *)
Lemma map_rl : f r -> (forall (a : Type), (r -> a) -> f a).
intros x a k.
apply (fmap r a).
Print map_rl.
(* map_rl =
fun (x : f r) (a : Type) (k : r -> a)
=> fmap r a k x
: f r -> forall a : Type, (r -> a) -> f a
(* "-->" ・ "<--" === id *)
Lemma rr_id : forall (x : f r),
map_lr (map_rl x) = x. (* map_lr ・ map_rl === id *)
unfold map_rl. (* 米田写像 "<--" の定義 *)
unfold map_lr. (* 米田写像 "-->" の定義 *)
now apply fmap_id. (* fmap id === id *)
Print rr_id.
(* rr_id =
fun x : f r
=> fmap_id r x
: forall x : f r, map_lr (map_rl x) = x
(* "<--" ・ "-->" === id *)
Lemma ll_id : forall
(Nat : forall (a : Type), (r -> a) -> f a)
(b : Type) (k : r -> b),
map_rl (map_lr Nat) b k = Nat b k. (* map_rl ・ map_lr === id *)
unfold map_rl.
unfold map_lr.
rewrite Nat_free_thr.
Print ll_id.
(* ll_id =
fun (Nat : forall a : Type, (r -> a) -> f a) (b : Type) (k : r -> b)
=> eq_ind_r (fun f0 : f b => f0 = Nat b k) eq_refl
(Nat_free_thr r b k Nat (fun y : r => y))
: forall (Nat : forall a : Type, (r -> a) -> f a) (b : Type) (k : r -> b),
map_rl (map_lr Nat) b k = Nat b k
(* 米田写像 "-->", "<--" の構成と、
同型になることの証明が完了。 *)
Record IsoProperty :=
{ map_lr_ : (forall (a : Type), (r -> a) -> f a) -> f r;
map_rl_ : f r -> (forall (a : Type), (r -> a) -> f a);
rr_id_ : forall (x : f r), map_lr_ (map_rl_ x) = x;
ll_id_ : forall
(Nat : forall (a : Type), (r -> a) -> f a)
(b : Type) (k : r -> b),
map_rl_ (map_lr_ Nat) b k = Nat b k;
(* 同型に必要な証明をまとめる *)
Lemma yoneda_iso : IsoProperty.
now apply (Build_IsoProperty map_lr map_rl rr_id ll_id).
End UnderFandFreeT.
Print Yoneda.yoneda_iso.
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