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Last active August 16, 2016 13:12
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Trying to use disjoint unions in Flow
/* @flow */
// Modeled after
type AnimalT = {
id: number,
name: string
type CatT = AnimalT & {
isPurring: bool
type DogT = AnimalT & {
isBarking: bool
// This is cool.
const garfield:AnimalT = {
id: 42,
name: 'Garfield',
isPurring: true
// This is cool.
const rex:DogT = {
id: 45,
name: 'Rex',
isBarking: false
// Trying to check for a property and then work with a more
// specific type doesn't seem to work.
if (garfield.isPurring) {
const cat:CatT = garfield;
// Nor does the approach in
if (garfield.isPurring) {
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kevinrobinson commented Aug 16, 2016

Output is:

  7: type CatT = AnimalT & {
                           ^ property `isPurring`. Property not found in
 34:   const cat:CatT = garfield;
                        ^^^^^^^^ object type

  7: type CatT = AnimalT & {
                           ^ property `isPurring`. Property not found in
 40:   (garfield:CatT);
        ^^^^^^^^ object type

Using: Flow, a static type checker for JavaScript, version 0.30.0

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This is what I had initially tried, and what seemed most intuitive:

type AnimalT = CatT | DogT;
type CatT = {
  id: number,
  name: string,
  isPurring: bool
type DogT = {
  id: number,
  name: string,
  isBarking: bool

It doesn't work either and yields similar errors:

 35:   const cat:CatT = garfield;
                 ^^^^ property `isPurring`. Property not found in
 35:   const cat:CatT = garfield;
                        ^^^^^^^^ object type

 41:   (garfield:CatT);
                 ^^^^ property `isPurring`. Property not found in
 41:   (garfield:CatT);
        ^^^^^^^^ object type

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I also tried adding in an explicit sentinel value (versus matching on the fields that are present). I was trying to match the approach in the docs here:

type Result = Done | Error; // a disjoint union type with two cases
type Done = { status: 'done', answer: Matrix };
type Error = { status: 'error', message: string };

This didn't work either, and my read of the error message is that even expressing the disjoint union was a problem (before even getting to checking the real code)


type CatT = {
  id: number,
  name: string,
  type: 'cat',
  isPurring: bool
type DogT = {
  id: number,
  name: string,
  type: 'dog',
  isBarking: bool
type AnimalT = CatT | DogT;

// This is cool (intentionally generic type)
const garfield:AnimalT = {
  id: 42,
  name: 'Garfield',
  type: 'cat',
  isPurring: true

// This is cool.
const rex:DogT = {
  id: 45,
  name: 'Rex',
  type: 'dog',
  isBarking: false

// Trying to check for a property and then work with a more
// specific type doesn't seem to work.
if (garfield.type === 'cat') {
  const cat:CatT = garfield;

// Nor does the approach in
if (garfield.isPurring) {

This led to these errors:

  6:   type: 'cat',
             ^^^^^ string literal `cat`. Expected string literal `dog`, got `cat` instead
 12:   type: 'dog',
             ^^^^^ string literal `dog`

 12:   type: 'dog',
             ^^^^^ string literal `dog`. Expected string literal `cat`, got `dog` instead
  6:   type: 'cat',
             ^^^^^ string literal `cat`

 45:   (garfield:CatT);
                 ^^^^ property `isPurring`. Property not found in
 45:   (garfield:CatT);
        ^^^^^^^^ object type

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Interestingly, the switch statement works and also detects the type error:

switch (garfield.type) {
  case 'cat': console.log(garfield.isPurring); break;
  case 'dog': console.log(garfield.isBarking); break;

and changing them both to isBarking yields:

 51:   case 'cat': console.log(garfield.isBarking); break;
                                        ^^^^^^^^^ property `isBarking`. Property not found in
 51:   case 'cat': console.log(garfield.isBarking); break;
                               ^^^^^^^^ object type

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