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Kristian Hellang khellang

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bassemfg / GetAllListItems.cs
Last active September 6, 2024 22:01
Get all files in all folders and sub folders of a SharePoint online document library recursively using CSOM and CAML
private List<ListItem> GetAllItems( ClientContext Context, List list, List<ListItem> ListItems)
camlQuery.ViewXml =
@"< View Scope = 'RecursiveAll'>
< Query >
mburbea / Bits.cs
Last active February 24, 2019 12:51
namespace System {
// Little-Endian based approaches most likely do not work on big-endian hardware.
// Code based on examples found in
// Bit Twiddling hacks:
// Chess programming wiki:
public static class Bits
hmemcpy /
Last active November 21, 2023 16:46
Disabling Visual Studio Git Provider

Here's how to disable the package that is responsible for loading the Git source control support in Visual Studio. Use at your own risk!

  • Create a file called devenv.pkgundef and place it next to devenv.exe in you Visual Studio's Common7\IDE (you'll need elevation for this)
  • Add the following entries to the file:
  • Close VS if open, open a Developer command prompt, and type devenv /updateconfiguration
vbfox / nullarg.DotSettings
Created November 26, 2014 17:16
NullReferenceException check -> custom function with ReSharper Structural Search And replace
<wpf:ResourceDictionary xml:space="preserve" xmlns:x="" xmlns:s="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib" xmlns:ss="urn:shemas-jetbrains-com:settings-storage-xaml" xmlns:wpf="">
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/PatternsAndTemplates/StructuralSearch/Pattern/=2F4A0295AA4DD848965FCA6DA262D8B4/@KeyIndexDefined">True</s:Boolean>
<s:String x:Key="/Default/PatternsAndTemplates/StructuralSearch/Pattern/=2F4A0295AA4DD848965FCA6DA262D8B4/Comment/@EntryValue">ArgumentNullException Thrown</s:String>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/PatternsAndTemplates/StructuralSearch/Pattern/=2F4A0295AA4DD848965FCA6DA262D8B4/IsReplacePattern/@EntryValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:String x:Key="/Default/PatternsAndTemplates/StructuralSearch/Pattern/=2F4A0295AA4DD848965FCA6DA262D8B4/LanguageName/@EntryValue">CSHARP</s:String>
<s:String x:Key="/Default/PatternsAndTemplates/StructuralSearch/Pattern/=2F4A0295AA4DD848965FCA6DA262D8B4/ReplaceComment/@EntryV
adamralph / notes.csx
Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
Create release notes from GitHub issues with power of scriptcs and Octokit!
var owner = "scriptcs";
var repo = "scriptcs";
var milestone = "v0.10";
var labels = new Dictionary<string, string>{ { "feature", "New" }, { "bug", "Fixed" } };
var username = "adamralph";
var oAuthToken = "secret";
var client = Require<OctokitPack>().CreateWithOAuth("ScriptCs.ReleaseNotesScript", username, oAuthToken);
var issues = client.Issue.GetForRepository(owner, repo, new RepositoryIssueRequest { State = ItemState.Closed, }).Result;
using System.Threading;
Console.Beep(659, 125);
Console.Beep(659, 125);
Console.Beep(659, 125);
Console.Beep(523, 125);
Console.Beep(659, 125);
using System.Threading;
Console.Beep(658, 125);
Console.Beep(1320, 500);
Console.Beep(990, 250);
Console.Beep(1056, 250);
Console.Beep(1188, 250);
Console.Beep(1320, 125);
Console.Beep(1188, 125);
Console.Beep(1056, 250);
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)]
public class ಠ_ಠAttribute : Attribute
public ILog Log { get; set; }
public ಠ_ಠAttribute()
Log.Info("This code is bad and you should feel bad");