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Created May 31, 2021 09:15
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Basketball MOO

Basketball MOO

from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace
import numpy as np
from pymoo.algorithms.moead import MOEAD
from pymoo.algorithms.nsga2 import NSGA2
from pymoo.algorithms.rnsga2 import RNSGA2
from pymoo.factory import get_reference_directions
from pymoo.optimize import minimize
from pymoo.visualization.scatter import Scatter
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from problem import BasketballProblem
# * --------------------
# * Parser
# * --------------------
def parse_args() -> Namespace:
parser = ArgumentParser('Basketball MOO')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--players',
type = int,
default = 8,
help = 'Number of players in the team.'
parser.add_argument('-t', '--tplayers',
type = int,
default = 2,
help = 'Number of *talented* players in the team.'
parser.add_argument('-e', '--easy',
action = 'store_true',
default = False,
help = 'Use easier minute limits. This will allow algorithms to converge faster.'
parser.add_argument('-a', '--algorithm',
type = str.lower,
choices = ['moead', 'nsga2', 'rnsga2'],
default = 'moead',
help = 'Algorithm to solve the problem with.'
parser.add_argument('-g', '--generations',
type = int,
default = 1000,
help = 'Number of generations to run the algorithm for.'
action = 'store_true',
default = False,
help = 'Show Pareto front in a graph.'
action = 'store_true',
default = False,
help = 'Show constraint violations in a graph.'
parser.add_argument('-s', '--seed',
type = int,
default = None,
help = 'Seed to init random values.'
return parser.parse_args()
# * --------------------
# * Helpers
# * --------------------
def run(args):
# Create problem and algorithm
problem = BasketballProblem(args.players, args.tplayers, simple_limits=args.easy, seed=args.seed)
# Creamos la población inicial
algorithm = None
if args.algorithm == 'moead':
X = 2 * np.random.random((500, problem.n_var))
algorithm = MOEAD(
get_reference_directions('das-dennis', 3, n_partitions=12),
n_neighbors = 15,
decomposition = 'pbi',
prob_neighbor_mating = 0.7,
seed = args.seed,
sampling = X
elif args.algorithm == 'nsga2':
X = 2 * np.random.random((100, problem.n_var))
algorithm = NSGA2(
pop_size = 100,
n_offsprings = 10,
eliminate_duplicates = True,
seed = args.seed,
sampling = X
elif args.algorithm == 'rnsga2':
X = 2 * np.random.random((100, problem.n_var))
algorithm = RNSGA2(
ref_points = np.array([[0.5, 0.2], [0.1, 0.6]]),
pop_size = 100,
epsilon = 0.01,
normalization = 'front',
eliminate_duplicates = True,
seed = args.seed,
sampling = X
# Solve problem
result = minimize(problem, algorithm,
termination = ('n_gen', args.generations),
# termination = ('time', '00:30:00'),
seed = args.seed,
save_history = args.violations,
verbose = True
return problem, result
def plot_results(problem, result):
pareto_front = problem.pareto_front(use_cache=False, flatten=False)
plot = Scatter(
title = "Pareto front",
labels=["1 / Minutes", "1 / Performance"]
plot.add(pareto_front, plot_type="line", color="black", alpha=0.7)
def plot_violations(result):
cv = []
for index, algorithm in enumerate(result.history):
cv.append([index, algorithm.opt.get('CV').min()])
cv = np.array(cv)
plot = Scatter(
title = "Constraint Violations",
labels=["Generation", "CV"]
plot.add(cv, plot_type="line")
# * --------------------
# * Main program
# * --------------------
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = parse_args()
problem, result = run(args)
if result.F is None:
print('Could not find a solution')
print(f'\nFound {result.F.shape[0]} solutions')
# Plot
if args.pareto:
plot_results(problem, result)
if args.violations:
import numpy as np
from pymoo.model.problem import Problem
from pymoo.util.misc import stack
from util import get_allowed_quintets, get_partials, get_player_minutes
class BasketballProblem(Problem):
def __init__(self, n_players=8, n_talented=2, simple_limits=True, seed=None):
self.n_players = n_players
self.n_talented = n_talented
self.simple_limits = simple_limits
self.quintets = get_allowed_quintets(self.n_players)
self.partials = get_partials(self.quintets, self.n_talented, seed=seed)
# Cada variable nos dice los minutos que juega cada quinteto
n_var = len(self.quintets)
