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Last active June 30, 2023 06:34
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Logo for the 2023 IOPCC
c,o,d,e =[ 32],[95], [32,124],[124,32] ;vars(vars( ) [dir( )[1]])[
dir(vars() [dir( )[1]])[ 136] ]( vars( str) [dir( str)[56]]( str(1)[:~1],map(
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# (c) 2023 Kevin Gomez (kg583)
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kg583 commented Mar 22, 2023

Run with python

Works on 3.10; fails on 3.11; may work on older versions.

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kj7rrv commented Jun 30, 2023

May I incorporate this into my IOPCC entry?

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you can do whatever you want, but note the guidelines

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