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Last active April 16, 2018 14:41
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This is a wrapped Elm `Html.program` in order to add additional logic around it.
module Main exposing (..)
import Html exposing (Html, text)
type Msg msg
= Internal
| Wrapped msg
type alias WrappedProgram flags model msg =
Program flags (Model model) (Msg msg)
type alias Model model =
{ internal :
-- some internal state
, wrapped : model
subscriptions : (model -> Sub msg) -> Model model -> Sub (Msg msg)
subscriptions wrappedSubscription { wrapped } =
[ Wrapped (wrappedSubscription wrapped)
, Sub.none
-- rather than "none", this is where you setup extra subscriptions
update : (msg -> model -> ( model, Cmd msg )) -> Msg msg -> Model model -> ( Model model, Cmd (Msg msg) )
update wrappedUpdate msg model =
case msg of
Internal ->
-- handle the message
model ! []
Wrapped wrappedMsg ->
-- let the wrapped app handle the message
( wrappedModel, fx ) =
wrappedUpdate wrappedMsg model.wrapped
( { model | wrapped = wrappedModel }, Wrapped fx )
view : (model -> Html msg) -> Model model -> Html (Msg msg)
view wrappedView { wrapped } =
wrappedView wrapped |> Wrapped
init : ( model, Cmd msg ) -> ( Model model, Cmd (Msg msg) )
init wrapped =
|> Tuple.mapFirst (Model "foo")
|> Tuple.mapSecond ( Wrapped)
program :
{ init : ( model, Cmd msg )
, update : msg -> model -> ( model, Cmd msg )
, view : model -> Html msg
, subscriptions : model -> Sub msg
-> WrappedProgram Never model msg
program config =
{ init = init config.init
, update = update config.update
, view = view config.view
, subscriptions = subscriptions config.subscriptions
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