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Created January 12, 2017 17:00
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runWithMock :: MockDirectoryTree -> FSops r -> [String]
runWithMock mockTree = cata eval
eval :: TF.FreeF FSopsF r [String] -> [String]
eval (TF.Free x@ListDir{}) = msg : cont
msg = printf "LISTDIR: %s\n RESULT: %s\n" (x ^. dirName) (show dirListing)
dirListing = DirectoryListing immediateDirs immediateFiles
immediateDirs = mockTree ^.. unFix2 . mDirs . each . rootDirName
immediateFiles = mockTree ^. unFix2 . mFiles
cont = (x ^. continueWithDirectoryListing) dirListing
eval (TF.Pure _) = []
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