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Last active June 1, 2021 03:37
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I created an IDL to simplify the restful api development

1. Get started

  • install goctl

    GO111MODULE=on go get -u
  • create the working dir shorturl and shorturl/api

  • in shorturl dir, execute go mod init shorturl to initialize go.mod

2. Write code for API Gateway

  • use goctl to generate api/shorturl.api

    goctl api -o shorturl.api

    for simplicity, the leading info block is removed, and the code looks like:

    type (
    	expandReq {
    		shorten string `form:"shorten"`
    	expandResp {
    		url string `json:"url"`
    type (
    	shortenReq {
    		url string `form:"url"`
    	shortenResp {
    		shorten string `json:"shorten"`
    service shorturl-api {
    		handler: ShortenHandler
    	get /shorten(shortenReq) returns(shortenResp)
    		handler: ExpandHandler
    	get /expand(expandReq) returns(expandResp)

    the usage of type keyword is the same as that in go, service is used to define get/post/head/delete api requests, described below:

    • service shorturl-api { defines the service name
    • @server defines the properties that used in server side
    • handler defines the handler name
    • get /shorten(shortenReq) returns(shortenResp) defines this is a GET request, the request parameters, and the response parameters
  • generate the code for API Gateway by using goctl

    goctl api go -api shorturl.api -dir .

    the generated file structure looks like:

    ├── api
    │   ├── etc
    │   │   └── shorturl-api.yaml         // configuration file
    │   ├── internal
    │   │   ├── config
    │   │   │   └── config.go             // configuration definition
    │   │   ├── handler
    │   │   │   ├── expandhandler.go      // implements expandHandler
    │   │   │   ├── routes.go             // routes definition
    │   │   │   └── shortenhandler.go     // implements shortenHandler
    │   │   ├── logic
    │   │   │   ├── expandlogic.go        // implements ExpandLogic
    │   │   │   └── shortenlogic.go       // implements ShortenLogic
    │   │   ├── svc
    │   │   │   └── servicecontext.go     // defines ServiceContext
    │   │   └── types
    │   │       └── types.go              // defines request/response
    │   ├── shorturl.api
    │   └── shorturl.go                   // main entrance
    ├── go.mod
    └── go.sum
  • start API Gateway service, listens on port 8888 by default

    go run shorturl.go -f etc/shorturl-api.yaml
  • test API Gateway service

    curl -i "http://localhost:8888/shorten?url="

    response like:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2020 14:31:39 GMT
    Content-Length: 15

    You can see that the API Gateway service did nothing except returned a zero value.

  • you can modify internal/svc/servicecontext.go to pass dependencies if needed

  • implement logic in package internal/logic

  • you can use goctl to generate code for clients base on the .api file

  • till now, the client engineer can work with the api, don’t need to wait for the implementation of server side

3. more info about goctl

goctl is a builtin tool in Check out for more info.

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