# Cada jugador tiene dos restricciones (limites superior e inferior)
# y añadimos otra para que la suma total de minutos sea 40
n_constr = 2 * self.n_players + 1
n_var = n_var,
n_obj = 2,
n_constr = n_constr,
xl = 0,
xu = 40,
elementwise_evaluation = True
def _evaluate(self, X, out, *args, **kwargs):
# Obtenemos los minutos que ha jugado cada jugador según el muestreo
player_minutes = get_player_minutes(self.quintets, X)
# ! Objetivo M: maximizar la cantidad de minutos que juegan los jugadores talentosos
# Incluímos '-' para minimizar
M = 1 / np.sum(player_minutes[:self.n_talented])
# Calculamos el valor que otorga cada quinteto en base a su parcial
performance = [minutes*partial for minutes, partial in zip(X, self.partials)]
# ! Objetivo R: maximizar el rendimiento de partido
# Incluímos '-' para minimizar
R = 1 / np.sum(performance)
# La suma total de minutos debe ser igual a 40. Para suavizar el problema,
# añadimos un épsilon que da lugar a "holgura"
total_minutes_constr = (sum(X) - 40)**2 - EPSILON
# Calculamos los límites de tiempo de cada jugador
if self.simple_limits:
lower_limits = [5] * self.n_players
upper_limits = [40] * self.n_players
lower_limits = []
upper_limits = []
# Los jugadores talentosos juegan entre 5 y 40.
for i in range(self.n_talented):
# Los demás jugadores, tendrán la restricción basada en los anteriores
for i in range(self.n_talented, self.n_players):
previous_minutes = sum(player_minutes[:i])
remaining_players = self.n_players - (i+1)
lower = min(40, max(5, 200 - previous_minutes - 40 * remaining_players))
upper = max(5, min(40, 200 - previous_minutes - 5 * remaining_players))
# ! Restricciones
# ! - de minutos: la suma tiene que ser 40 minutos
# ! - de jugadores: dos por jugador para los límites
# Las desigualdades de los jugadores se cambian de signo para ser <= 0
C = np.concatenate((
[lower-played for played, lower in zip(player_minutes, lower_limits)],
[played-upper for played, upper in zip(player_minutes, upper_limits)]
# ! Out
out['F'] = np.column_stack([M, R])
out['G'] = np.column_stack(C)
import random
def int_to_binary_string(_int: int, size: int) -> str:
"""Converts an integer into a string with its binary representation.
_int (int): The integer.
size (int): How much should the string be sized to (this adds leading
zeroes if less).
str: The binary string.
return format(_int, f'0{size}b')
def binary_string_to_int(_str: str) -> int:
"""Converts a binary string to the integer it represents.
_str (str): The binary string.
int: The integer.
return int(_str, 2)
def get_allowed_quintets(n_players: int) -> list:
"""Given a number of players, generates all the possible combinations of
n_players (int): Number of players in the team.
list<str>: List with binary strings representing the quintets. The strings
have a size of `n_players` and each bits represents whether that player
is in the quintet (value is '1') or not (value is '0').
_ints = range(0, 2**n_players)
_strs = [int_to_binary_string(_int, n_players) for _int in _ints]
list_q = list(filter(lambda s: s.count('1') == 5, _strs))
return list_q
def get_partials(list_q: list, n_talented: int, seed: int = None) -> list:
"""Given a list of quintets and how many talented players there are in the team,
generate random partial values for each quintet. By default, these partials span
between [-2, 2]. If all the talented players are in the team, it spans [-1, 1].
list_q (list<str>): [description]
n_talented (int):
seed (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to None.
list: [description]
list_p = []
for quinteto in list_q:
# La primera parte de la expresión selecciona los n primeros caracteres del
# quinteto. La segunda parte crea n '1's. Si estos valores son iguales,
# entonces los jugadores talentosos están en el equipo.
if quinteto[:n_talented] == '1'*n_talented:
parcial = random.random() * 2 + 1 # [1, 3]
parcial = random.random() * 4 #- 2 # [0, 4]
parcial = round(parcial, 2)
return list_p
def get_player_minutes(list_q: list, X: list) -> list:
"""Calculates the amount of minutes each player has played based on the quintets
and how many minutes each quintet plays.
list_q (list): List of quintets.
X (list): Minutes each quintet plays.
list: Minutes each player plays.
n_players = len(list_q[0])
list_m = []
for index in range(n_players):
qs = [int(q[index]) for q in list_q]
ms = [q*m for q, m in zip(qs, X)]
return list_m
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