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Last active April 12, 2018 15:38
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board minutes 2018-03-15
Board Meeting Minutes March 15, 2018
Meeting called to order at 8:10
Yoyo Z.
Sharon G.
Sharyn P.
Jens D.
Alan W.
Eric B.
Carlton K.
Doris A.
Kevin G.
Mary L.
Approval of minutes: Carleton moves, Yoyo seconds, approved unanimously, Sharyn P. abstains.
Action Item Review:
DONE Yoyo will send the newly-drafted g-word letter to dance *series* programmers, but not to display dance teams.
STILL IN PROGRESS Sharon G. contact Clara, the item is in progress.
DONE Sharon G. may have thanked Chris Knepper, and will thank him again in case she hadn't.
DONE Mary L. sent Jens the attendance spreadsheet, he will distribute it.
STILL IN PROGRESS Mary T. is looking at the effects on musicians of raising the English minimums to $30 or $40
DONE We need to replace Jens as the carrier of the AED. We should have a discussion about
it when Mary T. is here, since she was the original advocate. [George Nesbitt has been deputized.]
STILL IN PROGRESS We need to find a display dance reporting coordinator other than Mary L.,
who got the job by default when Ric Goldman gave it up. Try Beth Bergen? Michael Jones?
Kevin G. will ask about.
STILL IN PROGRESS Action item for Loren and Mary L. to talk offline about what it would take
to make his accrual basis report thing happen without undue extra work for Mary L.
President's Report:
The AED was dealt with. Claire Takemori has the keyboard access she was seeking
for the Free Folk Festival.
This may be Jens' last board meeting.
There is a BACDS google voice number which is attached to his phone.
There is also the answering machine at Craig Johnson's house.
There are emails that come in to the mailman list which was only
Jens. Alan W. has now subscribed to it, and Doris volunteered to be on it as well.
Chair Report:
Next months meeting can't be on the April 19th, maybe April 12th? Alan will
send a note to the board reflector about the date and the venue.
Board positions are ending in May. We should think about who is running
again and who we can find to fill spaces.
There are no changes to the conflict of interest policy, after reviewing it.
Finance Committee:
BtB October of 2017 is still due.
Mary L.'s recommendation is that No Sno Ball doesn't bother with a budget
again this year, if it even happens this year.
Our bank balances are up, $167,730 as of today, up from $155k last month.
FUM rent is going up 10% next quarter.
No new finals or budgets were submitted this month.
Memberships: 35 continuing, 4 rejoining, we have about 392 paying members,
which is somewhat up, we seem to be growing.
Dancer Safety:
Nothing to report.
Old Business:
Sharon G. moves (and Sharyn P. seconds) a motion that the board will endeavor
not to schedule meetings versus any BACDS Country dances that appear on the
calendar, carries unanimously with Jens abstaining.
New Business:
- we can't begin discussion of new payment minimums as Mary T. is not present
- we can't discuss Loren's idea of investing excess funds in CDs as he is not present
- Woodshed dance, insurance costs, they need a $2 million cap, we only have
a $1 million cap
Options: a) drop the woodshed dance, b) find a different hall, c) start charging money,
d) find another insurer just for that series, e) pay the insurance company
another ~$570, about %20, for a higher cap.
Eric B. moves that we increase our liability insurance coverage to $2 million,
Sharon G. seconds, carries unanimously with Alan W. abstaining.
- Alan's 2019 November English Ball idea
- No-Snow Ball: we need somebody to run it, the work around the food is the issue.
Unless a committee appears to run it, there won't be one. Doris volunteered
to be the contact to accept responses. Alan will send a note to the reflector
seeking a committee.
Carlton asks whether we should think about the broader question of volunteer
nurturing, management, encouragement. He volunteers to look into that further.
- Sharyn P. moves that Jens Dill be made a lifetime member
of BACDS, Sharon G. seconds, passes unanimously with Jens abstaining.
Committees/Task-Force Reports:
Ritual Dance:
Berkeley Morris is hosting the California Ale next year in 2019.
Kevin G. moves to adjourn, Yoyo Z. seconds, carries unanimously.
Action Items:
- Sharon G. is contacting Clara for some Safety Committee historical
details, the item is in progress.
- Mary T. is looking at the effects on musicians of raising the English
minimums to $30 or $40
- We need to find a display dance reporting coordinator other than Mary L.,
who got the job by default when Ric Goldman gave it up. Try Beth Bergen?
Michael Jones? Kevin G. will ask about.
- Loren and Mary L. to talk offline about what it would take
to make his accrual basis report thing happen without undue extra work for Mary L.
- NEW ITEM: Mary L. is going to mail the venues or ask the dance coordinators to
find out where AEDs are and keep track of the results.
- The Google voice number and the answering machine have already gone out in
the mailings. We should look at this again in April.
- Mary L. increase liability insurance to $2 million
- Alan W. will send a note to the reflector seeking volunteers for a No-Snow Ball committee.
- Carlton K. to look into the project of how to encourage/nurture volunteers.
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